How Does This End?

It is difficult to imagine how this pandemic ends. Does it play out regardless of what we do? How do we make sense of a world that is so vastly different? As health care providers, knowledge is power, but it also gives us more anxiety and more awareness of the dangers around us. Nurses COVID Article


We Watched and Planned ...

My husband and I began watching the Covid-19 numbers in early January. I remember sitting in our living room during a typically dark, cold Minnesota Winter day and discussing how it was going to go down. We debated going to the "big city" the first weekend of February for fear that it had already made its way to the United States. My husband plotted graphs and looked at the exponential growth, and he made predictions about what might happen if it did get out of China. We bought extra food, essentials, and began to save money. We talked late into the night about the potential scenarios that might unfold.

And, Waited

I watched, in horror, as it began to make its way around the world, and everything that we talked about in late-night conversations started to materialize. My husband and I wished that we could be wrong. The lack of PPE and the rate of health care worker infection weighed heavily on our minds. We were already homeschooling and had begun stocking up, so when things shut down, we were already reasonably prepared. Few things changed in our daily routine, except the loss of a once a week preschool for our youngest, church for all of us, and an evening kids club and date night for the two of us. We are both in the high-risk category, so we hunkered down and waited ... and waited ... and waited ...

Now, the Uncertainty

I was fortunate (or unfortunate enough to be high risk) to be able to be off work for a while. I am headed back in a few weeks after spending an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime Summer with my husband and three young kids. I am anxious about how I will assimilate back into nursing. I am apprehensive about how I will feel coming home to my family after 12 hours of potential exposure. I am still fairly worried about the PPE situation. I have little trust in the government agencies who are guiding our direction in this pandemic.

At the end of the day, however, I am just weary. I am tired of seclusion, but also feel safer in it. I am tired of thinking about the future outcome for myself, my family, our finances, my world, OUR world. I am tired of the uncertainty. I am sad for my children and how this is all going to affect their future.

Questions Unanswered

How long do we do this?

How long do I go without seeing any extended family for fear of exposing them, or us?

How long do I hesitantly go out in public, debating whether I should wear a mask when no one else is?

How long do we keep our already homeschooled children away from social networks and peers?

How long do we stay home from church, our community lifeline?

How do we prepare financially, mentally, spiritually?

How do we, as a collective body of healthcare providers, ensure that the career we chose is honored and protected?

I did not sign up to go to war. I signed up to care for people, show compassion, educate, and advocate, but not at the cost of my own life. My family, indeed, never agreed to be exposed to the dangers that I may face when I go to work. How do I justify the costs for them?

These are all rhetorical questions and each of us has our own set of questions, all with no concrete answers. How does this end? I suspect it will play out regardless of what containment measures are put into place. It only takes one moment of weakness to be potentially exposed.

What are your questions? Your answers? How in the world does this end?

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
On 7/18/2020 at 10:35 PM, LovingLife123 said:

I disagree with you. This country is so divided and people are so busy being angry and yelling at each other and hating on the others political affiliation that nobody is listening to reason. Nobody. We can’t defeat a virus like this.

Nobody is listening to common sense. Half of the people won’t mask or wash their hands. The other half think everyone needs to be wearing cloth a fabric masks. It’s crazy. None of that works.

Do you see any of the people in these other countries wearing fashion friendly cloth masks? It’s ridiculous.

Until this country somewhat unifies itself and allows medical professionals to educate them on how to protect themselves, this won’t end. People are not open to listening to anything. Mandating and forcing things is making people close up further.

Lets also not ignore that fact that as I was out and about today, as much as 50% of people who were masked were masked incorrectly. It also gave them a false sense of not sanitizing their carts or hands at all during their ventures.

It's not half doing one thing and half doing another. IMV. It's a small but dangerous percentage who are rebelling against masking...they do share some very specific commonalities.

I don't care what the face coverings look like. As long as they have something over their face to slow their droplets down, it's an improvement. They could wear spiderman underpants on their faces and I wouldn't care. My 4 year old grandson likes the interesting masks. His are paw patrol and cartoon themed.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

Much higher bot activity than "normal".

