How to deal with constant calls to come into work?!

Nurses Announcements Archive


I work as a CNA/HHA in LTC facility. I also go to school full time, and work another job. I have finally figured out my schedule to where it is some-what tolerable, but still get CONSTANT calls to pick up shifts or to come in to work early. I am talking almost every day. If not every day, at least every other. It stresses me out! I want to like the job (I've only been there about 2 months), but seriously want to scream each time the phone rings. I can't even enjoy my little time off. I am seriously considering quitting, but don't want it to look bad on my resume, or not have any experience when trying to find a nursing job. How do I deal with the constant calls? What do I say (I am running out of excuses already)? It just seems like no one wants to work!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :)

Specializes in LTC, Memory loss, PDN.

The problem, according to you, is that you feel guilty. Quitting will leave the facility in an even bigger bind. How is that going to relieve your guilt ? I honestly believe if this is your biggest problem in life, you've got it going on.

Specializes in LTC, Memory loss, PDN.
When you find those people that can't find any job, send them my way and they can have MINE. I'm not whining, I am simply asking how to avoid/stop/not let the constant calls bother me. I would like to work my scheduled hours and go home, not have to feel like I should pick up everyone else's slack that doesn't seem to want to come in for their shift. I have enough on my plate, and didn't need the negative response.

Thank you everyone else for your responses.

That is a very disappointing response.

When you find those people that can't find any job, send them my way and they can have MINE. I'm not whining, I am simply asking how to avoid/stop/not let the constant calls bother me. I would like to work my scheduled hours and go home, not have to feel like I should pick up everyone else's slack that doesn't seem to want to come in for their shift. I have enough on my plate, and didn't need the negative response.

Thank you everyone else for your responses.

You have every right to not want calls from your workplace asking you to work unscheduled shifts every other day - just because other people have trouble finding jobs does not mean you have to put a smile on your face and accept the intrusion. You have a life outside of work and are entitled to that. I would just talk to the person staffing you and let them know that you have another job and other responsibilites that restrict your availability to the scheduled hours, that way they don't waste either of your time. Once they know you have other things on your plate, they won't keep calling because they'll know you aren't avail. Sounds like they need to hire one more person anyway, maybe you'll indirectly create a job =)

Specializes in Peds Medical Floor.

It is written on the page that has all my info (phone number, etc) in giant red capital letters that I am not to be called between the hours of such and such.

When I started school I added that I do not pick up OT during the semester and not to call me. Take charge of the situation. Your free time is your free time. Only pick up time if YOU want to pick up time.

When I get a phone call for work I let it go to voicemail and listen to it afterwards. If I feel like calling back I do. If not I don't. Don't feel guilty.

And, if they do "catch" you on the phone, just say you can't do it. Don't give any excuse--the person calling will try to "fix it" so that you can work. They can't fix "I am so very sorry, but I just can't do it. Bye."

Specializes in Management, Emergency, Psych, Med Surg.

Don't feel guilty. You are not obligated beyond the hours that you are hired for. Especially when you are in school, you need some downtime. I don't answer the phone.

Specializes in School LVN, Peds HH.

I've been at my job for 9 months. When I started, I was constantly getting calls to cover shifts. And I didnt want to be seen as not a team player, so I took them. About 3 months in, I started screening my calls, and not answering. I still do that to this day. There is only one person in the office I'll answer calls for... the on-call lady. Only recently have I really put my foot down with co-workers taking advantage of my willingness to work. Don't worry about coming up with excuses, if you answer the phone, just say you're unavailable :)

It is polite to return phone call, but if you did not get the message because you spent the day on campus, or was at the store and forgot your phone what can you do? How can you return these constant calls? You did not know about them. :D

Specializes in Operating Room Nursing.

I would just say 'can't come in, had a few glasses of wine'. I would use this same excuse no matter what time of day they called until they got the message.

Specializes in NICU, Post-partum.
I work as a CNA/HHA in LTC facility. I also go to school full time, and work another job. I have finally figured out my schedule to where it is some-what tolerable, but still get CONSTANT calls to pick up shifts or to come in to work early. I am talking almost every day. If not every day, at least every other. It stresses me out! I want to like the job (I've only been there about 2 months), but seriously want to scream each time the phone rings. I can't even enjoy my little time off. I am seriously considering quitting, but don't want it to look bad on my resume, or not have any experience when trying to find a nursing job. How do I deal with the constant calls? What do I say (I am running out of excuses already)? It just seems like no one wants to work!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :)

My question is...why are you answering the phone?

I like my employer and I don't mind them calling to ask me to pick up a shift..but when the calls are coming daily, then that is them abusing the privilege.

You do not owe them an explanation of why you do not answer the phone on your own time off.


Specializes in acute care med/surg, LTC, orthopedics.
I would just say 'can't come in, had a few glasses of wine'. I would use this same excuse no matter what time of day they called until they got the message.

Yeah, baby!

I would say it in a slurred speech just to sound believable and when the inevitable question comes "but it's only 9 am!" then "but it's 5 o'clock somewhere...." Cheers!


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