How hard is Statistics?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I am starting my ADN program this Fall. After that I am going to go directly into an RN-BSN program. I need Statistics as a pre-req so I'm going to take it during this summer quarter. I have not taken any college math since my senior year in high school, which I took pre-calc at the local community college. That qualifies me for Statistics, there is no time limit on the math at my school. I do not like math but it was the only subject I got A's in back then, but it was a struggle. I have all 4.0's in my pre-req's now, but had a 2.9 cum with my first BA. I have to say that having finished A&P and Micro both with a 99% average, am I being silly to be this scared about Statistics. I have been putting this class off because my math in the ADN program is considered higher than Statistics so I only have to take it for BSN and Master's level. Why am I so scared? Should I be? Will the math part be like riding a bike? Whenever there have been math, like dilutions, and converstions in Chemistry I was able to do them once I sat down at home but if I thought about it in class it was way over my head.

I aced college level calculus in high school so I thought statistics would be a breeze. I took statistics online and wouldn't recommend going that route! I miraculously came out with a B, but it was pretty difficult for me. The first part of the semester was simple, probablity type problems (If you have 52 cards in a deck what is the probability you will get and red jack type stuff) towards mid semester we got into alot of theories and bell curves and Z tests and that's where it got foggy to me. I think had I been in class and had an instructor explaining it, it may have been easier, but trying to teach myself was impossible. I don't think it's anything to be scared of, but definately be prepared. I think with a good instructor you have nothing to worry about!

Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.

It was not easy for me but math is my sore spot. I got a B but worked for it. I did like it a LOT better than algebra!!!! I would go to class early if I got stuck with stuff and ask my teacher for help. I met up with an old friend from a previous math class who wants to be a math teacher so she explained things to me a lot and I was fortunate to have her. I would look into getting a tutor from the start. Everything builds on each other so you need to stay on top of stuff or you will drown. ALWAYS DO YOUR HOMEWORK!

Specializes in Onc/Hem, School/Community.

I had a wonderful instructor and ended up with an A. My secret? Practice makes perfect. I did any problem I could find that related to the chapter. If the instructor assigned odd/even numbered problems, I still worked out every single one for the practice. Also, one chapter builds onto the next, so make sure you don't wait too long to get help if its needed. I'm sure you'll do fine. Best of luck to you!

Specializes in AICU.

I gave up on studying this semester and got a C+ very stupid the class would have been much easier had I done the homework! Good thing I got into nursing school! Have Fun and just do the homework!

Well, it definitely depends on your math attitude and experience. Everyone is different but with your previous math classes you should be able to handle it. And if you find yourself struggling, get extra help. I completely agree with cad4296. The online class was more difficult for me than if i took an in-class instruction. (i have taken many online classes and found them easy to manage). It just took more time to understand the concepts because you are just reading vs. reading, hearing and seeing the explanations first hand. But again, everyone is different.

my "math attitude" is piss poor!

To say i struggled in algebra is a major understatement. it took three tries. I never could pass int. algebra in college and so made a deal with my advisor to take physics and stats instead of it. My instructor was a worthless forestry guy. I learned stats from a hippie tutor for 5 $ an hour on the steps of the library, and i did well! Give me stats anyday!!!

I was never a great math student, but I loved my statistics class! Just think of the problems as puzzles that you need to figure out.

I am starting my ADN program this Fall. After that I am going to go directly into an RN-BSN program. I need Statistics as a pre-req so I'm going to take it during this summer quarter. I have not taken any college math since my senior year in high school, which I took pre-calc at the local community college. That qualifies me for Statistics, there is no time limit on the math at my school. I do not like math but it was the only subject I got A's in back then, but it was a struggle. I have all 4.0's in my pre-req's now, but had a 2.9 cum with my first BA. I have to say that having finished A&P and Micro both with a 99% average, am I being silly to be this scared about Statistics. I have been putting this class off because my math in the ADN program is considered higher than Statistics so I only have to take it for BSN and Master's level. Why am I so scared? Should I be? Will the math part be like riding a bike? Whenever there have been math, like dilutions, and converstions in Chemistry I was able to do them once I sat down at home but if I thought about it in class it was way over my head.

I hated math in high school. I LOVE statistics. I have made an A in every stats class I have ever had, and I am in my 4th stats course at the graduate level - 3 of which have been on-line. I believe the key is to KEEP UP. You absolutely can't fall behind. Each class builds on the previous one and it will be difficult to understand new material if you don't understand the previous material. Ask for help immediately if you don't understand something. Also, sometimes a formula or a theory won't make sense the first few times, but once you go a little further, it will just click.

Someone on here recommended a book call "Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics." I believe the author is Neil Salkind.

Good luck.

Specializes in LTC/Skilled Care/Rehab.

I am pretty good at math and I thought stats was difficult but not impossilbe. Just do all the homework the teacher assigns you and don't be afraid to ask questions. Good luck!

Specializes in Med-Surg.

It was boring and tedious. It's easy.

I am not good at math. I was scared of statistics, but of all the math classes I took it was the easiest. The concepts are not abstract, but rather it's math you can apply to your real life. For me that made it easier to understand. If you know the formulas and you do a lot of practice, you will do fine. :) If your college has a math lab, see if you can do your homework there so you can get help from the people in the lab. My college offered credit for doing homework in the math lab that applied towards the final grade.

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