Published Jan 4, 2008
142 Posts we go........AGAIN.... This time it's personal.
After a meeting at work a month ago, my boss called me on my cell, as I was driving home, to say, "what is your natural hair color?" I said, "Well, it's probably a light brunette. Why do you ask?" She said, "Go dark. To be honest, your hair is so light it looks borderline trashy."
Yes, I was dumbfounded. She hired me, blonde hair and all. And NOW says I look "trashy". (I've asked several other people, including my own mother...who is completely honest)...and other nurses who said, "Are you kidding me? I wouldn't say that to anyone, even if I didn't like them!"
She must have known she upset me, because she called me at work the following day (when I was doing triage and the phone was ringing off the hook) to say "Did I upset you?" I told her she didn't. But yes!!! She did, and I wasn't about to get into it at work. I have since told her that her comment hurt my feelings. I have received NO apology.
Also, yesterday an MA in the office drew up several flu shots in advance and had them in the side rack in the refrigerator. Had a nurse flow appt, have been TOLD to use them, as it "saves time". Isn't it a cardinal rule for nurses to NEVER administer a med/vaccine without drawing it up yourself or at least WITNESSING it?????? I told her I didn't feel comfortable using it. She got angry, grabbed the pt chart, while things were falling on the floor, refused to listen to my explanation as to WHY. When I tried to explain it to her she raised her voice and said, "I'm NOT going to argue with you!" Then proceded to go around the corner, put me down to other nurses, and that was that.
A few days ago she asked me if I did venipuncture. I said, "No. We weren't taught that in nursing school." She says well MY nursing program taught us to...we had to do 200 blood draws to even GRADUATE." (BTW, it bothers me that she says nursing school...I have ultimate respect for medical assistants, as some have taught me how to do an EKG and other clinical skills I wasn't taught in school.) She then said, in front of 3 other MA's, "Where did YOU go to school at??"
And so I said, "This lil teensy school in the middle of a farrrrm. We practissssed givin' injectinz on hot dogs for an hour....then they cut us loose on clinicals to give 'em with our clinical instructerz." (This is all true, btw....we didn't spend but one day on giving injections...we spent a lot more time on assessments.) I tried to explain the differences in what they teach nurses...she rolls her eyes and says, "I can't believe that! I got more nursing training at "x institute".
Today I'm done with this organization. I'm the only nurse in the float pool....the MA's (not all) have literally criticized me, humiliated me, and my boss thinks I'm filthy trashy.
I quit. I'm tired of having too many panic attacks and "Loose BM's" from nerves from these people.:flamesonb
thanks for the vent....I'm so happy to have All Nurses to come to for support, advice, venting, you name it.:[anb]:
TazziRN, RN
6,487 Posts
Good, do not walk, to another place!!!
tnbutterfly - Mary, BSN
83 Articles; 5,923 Posts
Sorry you had to work in this terrible unprofessional environment.
Smart move to be getting out.
EmmaG, RN
2,999 Posts
What the hell???
I'm glad to hear you quit. Good move.
5,758 Posts
I think this is a perfect example of the bizarre things managers will say and do when they decide they want to be rid of you. Don't even ask yourself what the reason is that they wish to get rid of you may be because those are bizarre also.
519 Posts
Geez! As one poster said, I wouldn't have made a comment like that to my worst enemy. What a hateful thing to do to someone!
I'm glad you didn't hang around any longer. We talk a lot about the PIAs that some of us work with, but there are a lot of good people, out there, too.
BTW, a suggestion-the very first chance that you get, have someone show you how to do venipuncture, and do as many blood draws as you can. It is an invaluable skill for a nurse. I too didn't learn it until I was out of LPN school. I was taught by another LPN in the MD office I first worked in. Next time you might want to think about rephrasing your response to a question like that by saying, "We weren't taught that in school and I have been wanting to learn. Will you show me how?" That ought to back them up a little bit!
GrumpyRN63, ADN, RN
833 Posts
Wow, that's insane, glad your getting out!
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,406 Posts
Good luck in finding a better job!
144 Posts
Can you sue for constructive dismissal in the US?
THANK YOU for the support. Gosh I know it is unprofessional to give no notice when quitting....and it will make life a little more difficult when interviewing for a new job...but....
I learned a lesson. Blondes DON'T have more fun. :chuckle
Thanks for the support and suggestions.
You're great!!
370 Posts
Sorry you've had to go through that. You're a better one than me though because I would have given them what they gave me in tenfold. I know it's childish, but I don't take well to being insulted or talked down to, so I make it a point to treat the offender just as they've treated me, but worse, just to prove a point and make sure the offending behavior does not continue.
312 Posts
WoW! I can not believe that she said that to you. Maybe she's jealous. I hope you find somewhere great to work. And BTW it's not your fault you didn't do something or learn something in school. There are alot of things you do not learn or practice alot in school. Geeze!