Hope this is refreshing to hear: I LOVE LTC!!!


Specializes in LTC.

i love my LTC job :) its so relaxed:nurse:

I love LTC because of the residents and getting to know them well so that they remember you (or the ones that are able too, lol) :)

Specializes in ER, Trauma.

Either you are the queen of sarcasm, or you genuinely love LTC. Either way, you are my hero. I can't do LTC. Give me a nice chaotic ER and I'm happy.

Specializes in LTC.
i love my LTC job :) its so relaxed:nurse:

I'm glad someones job in LTC is relaxed. I told a resident last night if she doesn't stop hitting, kicking, slapping, yelling etc.. I'm going to call her father. She frequently tells me that if I don't stop telling her to sit, shes going to tell my father so .. I tell the same thing to her lol

At one point she was so bad the CNA called me in to talk to her and I said, "Thats it! I'm calling your father right now!" Another resident who has the biggest attitude and best remarks said right after that, "Good! Its about time somebody did."

yeah, ltc has it's ups and downs, the slow rate of patient/resident turnover is nice.

Specializes in LTC.

This is so nice to hear! I'll be starting LTC this coming Monday =)

Specializes in Pediatrics, Geriatrics, LTC.

I love it too, but I would never call it relaxed! Are you serious? I'm lucky my butt hits the chair by the end of my shift to do my charting! It's a three ring circus more like it. :)

Specializes in geriatrics.

I love LTC and my residents too :) But, I'm not sure where some of you work. My LTC is far from slow! We have a fair amount of acute and palliative cases...and one RN. I mentioned this in a recent thread...the notion that LTC is relaxed, is, for the most part, a myth.

Specializes in Home Care.

I wouldn't say my LTC job was relaxed. Working 12 hour wknd day shifts for the most part was exhausting. I certainly couldn't imagine doing it 40 hrs a week. I did enjoy working with the same residents every weekend although sometimes the routine got mind-numbing.

I'm in the process of moving back to Canada from Florida. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to work in a hospital at full scope of practice.

Specializes in ICU.

I love my patients, thats all I can say for LTC. My place is not relaxed. I work in the ER ( and ltc) and in comparison LTC is not relaxed. Its much easier to work a cardiac arrest than a combative patient. In the ER you work your protocol and scrap it if you need to, in LTC there is no protocol for dementia/psychotic break or family who want to know why mama isn't talking( she has not spoken in 3 months!)

But I do enjoy my job despite the problems

Specializes in LTC.

I love LTC too. It's not always relaxed, more like a rollercoaster..today is calm, but watch out for tomorrow! It's Five Alarm Tuesday!!!

Specializes in LTC.

i'm serious! i love working LTC. I don't even mind doing the SBARs!

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