Published Mar 10, 2008
Miami NightNurse
284 Posts
I'm just curious, after reading posts in another thread about charting. How many Lawsuits have you been involved in as a nurse?
How long have you been a nurse?
I guess I'll go first. I've been involved in one lawsuit that was settled out of court. A patient commited suicide by jumping off the roof. I had the patient the day before but not when he did it. I have been a nurse for almost 20 years
1,465 Posts
3 years, no lawsuit yet..thank goodness. I'm sure it is only a matter of time. There seems to be a surge in suing LTC nurses. Everytime this new commerical comes on encouraging LTC families to call the law offices, my family cringes. They know I'm going to start ********.
386 Posts
A hospital attorney (defendant) questioned me once. I never heard anything else about it. That was absolutely close enough for me. Thank God, in more than 30 years of Nursing, that's been all.
nursemary9, BSN, RN
657 Posts
RN 42 Years!!
No lawuits, knock on wood!!
Diary/Dairy, RN
1,785 Posts
RN X 5 years, no lawsuits, but 2 incidents involving risk management - that is enough for me!
A hospital attorney (defendant) questioned me once about a case. I never heard anything more about it.
Thank God, that's been the extent for me in more than 30 years.
Sorry for double post.
HM2VikingRN, RN
4,700 Posts
MikeyJ, RN
1,124 Posts
On the floor I am doing clinicals at currently, there is a nurse who has been practicing for 41 years and has been involved in one lawsuit. She was describing how it had went to court and they were specifically targeting her and she had to actually "take the stand" and defend herself. She said the only thing that saved her butt was her very meticulous narrative charting.
Liddle Noodnik
3,789 Posts
I'm just curious, after reading posts in another thread about charting. How many Lawsuits have you been involved in as a nurse?How long have you been a nurse?
Never since 1981.
189 Posts
Nothing has come to pass yet, that I know of, but I can think of 3 families that are probably going to sue (I think one has already started the process) at my old job and maybe even 1 at my new job. I think all but one of them is really going to revolve more around "what the doctors did" more than nursing's involvement.
GrumpyRN63, ADN, RN
833 Posts
One lawsuit but was a PCT at the time, still everyone who was on the shift had to go, getting served the papers by the sheriff was a little unnerving, had to give a deposition and go to superior court for 2 days to testify. no jury, judge only, hospital won. Never want to do it as an RN !!!