Having children while getting education

Nurses General Nursing


I posted this in another forum, but meant to post it here. Sorry. :)

I just wanted to get some perspective from those that have already been through nursing school and are already working in the field. I'm going to start nursing school next year, but I'm considering getting pregnant this year and having a baby before I enter into the program. My reasons for this are more medical, as I'm not a spring chicken, and would like to add a child into our family before fertility issues come into play. So my question is, is it possible to go through nursing school with a infant/toddler? Would I just be inviting failure? I want to be realistic as to whether I would be able to successful complete my schooling. Also, if I were to wait and get pregnant the last year of nursing school or even after I graduate, how hard is it to leave the field for a year and then go back to work? I need to make a decision as to what is more important? Having a child or getting my degree... it's a tough choice. Any personal experiences would be great! TIA

It was just an opinion, no one is being asked to agree with it.

Everyone should feel free to give their opinions here, regardless. Obviously the OP wanted opinions or the OP would not have posted asking for EVERYONE'S opinions....everyone is entitled to their own.

It was just an opinion, no one is being asked to agree with it.

Everyone should feel free to give their opinions here, regardless. Obviously the OP wanted opinions or the OP would not have posted asking for EVERYONE'S opinions....everyone is entitled to their own.

I do agree that everyone has a right to their own opinions, and when I posted, I was asking for people's opinions and personal experience with regards to the RN program. Her comments were not geared at answering my questions in any way, shape, or form. She was attacking anyone who works or goes to school and has children. That was seen plain as day. Now had she said something that pertained to my questions versing making such a rude generalized comment, then I could see it as she was offering her option toward the discussion. But she didn't, she chose to attack those who have made different decisions than her. BTW, of course everyone knows that a child needs their mother, heck they need their father too. It's not like we are shipping our kids off to boarding school, never to be seen again. A few hours a day in a daycare isn't detrimental to their mental health. It's not going to ruin them. Children actually thrive in social settings and need to be around other children their own age to learn social skills. Mommy can't teach them that. It's learned by being around others their age. I'm guessing by that poster's outlook on parenthood, she's going to be one of those parents who smothers their children,who either volunteers in their classroom everyday because she can't bare to be away from them, or who will homeschool them because it's "her job" to raise them. To each their own, but I think it's a complete injustice to children to have that kind of outlook.

Specializes in Emergency Medicine, Dr. Office, Psych.
I posted this in another forum, but meant to post it here. Sorry. :)

I just wanted to get some perspective from those that have already been through nursing school and are already working in the field. I'm going to start nursing school next year, but I'm considering getting pregnant this year and having a baby before I enter into the program. My reasons for this are more medical, as I'm not a spring chicken, and would like to add a child into our family before fertility issues come into play. So my question is, is it possible to go through nursing school with a infant/toddler? Would I just be inviting failure? I want to be realistic as to whether I would be able to successful complete my schooling. Also, if I were to wait and get pregnant the last year of nursing school or even after I graduate, how hard is it to leave the field for a year and then go back to work? I need to make a decision as to what is more important? Having a child or getting my degree... it's a tough choice. Any personal experiences would be great! TIA

I started Nursing School; then found out i was pregnant for my first child:yeah: by the time i was ready to graduate & start working in the field 2 1/2 yrs later i found out i was pregnant for my 2nd child! :yeah:

I worked & took care of 2 kids , 1 during school & 1 fresh into my career!

It can be done, it's time management, which you need as skill in nursing anyway! :redbeathe

i don't know. it seems that while people are giving their own opinions (and as human beings i absolutely respect and encourage it) too often it seems that a few posts on the board are hijacked for other purposes than just answering the question.

whether or not i (and obviously i can't speak for anyone else) think that the op is a good mother is really none of my concern nor was it a question that she posed on this open forum. she asked how hard it would be and if it were an attainable goal. i also recall the op asking for any personal experience, which was offered.

if one feels so strongly that they aren't being a parent to their child because of school or things outside the child, then i'm to guess that they know on a personal level what it's like to be an inadequate parent and that they genuinely don't want to see another mommy make the same mistake that they did. i can respect that.

it would just be nice once and while to stick to answering posts to the best to our ability without it getting pages long because it turned into something that has nothing to do with the op to begin with.


i posted this in another forum, but meant to post it here. sorry. :)

i just wanted to get some perspective from those that have already been through nursing school and are already working in the field. i'm going to start nursing school next year, but i'm considering getting pregnant this year and having a baby before i enter into the program. my reasons for this are more medical, as i'm not a spring chicken, and would like to add a child into our family before fertility issues come into play. so my question is, is it possible to go through nursing school with a infant/toddler? would i just be inviting failure? i want to be realistic as to whether i would be able to successful complete my schooling. also, if i were to wait and get pregnant the last year of nursing school or even after i graduate, how hard is it to leave the field for a year and then go back to work? i need to make a decision as to what is more important? having a child or getting my degree... it's a tough choice. any personal experiences would be great! tia

_well..i can relate to your situation..

