Published Sep 6, 2005
614 Posts
I just got my2nd paycheck from this facility where I am a precepting as a new grad.
I worked around 16 hours of overtime with my preceptor, and no we weren't piddling around, and I got NO overtime pay on my check. None. I checked the handbook for employess and it says all overtime has to be approved ny the nurse manager, but, I asked my preceptor about getting it approved and she said my nurse manager isn't a stickler about it b/c she knows how crazy busy our unit is. Also, I couldn't have gotten it approved anyways b/c we work 12 hour shifts, and our manager leaves way befor us and she was also gone for a few days last week.
We get paid every 2 weeks.
Also, a my best friend just got hired on with the same hospital. She is also a new RN and we both graduated from LPN school together 5 years ago. We are on the same level as far as education and experience is concerned. She is getting $2/hr more than me and she is working days, where I am working 3-11. She said that HR told her that starting pay for RN ranges from 17.80 to 28.80. I am getting 17.80 and she is getting 19.80 b/c she has experience as an LPN. What am I, chopped liver??? If she works 3-11, like me, she will get an extra 10% on top her her $19.80/hr.
Part of me is just hapy to have a job. I know sooo many people that would give an eye to make what I do, but geeesh, between the overtime and the wage difference, I am considering finding employment elsewhere.
Who should I talk to about this? Do you think I am right in being upset?
421 Posts
your preceptor shouldn't have allowed u to work's not part of ur usual orientation. 40 hours a week for new rn's, u can pick up after ur off orientation. but since they let you, then u deserve the pay.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Sorry to read about your situation. Not sure about the overtime, but as far as pay differences does your friend work the same unit as you? Maybe there is a difference in pay in different areas or units. Just a thought, as I am not even a nurse. Best wishes to you. :)
smk1, LPN
2,195 Posts
I just got my2nd paycheck from this facility where I am a precepting as a new grad. I worked around 16 hours of overtime with my preceptor, and no we weren't piddling around, and I got NO overtime pay on my check. None. I checked the handbook for employess and it says all overtime has to be approved ny the nurse manager, but, I asked my preceptor about getting it approved and she said my nurse manager isn't a stickler about it b/c she knows how crazy busy our unit is. Also, I couldn't have gotten it approved anyways b/c we work 12 hour shifts, and our manager leaves way befor us and she was also gone for a few days last week.We get paid every 2 weeks.Also, a my best friend just got hired on with the same hospital. She is also a new RN and we both graduated from LPN school together 5 years ago. We are on the same level as far as education and experience is concerned. She is getting $2/hr more than me and she is working days, where I am working 3-11. She said that HR told her that starting pay for RN ranges from 17.80 to 28.80. I am getting 17.80 and she is getting 19.80 b/c she has experience as an LPN. What am I, chopped liver??? If she works 3-11, like me, she will get an extra 10% on top her her $19.80/hr.Part of me is just hapy to have a job. I know sooo many people that would give an eye to make what I do, but geeesh, between the overtime and the wage difference, I am considering finding employment elsewhere.Who should I talk to about this? Do you think I am right in being upset?
if you worked ot you should get paid for it, maybe it was a simple oversight. bring it up as such. As far as the wage discrepancy, Your friend may have been a better negotiator than you when being hired on into the new RN position. Some people don't just accept the rate that the employer wants to pay, and demand a better rate or won't take the job. This could be what happened here. I wouldn't bring up the wage discrepancy to your manager though because some places have rules about discussing pay. (wonder why ). In any case, if you are otherwise happy so far, then give the place a chance. You do need to get your OT pay though... just my thoughts as an experienced employee though not a nurse yet. :)
NurseCard, ADN
2,850 Posts
The extra pay that your friend is making may very well be because she has experience as an LPN. Your facility probably took that into consideration when deciding what her starting pay should be.
As far as the overtime pay... I'm not sure. At my hospital, orientees are not allowed to work overtime OR holidays, I'm guessing because they aren't really eligible for the time-and-a-half pay. That may be the case at your hospital. As has been said before, they really shouldn't have allowed you to work the overtime; as an orientee you should have been allowed to go home when your shift was over. Since you did work the overtime though, I think they really owe you that pay; it should have been the responsibility of your preceptor to try to get you out of there on time.
The extra pay that your friend is making may very well be because she has experience as an LPN. Your facility probably took that into consideration when deciding what her starting pay should be. As far as the overtime pay... I'm not sure. At my hospital, orientees are not allowed to work overtime OR holidays, I'm guessing because they aren't really eligible for the time-and-a-half pay. That may be the case at your hospital. As has been said before, they really shouldn't have allowed you to work the overtime; as an orientee you should have been allowed to go home when your shift was over. Since you did work the overtime though, I think they really owe you that pay; it should have been the responsibility of your preceptor to try to get you out of there on time.
