WARNING: Anyone grossed out or easily offended by menses posts, PLEASE READ NO FURTHER!
Okay, maybe I should post this in the OB/GYN area, but here goes:
A couple of hours ago I had an unsettling thing happen. I stood up from a seated position and felt this gush of warm fluid. It is time for my monthly cycle...I ran to the bathroom, rushed my daughter out to wash her hands in the kitchen...and found that sure enough, I had had a sudden, large flood of dark red blood and large clots. I mean it looked like someone had been brutally murdered, there was that much blood.
I have NEVER had my period start like this. I am also having some very painful cramping and pelvic area pain. I will be 40 years old this year. I haven't had a pelvic for a while (yeah, I know, but we've had money issues since my DH was laid off for so long). I will be calling my gynecologist on Monday.
Anyone else ever had this happen to them? What the heck is wrong with me?