_being a mother of a young child, and also a human being who wanted to go in a nursing school..however, is there an instance wherein being involved in such coitus activities would bring consequences in which you'll never ever repeat it?..

_why i did say that?..for a fact i do have a friend who also, is the same in your situation..but..who am i to reprimand you about wt you did, right?.. it's just a matter of making decisions..whether you'll engage in that kind of situation nd face the possible outcoms or just simply refuse i..but since you've chose to enter into the world of "wonders"..just simply face it..

_another is..that, your asking if is it ok if you're goin to school havin a chld or toddler?..well, there are schools though who would accept enrolees who have child/ren already..however, your attention or focus in acadenic is not totally to yur studies..but instead, the other half would be on your child, know what i mean?..for a fact that you'll be worried if your child have been fed up or not, blah blah,,you know stuffs like that..but still, yur decision will still previl..hahaha...

_all what iv'e said is just in my own experience..thanx for reading..godbless..

Specializes in ICU.
I started Nursing School; then found out i was pregnant for my first child:yeah: by the time i was ready to graduate & start working in the field 2 1/2 yrs later i found out i was pregnant for my 2nd child! :yeah:

I worked & took care of 2 kids , 1 during school & 1 fresh into my career!

It can be done, it's time management, which you need as skill in nursing anyway! :redbeathe

Way to go! See, there's your answer. I think someone made a goint point when they said you really need a good support system. You know, someone there to watch the baby when it is sick, or go pick him up when something happens at daycare/sitter.

I had twin 5 yr old and a 10 yr old when I was in nursing school. I wanted to be able to raise my children and not be on WELFARE for the rest of their childhoods. Now I am a tax paying citizen with children that have an independent mother, even though I am married> I know I'll never HAVE TO depend on a man.

As you said, your clock is running out. Go ahead and start trying to have a baby (thats the fun part!) Going to school with a baby is not any different than having a full time job. You'll get your studying in when the baby is napping. YOu'll find time. Your housework will get delayed (lol) and you'll have a messy house, but so what! Also, there are several programs out there that will pay for your daycare if you're in a nursing program. I was in a program that did jus that. I never had to worry about day care in nursing school. I'm so glad that is out there for moms. If not, I would still be on the welfare rolls.

Let us know what you decide to do!

It was just an opinion, no one is being asked to agree with it.

Everyone should feel free to give their opinions here, regardless. Obviously the OP wanted opinions or the OP would not have posted asking for EVERYONE'S opinions....everyone is entitled to their own.

Yes, it's "just" an opinion. An incredibly offensive opinion that the owner didn't want to be called on. MY point is that when you post something offensive, you may be called on and people may object. Own your words and all.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.


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we promote the idea of lively debate. this means you are free to disagree with anyone on any type of subject matter as long as your criticism is constructive and polite.

personal attacks

our first priority is to the members that have come here because of the flame-free atmosphere we provide. there is a zero-tolerance policy here against personal attacks. we will not tolerate anyone insulting another individual's opinion nor name calling and will ban repeat offenders.

follow these guidelines and you'll never hear from the mod team.


Specializes in infection control, peds, home infusion.

:typingto the op: really, everyone will have an opinion either way, but i firmly believe that most mothers know what is best for their family. for us, it was a no brainer, i finished school in a year. yes, i busted my hump and sacrificed for a year, but we are now steadily saving so that we can make our family's life better as a unit.

now, i work roughly 15-20 hours per week, take care of the kids, make dinner, clean, do activities with them ,etc... i challenge anyone to tell me that what i did/am presently doing is wrong. you know in your heart what is best for your family, and what will help you and your family suceed. do not let anyone tell you differently.


Specializes in ICU.

Wow, what has this forum turned into? I don't think the OP was asking for an attack on her parenting skills. Or an attack at all. One simply could have stated their opinion without being rude about it.

:typingto the op: really, everyone will have an opinion either way, but i firmly believe that most mothers know what is best for their family. for us, it was a no brainer, i finished school in a year. yes, i busted my hump and sacrificed for a year, but we are now steadily saving so that we can make our family's life better as a unit.

now, i work roughly 15-20 hours per week, take care of the kids, make dinner, clean, do activities with them ,etc... i challenge anyone to tell me that what i did/am presently doing is wrong. you know in your heart what is best for your family, and what will help you and your family suceed. do not let anyone tell you differently.


well said. thank you!

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.
I'm guessing by that poster's outlook on parenthood, she's going to be one of those parents who smothers their children,who either volunteers in their classroom everyday because she can't bare to be away from them, or who will homeschool them because it's "her job" to raise them. To each their own, but I think it's a complete injustice to children to have that kind of outlook.

Wow and aren't these exactly the sort of judgemental statements you are against? Now its not ok to home school or God forbid volunteer at their schools? :confused:

Since you were asking about purposely getting pregnant I think you opened the door and only now do I understand that you only wanted support rather than opinions. I'd consider taking the good with the bad and consider all input as you make your decision although I guesss you had already made up your mind before you even posted.

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