How Does This End?

It is difficult to imagine how this pandemic ends. Does it play out regardless of what we do? How do we make sense of a world that is so vastly different? As health care providers, knowledge is power, but it also gives us more anxiety and more awareness of the dangers around us. Nurses COVID Article


We Watched and Planned ...

My husband and I began watching the Covid-19 numbers in early January. I remember sitting in our living room during a typically dark, cold Minnesota Winter day and discussing how it was going to go down. We debated going to the "big city" the first weekend of February for fear that it had already made its way to the United States. My husband plotted graphs and looked at the exponential growth, and he made predictions about what might happen if it did get out of China. We bought extra food, essentials, and began to save money. We talked late into the night about the potential scenarios that might unfold.

And, Waited

I watched, in horror, as it began to make its way around the world, and everything that we talked about in late-night conversations started to materialize. My husband and I wished that we could be wrong. The lack of PPE and the rate of health care worker infection weighed heavily on our minds. We were already homeschooling and had begun stocking up, so when things shut down, we were already reasonably prepared. Few things changed in our daily routine, except the loss of a once a week preschool for our youngest, church for all of us, and an evening kids club and date night for the two of us. We are both in the high-risk category, so we hunkered down and waited ... and waited ... and waited ...

Now, the Uncertainty

I was fortunate (or unfortunate enough to be high risk) to be able to be off work for a while. I am headed back in a few weeks after spending an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime Summer with my husband and three young kids. I am anxious about how I will assimilate back into nursing. I am apprehensive about how I will feel coming home to my family after 12 hours of potential exposure. I am still fairly worried about the PPE situation. I have little trust in the government agencies who are guiding our direction in this pandemic.

At the end of the day, however, I am just weary. I am tired of seclusion, but also feel safer in it. I am tired of thinking about the future outcome for myself, my family, our finances, my world, OUR world. I am tired of the uncertainty. I am sad for my children and how this is all going to affect their future.

Questions Unanswered

How long do we do this?

How long do I go without seeing any extended family for fear of exposing them, or us?

How long do I hesitantly go out in public, debating whether I should wear a mask when no one else is?

How long do we keep our already homeschooled children away from social networks and peers?

How long do we stay home from church, our community lifeline?

How do we prepare financially, mentally, spiritually?

How do we, as a collective body of healthcare providers, ensure that the career we chose is honored and protected?

I did not sign up to go to war. I signed up to care for people, show compassion, educate, and advocate, but not at the cost of my own life. My family, indeed, never agreed to be exposed to the dangers that I may face when I go to work. How do I justify the costs for them?

These are all rhetorical questions and each of us has our own set of questions, all with no concrete answers. How does this end? I suspect it will play out regardless of what containment measures are put into place. It only takes one moment of weakness to be potentially exposed.

What are your questions? Your answers? How in the world does this end?

3 hours ago, Nurse SMS said:

I am weary of the "socialism is a precursor to communism" crap. There are just too many socialist based countries doing just fine and making no move at all to communism. This claim is pure and unadulterated scare mongering that goes hand in hand with Trump's claim this weekend that "they" are trying to "destroy our suburbs" when addressing issues regarding racial inequalities.

The ONLY good thing coming out of this pandemic at this point is the surety that if things stay this way Trump is going to lose the election in epic fashion.

Work like you're 20 points behind. He'll have Uncle Vlad, China, Jabba the Barr, Moscow Mitch McKremlin, Leningrad Lindsay, Rodger Looneytoons Stone, Ghouliani and every other unsavory, disgusting cretin working to undermine the election.

How does it end? I truly shudder to think.

Given the path we are on now with near every day breaking new infection records, I am not sure it is even possible to cross-train, import or whatever enough medical professionals nor to build enough critical care units.

This is my larger gripe with it all. Even discounting the 1st two or 3 months with the president calling it a hoax and promising it would magically go away, what has been done in the next 4.5 months? Nothing by the fed govt and as the dumped the entire response on local and state govts we ended up with a wildly inconsistent patchwork of acts and laws against a virus that doesn't respect local county and state boundaries. I sympathized with the shut-down protestors because the intent o f the lockdown was never to stay locked down but to buy time to plan and build capacity for unified and effective testing and tracing. That time was squandered.

As never before the country needed a strong national response to include the quick enactment of testing and tracing with consistent messaging we not only didn't have it, it' was like we had an Administration actively trying to sabotage. Now where we are. Labs are so overrun it takes 6-8 days to get a test result which effectively makes testing next to useless both from an epidemiological and tracing perspective.

Specializes in oncology.
On 7/18/2020 at 7:48 PM, GracefullyGritty said:

very hard to have any confidence in Fauci knowing that back just a few years ago he indeed proclaimed not “if” but “when” a pandemic would come in

Totally confused here -- isn't he correct? The "when" is now.

