Hobbies off duty as a Nurse?

Nurses General Nursing


I'm doing pre-reqs for nursing school and was wondering what people do on their down time. Does anyone have hobbies they do? Like cooking? Or motorcycle riding? Or playing video games? Or going out to eat at places or movies? Take care of kids? Take kids out to play or do stuff?

I wonder if there is some comfort off duty people can have to themselves when they're not working. I'm not in nursing school yet or even a nurse for that matter but as far as level of stress I'd like to gauge what others do in their time.

When I'm not in school(as in when the semester is over and I'm on break) play a lot of Fallout on Playstation 4. One of my dream goals as a future RN is I'd like to buy a Harley Davidson Street Glide Special if I can get into nursing school, graduate and get a job as a RN. I don't have much debt. I'd like to learn how to cook. I have some expensive kitchen appliances that I've bought over the years that are still like they're brand new. I hope I can enjoy the fruits of my labor once I get my foot in the door of this field.

What do you like to do? Are you stressed about your job? Can you sleep at night? Can you cook for yourself good food? Do you like to watch cooking shows? Do you ever travel outside the United States like I want to do?

Are you going to school again to further your education? Maybe learn a new language or get your masters or doctorate in nursing?

Do you have time for dating? Do you have time for anything? Can you work another nursing job? Would you? Would you advise that or no? These are just questions outside of the main job you work.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

I am a run-streaker. This is not as scintillating as it might sound, lol. I run every day, a minimum of one mile, but I like to run 5Ks (3.1 miles). I injured my hip while deployed, so I am going slower/shorter distances right now, but at least a mile daily. Today is Day 649. :)

I am also a voracious reader. Always have been. Reading for pleasure but also for school, second MSN in progress.

I also did bellydance for a long time. Now that my schedule is kind of predictable, I would like to find a bellydance class where I live now.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
Now I have discovered the wonderful world of audiobooks... not for everyone, but now I can safely ride my bike and read a book (it was very painful before LOL-just kidding)

I read my Kindle on the treadmill every night! Lol. I was that kid who got in trouble for reading under the covers all night, or bringing a book to the dinner table all the time — that was family time! Lol

Specializes in M/S, Pulmonary, Travel, Homecare, Psych..
I just started a drawing class. Maybe I could do a "Before & After" when it's over :nailbiting:

I'm sure you're more talented than me anyway.

Writing might be my form of art. But I have the grammar and spelling of........well, the same water buffalo so................maybe not.

I'm sure you're more talented than me anyway.

Writing might be my form of art. But I have the grammar and spelling of........well, the same water buffalo so................maybe not.

I'm sure you're selling yourself short. In either case, water buffalo need hobbies, too.

Specializes in Critical care.

I LOVE to read! I'm guilty of reading trashy romance novels just as much as worthier literature. I'm currently working my way through The Light Between Oceans. I don't watch a ton of tv. I follow a couple of my favorite shows, too hard to keep up with a ton of shows, and will binge on HGTV. I find it easier to read a bit before bed since I can start and stop at any point and don't miss anything if I doze off.

I finished school a year ago, so getting used to having free time again. I just went hiking and camping for Labor Day weekend. I had an awesome time in a national park (got to see a couple of bear cubs from a safe distance- didn't see the mama) and can't wait to go back! I now have the hiking boots, a good day pack, and water reservoir so I don't have any excuses anymore. My plan is to research and slowly buildup my camping supplies over the next year or so.

I keep busy with local friends and visiting friends in other states. I'm involved in several Meet-up groups so I always have the opportunity for fun events and trying new things. I love to go to concerts and festivals. I go to trivia nights when my schedule allows. I have some family events in my birth state (a day's drive away) coming up that I'm looking forward to.

My goals for the next year are to go to the gym more consistently, really start using my yoga DVDs, and plant a garden in the spring. I plan to go back to school eventually, but I'm looking forward to getting comfortable being a bedside nurse first and deciding what my longterm career goals are.

edit: I also really enjoy baking and my unit definetly benefits from this :)

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.
Specializes in Med/Surge, Psych, LTC, Home Health.