So why would our enemies infiltrate social media to promote Trump's plan to open schools while in the midst of a growing American COVID crisis?

8 hours ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Much higher bot activity than "normal".

So why would our enemies infiltrate social media to promote Trump's plan to open schools while in the midst of a growing American COVID crisis?

you heard your president. Putin is a super guy and good friend who only wants the best for the USA. /sarcasm

21 hours ago, damiorifice said:

Freedom of speech must remain an absolute. Educating our masses during K-12 to the point that they can differentiate misinformation from sound advice should be the solution; hence why the founders were great advocates of education for all. Sadly our education system is a shambles.

While I agree fully lack of education and critical thinking skills have reached an alarming level there have always been limits on speech. the 1st ammendment absolutely does not grant one the right to promote misinformation deemed harmful and it certainly doesn't protect them from civil or criminal consequences of doing so.

19 hours ago, toomuchbaloney said:

As discussed in the other thread, business is not equivalent to government. Businesses are not required to allow any and all speech in their place of business. In fact, in this society business is occasionally held liable for what they promote or allow under their banner. That practice makes ţhem less tolerant of dangerous rhetoric.

Absolutely. it is amazing how constitutionally ignorant many people are. then again, perhaps it isn't...

23 hours ago, toomuchbaloney said:

I think that the scientists and medical experts were not prepared for or expecting the level of incompetent corruption which would doom Trump's federal response. They've had to adjust their public approach as they confront the realities of that historic mismanagement and dishonesty of this administration, during a pandemic.

Why would they be? It's never happened before. Add to that competent leadership at the CDC had been gutted already as well as funding.

On 7/16/2020 at 2:03 AM, damiorifice said:

Um... the protesters I saw rioting, looting, destroying, and burning stuff down were definitely not supporters of the President. They don’t even believe in our Republic or the ethos of Democracy. That was radical socialism, the historical precursor to Communism, which has killed over 100 million people in its short history.

I'm sure you saw exactly what you wanted to see. However the fact remains that there is effectively no correlation between the peaceful BLM protests and outbreaks of COVID, predominantly because they were wearing masks and cognizant of protection, as advocates for social justice typically are.

19 hours ago, GracefullyGritty said:

Very hard to have any confidence in Fauci knowing that back just a few years ago he indeed proclaimed not “if” but “when” a pandemic would come in the near future tells me we need to remember to think for ourselves, practice safety, Florence Nightengales basic tenet of hand washing, don’t touch our faces and be aware of your surroundings. Fauci is not my conscience or end all authority nor do I see any humility in him.

I truly have no idea what you are saying...

There is none blinder than the one who refuses to see.

Just now, damiorifice said:

There is none blinder than the one who refuses to see.

Thank you for the insightful pontification.

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.

How does this end?

At least we now have an answer from leadership: it will end some time, disappear.

I don't think this will end well..I am appalled at how our government, federal and local, is dealing with this.

I am also appalled at the ignorance of humanity, thinking the virus is a "hoax" and they will never be infected.

I can't tell you how it will end, I see chaos ahead.

Prayers and light ? I wish I could do more. I am doing my best, but they (the gov) don't give people a fighting chance.

Specializes in clinic nurse.
18 hours ago, juniperdewd said:

However the fact remains that there is effectively no correlation between the peaceful BLM protests and outbreaks of COVID, predominantly because they were wearing masks and cognizant of protection, as advocates for social justice typically are.

They were also outside.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

I am weary of the "socialism is a precursor to communism" crap. There are just too many socialist based countries doing just fine and making no move at all to communism. This claim is pure and unadulterated scare mongering that goes hand in hand with Trump's claim this weekend that "they" are trying to "destroy our suburbs" when addressing issues regarding racial inequalities.

The ONLY good thing coming out of this pandemic at this point is the surety that if things stay this way Trump is going to lose the election in epic fashion.