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How did you first hear about

I started the site, so mine is "Other". :)

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Specializes in special needs: children, afc.

a good friend emailed me the best nursing jokes i'd ever heard, so in my quest for more more more, i hit up a search engine for nursing humor and couldn't get registered fast enough! found nursetoons which i've shared with, well, everyone in my nursing class which keeps stress down (according to one of our instructors) by using laughter as a relief... keep smiling y'all and sharing, love allnurses!

I got it from a Dogpile search while searching for info on men in nursing. Great site, great info!

Specializes in ER/Trauma.

google search.

Was looking for stuff to help me with a class. Saw one of the threads. Read some.

Then read some more.

And then kept on reading - completely forgot about the assignment for class! :rolleyes:

And the rest, as they say, is history :)

Specializes in Critical Care.

I was looking up 'infrared nurse tracking systems' on yahoo.

Your few threads on the topic was the only nurse's opinions on the diabolical devices out there. The rest of the online stuff was advertising the devices to hospitals and how 'wonderful' they are.

But then, I started looking around. And the site was too neat to let go. I started using it to bounce off other nursing subjects I was interested in.

And then, I started commenting.

And now, well, y'all haven't shut me up yet . . .



I found it while looking up info on wound VACs while trying to get one for my husband:) What do ya know the site was very helpful and now he has one ordered!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!

I found this site when I googled something in regards to nursing....I love this site! :lol2: :balloons:

Google of course. I found this site years ago when I was in the Nursing program. I had to put that on hold and now I'm back. YAY!!:balloons:


Specializes in Med/Surg/Tele.

Google, I was trying to find information on a school that I was applying for.

I am so happy to find this site, I've told all my other nursing students at school. I love it!

I was looking for info on nursing careers and came across the site. I'm so glad I did.

Specializes in geriatric nursing.

through search engine.. im glad i found this..

Specializes in Cath Lab/Critical Care.

I was sooo excited the summer before I started nursing school, I was always googling nursing stuff just to feel like I was a part of it! I found some funny stuff from allnurses that I read, and I was favorite thing to do was to find all the yucky stuff posted, and read it out loud to my hubby just to gross him out! I tell EVERYBODY about this site, I LOVE it!!!:clown:

Specializes in Open Heart/ Trauma/ Sx Stepdown/ Tele.

searching on the web for nursing and related sites brought me to allnurses.

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