Geez... I do all KINDS of stuff now that I'm working straight 12 hour shifts, three days a week. My job is very rarely stressful, so I sleep well when I'm not working... I play well... I have a good time. :)

I enjoy attending my daughters activities such as marching band and archery team. I enjoy volunteering with the band, being a "band mom". I like going out to eat. I like to play with my puppy. I go walking or swimming. I watch TV. I do household projects. I'm blessed! :)

galloping & training racehorses


singing & playing guitar

dancing badly

cooking & baking

knitting (finally graduated to hats!)


i'm still in school, so I don't have time for a lot of my hobbies now, but I do religiously do hot yoga the day before clinical and an hour after clinical. Will never be able to leave the blessed four-leggeds behind; they taught me so much in life in general ever since I was 10 they are my original & #1 happy place, so I'm at the racetrack on my days off, getting on a few or just playing track photographer for the day.

and kayaking! can't beat $20.00 for a full day, a few drinks, and camping out for the day on a bank with some friends. :yes:

I sing. Like, legit sing - I get pulled for the National Anthem all the time. I'm only waving my own flag here (no pun intended!) because it's the one thing that I know I can do well and I think everyone is entitled a bit of a pat on their own back now and again.

I also write. I've been toiling away at a novel for the last billion years or so and I can't decide if it's not finished because I either don't want it to end (I do love these characters) or because I'm too chicken to end it. I KNOW how it's going to end, I just can't seem to finish it. I've been told it's decent stuff but I'm my own worst critic. Perhaps I'm just chicken. :)

Not many people know that last one about me!

I love to read - anything and everything, from true crime and trash novels to penny dreadfuls and legit lit. :)

Hiking - yes yes please! And travel - I love to travel, love airports, love seeing new things. I'm only missing three states in the US (Michigan, Wisconsin, and Alaska) so I need to get busy. Currently stationed in Asia so I have some great possibilities for scratching my travel itch.

I also love history - ours, theirs, anyone's really. :)

Huge Anglophile (and no, I didn't marry a Brit on purpose - that really was an accident) and Titanic buff. Love the Edwardians for all their quirks and faults.

My primary goal for this year is to get through this one year remote tour without buying a car. I'm embracing being car free and am patiently waiting for my household goods to arrive so my bike will get here. I'm clocking over four miles a day on foot and my waistline is the better for it. Haven't quite worked out what I'm going to do when I get home....LOL. I also plan on seeing as much of the country I'm in and the surrounding region as I can and get hot on the local language, which I've been told really isn't as difficult as it seems. Jury's out on that one so far. :)

My family (the Brit and my dog, the other love of my life) has had to stay stateside, so this is a good time - and a good point in my life - for some introspection and personal growth.

Specializes in Emergency.

Outdoor stuff mostly. Climbing, wild camping etc. Working in such a high stress environment, I find that I need a lot of head space to help me destress and the outdoors provides that í ½í¸„

Specializes in Critical care.
Hiking - yes yes please! And travel - I love to travel, love airports, love seeing new things. I'm only missing three states in the US (Michigan, Wisconsin, and Alaska) so I need to get busy. Currently stationed in Asia so I have some great possibilities for scratching my travel itch.

Carolinapooh-my birth state is one of the ones you haven't been to! I was born a Michigander (haven't lived there in close to 20 years). I highly recommend a visit in the summer or fall. I have the misfortune of having to return in the dead of winter though for family stuff. I'm east coast now, but 4.5 years were spent in the south and my area of the midatlantic doesn't get hit like MI does with winter. I have memories of going outside for recess in the winter no matter what unless it was BELOW ZERO!! The kids where I live now don't go outside if there is snow on the ground or if it's in the 20's (maybe even in the 30's).

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.
I have memories of going outside for recess in the winter no matter what unless it was BELOW ZERO!!

Similar latitude here...and yes, my kids have recess if it's 0-1°.

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