Thanks everyone. I am going to talk to someone about it. My preceptor wanted me to stay and watch/help with admissions, discharges...and other adds and ends.
As far as being an LPN...I was one for 5 years, just like my friend. We graduated together from LPN school together. Our experience is the same. That is my beef.
Okay I'm sorry, I reread your first post and you did say that you have the exact same amount of education and experience as your friend.
First of all, let me advise you that it is NEVER a good idea to discuss pay rates with your fellow employees, even if said employee is a good friend or whatever.
That's across the board; it doesn't matter whether you work in a hospital or in a factory.
Having said that... I agree with another poster that it may depend on the units that you guys work on. Do you work on the same unit?
Okay, someone help me out here... when a new nurse is hired, does the MANAGER decide how much to start the new grad out at, or is it kind of a joint decision between the manager and human resources, based on the new grad's experience and what have you? Or, does it just depend on the hospital? See, because I'm wondering... if the two of you work on two separate units.. even if they are both med surge units... maybe your manager made the decision that your starting pay would be one thing, and HER manager decided to start her off at a higher rate because she had been an LPN?
I think you should definately say something to someone about the overtime pay, but I'd be hesitant to say to anyone "I'm making this, and I know my friend is making two dollars more than me, so I want a raise." Now I guess you COULD possibly suggest to your manager, hey, is there a possibility that I could get more money per hour because I'm have experience working as an LPN?
Or, you could just suck it up and deal and be happy that you are making a good paycheck, like you said. Or, you could look for another job.
Lots of possibilities. Good luck! :)
Yeah, I'm not sure how to broach the wage, and if I should. The thing is, I work on a ICU unitshe works on a Ortho floor.
All of my pt's are on vents. Her floor has none.
244 Posts
she is getting 19.80 b/c she has experience as an LPN
I'm not sure if I am understanding the pay difference. You say you both graduated LPN school together 5 years ago. Do you both have 5 years of actual LPN work experience or does she have more actual work experience. Did you both work in the same type of a care area. It would make sense for them to start her higher since she has LPN work experience. Most of the places I have worked Human Resources determines and offers pay.
161 Posts
I think that if you put in the time, then you deserve the OT pay. I would definately ask about this and clarify the policy on this (especially before you work a bunch more OT!).
As far as the pay difference, I can sympathize. My good friend and I are working at the same hospital, both were LVN's for many years, and she started a good $2/hr more than I did. They definately don't want employees discussing pay rates... gee, I wonder why My friend was so excited when she found out her new rate and didn't really think about it before she told me. I wish she hadn't mentioned it to me because it does bug me (I'm happy for her, but feel a bit cheated by my manager) and it's hard not to think about it. We do work in different areas of the hospital - she's in ICU and I'm in OR, and we obviously have different managers (and I'm thinking I might rather work for her manager!). It's an uncomfortable conversation, for sure, if you decide to ask your manager about it. I think they may frown on new grads asking for more money before they have the experience (even with LVN experience). You'll have to decide what's best in your situation.
Best of luck to you,
342 Posts
I think that I would call HR and question them anonymously, at least initially. You might say........
"I have 2 friends who were just hired. Both w/ the same experience...blah blah blah. What could account for the different wages? I am thinking about applying for a job there and would like to know what my starting wage would be......." You should be able to finaggle something out of HR.
But I do think that if you don't come to terms with will eventually start eating at you and make you feel angry and then begin not liking your job. Just my opinion though.
CritterLover, BSN, RN
929 Posts
she said that hr told her that starting pay for rn ranges from 17.80 to 28.80. i am getting 17.80 and she is getting 19.80 b/c she has experience as an lpn. what am i, chopped liver??? if she works 3-11, like me, she will get an extra 10% on top her her $19.80/hr.
well, lets see: you are being paid at the bottom of the rn scale. so i think that you would be justified in asking human resources if your lpn experience was taken into account when they determined your pay rate. no need to mention that you have a friend with the same experience who is being paid more.
it may be that her lpn experience is considered "relevant" to her position in a renal unit, while your lpn experience is not considered "relevant" to the burn icu. i'm not saying i agree with that, but it could be what the difference is. and it could be just that her manager is giving her credit for her nursing experience, where yours is not.
as for the overtime, you worked it, you get paid for it. that is a law.