On 7/18/2020 at 7:48 PM, GracefullyGritty said:

Florence Nightengales basic tenet of hand washing,

Love Florence. Love your quote as I have stated above.. Have read her book "Notes on Nursing: What it is, What it is not" many times. Bought a first American edition to pass on to a student in the future. First British edition was written in 1859; first American edition was published in 1860. When I was at Oxford University I asked the Bodleian library to retrieve a first edition of her UK edition.Held it in my hands. The popularity of ''Notes on Nursing'' was explosive (even Queen Victoria read it) and it has never been out of print. I presented a paper on the importance of Florence Nightingale at Oxford. Went to the museum dedicated to her in London when I was only going to be in London a few hours.. We would do extremely well to follow her expert advice. The buffoons of today in the family of our President (indeed the president himself) could never touch her in accomplishments or critical thinking. Maybe those that don't support Fauci should "Find something new" to do.

Florence did not believe in the germ theory of the time. But I respect what she did immensely. So, wearing a mask never crossed her mind. She established the importance of statistics in war deaths and created the pie chart.


Specializes in oncology.
On 7/18/2020 at 10:35 PM, LovingLife123 said:

Nobody is listening to common sense. Half of the people won’t mask or wash their hands. The other half think everyone needs to be wearing cloth a fabric masks. It’s crazy. None of that works.

On 7/18/2020 at 10:56 PM, damiorifice said:

I wish I could go back and un-catch it. Recovered in March/April, still not feeling right. Still having trouble breathing. Still, I don’t think anyone should have the right to force mask wearing upon others.

I just have to get off this CRAZY bus. If this is what the professionals say, what do non-science people say?

Specializes in oncology.
6 hours ago, Nurse SMS said:

The ONLY good thing coming out of this pandemic at this point is the surety that if things stay this way Trump is going to lose the election in epic fashion.

Even if it doesn't stay this way, he's done. Or do we want to wait for the next crisis for our "war president" to handle?

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.

And the solution begins?

Specializes in oncology.
5 minutes ago, BostonFNP said:

And the solution begins?


What a hoot! I guess he hasn't been patriotic for the last 5 months!

3 hours ago, londonflo said:

I just have to get off this CRAZY bus. If this is what the professionals say, what do non-science people say?

I’m not a professional yet. I’m just very well read.

Specializes in wound care/rehabilitative care.

Londonflo ~ I LOVED the references and graph from Florence Nightingale. ?She wasn't called the 'Lady with the Light' for no reason, and she saved an awful lot of men with basic sanitizing. I am not using this website to be political. We are nurses, and as nurses, I do not want to lose the focus that I joined this family to take care of people. To share ideas, comfort others, learn how to manage illnesses. I too read and watch what is going on out there. Humans do some crazy things to create biological "cures"; vaccinations, medications, immunizations, for a veritable array of bacteria and viruses that become part of life. We've lived through Agent orange, Swine, and Bovine flu's to name but a few. I never want to forget or lose focus that I am a nurse. I clock in, and I do my best to keep the memory of Nighingale alive. Compassion, caring, and even on those days when a patient is pushing my buttons, to remember why I chose the profession.

Specializes in Geriatrics, psychiatric, rehabilitation.

I have so many questions like this. I am burnt out and have been for months. CNAs are quitting every day and we are down to 1:36 ratio for CNA staff at nights. Us nurses have to chart so much more ans doing all my own VS to help CNAs leaves me no downtime. Im physically, men3 and emotionally exhausted.

Also my little one is starting Kindergarten this year. He is so very social and is showing signs of depression as we pulled him out of daycare in March when our schools closed. I'm eager for school to start just so he can have friends again.

At the same time, I'm anxious of how school will go. Will all the precautions cause him more anxiety than being lonely? How will this pandemic affect our childrens mental health and will it leave a lasting mark?

I think we are all dealing with emotional trauma on both a personal and global scale.

I plan on leaving my job of 7 years to be more available at home and prepared if we have to homeschool after all. I'm both ready to leave cause I am so burnt out and sad to leave the facility even shorter staffed than we are.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

Opinion | As the pandemic surges, there are three scenarios of what happens next
By Leana S. Wen

Status quo - Full shutdown - Whack a mole

Which do you think our federal leadership will opt for?

Specializes in clinic nurse.
On 7/23/2020 at 8:26 AM, toomuchbaloney said:

Opinion | As the pandemic surges, there are three scenarios of what happens next
By Leana S. Wen

Status quo - Full shutdown - Whack a mole

Which do you think our federal leadership will opt for?

There are not many positives that have come from this, but there are a couple. One is that when the time comes for Dr Fauci to retire, there are many highly competent people like Leana Wen and Monica Gandhi to step into his shoes, and indeed they are doing yeoman's work at this very minute, for which I for one am extremely grateful. I consider Dr Wen a very good leader, something we desperately need now more than ever.