Nursing Students Excelsior
Published May 6, 2014
1 Post
This is one of the best feelings I have ever felt in life. I not only passed the notorious A&P exam. I got an A! I almost cried when I found out my score... since I registered for this exam and left only 2 weeks study time when also I work full time at a research company. I was extremely overwhelmed at the amount of information that I needed to cram in just 14 days. (10 of which I was working from 8am - 5pm in a highly challenging and high stress working environment, coming home drained) The amount of stress I felt was worse than any stress I had experienced in college so far. I had also taken a 2 year break from college so I was not used to having a study load.
Here's what I did:
1. Rented the Martini book from rentals
2. paid $20 for the MyStudyGuide101 helper
3. Printed only the study guide pages (less than 200 pages) and put in a binder.
4. Wrote a schedule of what I needed to study and when I could dedicate time
5. Went on to ANATOMYGMC channel and watched a video class on each section, and took notes/made flashcards/drew pictures. This was crucial.
6. AFTER watching each video - I went though the same info in MSG101 and highlighted/made more flash cards/re-worked the info into my head.
7. Once all the chapters were covered, (11 days) I went to the official Pearson Site for review---
8. I looked over all the tutorials (2 min each) and labeling exercises, and more importantly I took the chapter practice tests. These tests have similar questions to the exam.
9. Any questions I got wrong, I corrected in my mind by making a flashcard.
10. Day before exam - spend all day reviewing flashcards and notes/pictures I drew
I was exhausted and miserable for those 2 weeks. I almost ruined my relationships and was cranky, and even studied to the point of making myself sick. (not recommended)
Here was my schedule generally:
Week 1
M-F: 4 hours each night 6pm-10pm (2 chapter videos, and 1 hour SG101 per chapter vid)
Sat/Sun (8 to 9 hours of study, 3 or 4 chapter videos, and 1 hour of SG101 for each)
Week 2
Sat/Sun (8 to 9 hours of study, Pearson website, practice tests, flashcards)
DO NOT FORGET TO EAT and hydrate. I had no time to cook or clean so I ordered thin crust veggie pizzas (not too bad for you) and drank meal replacements. Some days I forgot to eat... and started feeling very sick. I was miserable, and am lucky to have supportive friends and family that reminded me that I could do this.
I would recommend arranging the full 15 weeks to study, but for those who don't have the luxury of time - it's possible to pass this test. Hope this helped.
316 Posts
Wow, that is incredible!!! Congrats!!!
9 Posts
Thanks for the motivation ?
150 Posts
330 Posts
You could give a class on study skills and tricks! Congratulations on your great score!
Question is the A&P 6 credit exam a combination of A&P 1and 2 which will show as 1 grade on your transcript or two grades on your transcript for A&P 1 and 2?
8 Posts
Congrats!! This is really great!
11 Posts
I watched same you tube channel an got an a also. Congrats. Took me longer then 2 weeks though kinda a procrastinator. Good channel. Devin
36 Posts
The Martini website is awesome. Thanks for posting!
73 Posts
Hello Tamkin,
Congratulations on your A!!! Your success is very commendable and encouraging. I took A&P 17 years ago and I just signed up for the exam. My intention is too improve my science GPA and so I need an A. I have 5 weeks to get it done. I am going to use Larend's study guide /notes Excelsior College Anatomy Physiology Exam CD Study Guide w Practice Exams | eBay instead of SG101. I will log my progress and results.
5 Posts
Hi. I'm trying to gauge if I'm ready for this test. There isn't a hard number cutoff for grades that I could find in the Excelsior Technical Guide. For those who got an A on this exam, what range of scores were you getting on the 2 practice tests? I need to get an A and nothing less. Thank you.
83 Posts
The practice exams saved me big time for this exam. I was still on the fence about using excelsior while studying for this exam. I spent a lot of time studying the wrong things and the practice exam really narrowed my focus.