Has anyone ans. 265 ?'s for NCLEX and passed


I was just curious if anyone has actually ans. the 265 questions for NCLEX and passed? Does that mean you never get out of the gray area?

Some people have the the min. and still pass or fail....Thanks!

Specializes in critical care and LTC.

Ny friend and I both passed our LPN boards with the min # of questions 85 on the first try about 18 months ago. She passed her RN boards with the max 265. I take my RN boards tomorrow!

Specializes in OB, M/S, HH, Medical Imaging RN.
hello its me again vemvem....just checked pearson this evening...ive passed!!! yeheyyyyyy....im an rn....i think 265 is good as long as ur questions were all significantly difficult..but whos to know if they were??...

It doesn't matter. You passed!

ofcourse people can pass at 265 :) i just did! after 1 month and 3 weeks of waiting!! it was really hard to wait and i was convincing myself just to study again coz i feel so hopeless of my result. i thought i wasnt gonna make it but i did :) i had lots of meds, calculations, prioritizations, meds, meds, meds....so it was really hard to believe i passed coz i wasnt so sure about my answers coz most of them were never heard! but then, God is really good. he will give you what you truly deserve. just soar high, give your best shot, and leave everything to God afterwards...you did you're best so trust him on what he can do next. :) that's the best secret to it. good luck everyone!! God bless! congrats to all who passed! ang congrats in advance to everyone who will take the exam! remember, you will only fail if you stop trying :)

I hope this will give encouragement to those who feel they've absolutely failed with 265 questions. I am living proof it is possible to pass the NCLEX with 265. When I started the exam, for the second time I might add, I really felt that I was careful enough and answered each question cautiously, because of my experience the first time, giving responses and choices that I thought were the best; well, to my knowledge. But then, question 76 appeared, and went on...and on... my heart sank, thinking that my responses would have been wrong if the computer decided to give me the full 265 questions. Almost six hours. My eyes were red, I didn't take any breaks. I wanted it to end, but the secret is, just answer each question as if it were the first. I went home wanting to cry. I did that night. I kept going through the questions in my mind, and of course, I focused on the ones I wasn't sure of, the ones I got wrong and totally discounted the ones I did get right. And fortunately, they were more. I was so depressed the next two days, checking my name in the CA BRN site. None. I prayed and prayed hard, cried to the Lord. Then on the third day, it was there! I'm a registered nurse in LA. So it is possible. Don't underestimate the power of prayers.

My classmate had 265. took 6 hours, & passed.

I had the nclex yesterday, I got 265, is there by stadistic more possibilitie to pass or fail

I passed w/ 265!

Specializes in cardiac.

You can pass or fail regardless of how many questions. Some people are considered controls, and get the entire 265 questions. So yes, you can get all 265 and pass.

Specializes in CTICU.

There are not "control" test takers - untrue rumor. You get the 265 questions ONLY if the computer is unable to assess your pass/fail sooner than that. People pass and fail at all number of questions, it has nothing to do with the result (only how quickly the computer determines it).

Specializes in ICU.

The staffing recruiter at the hospital I will be working at said that on any given day that the NCLEX is administered, 20% of the students will be made to take all 265 questions regardless of how they are doing. This is to show validity of the test.

My nursing professor said that is an urban legend. So I don't know!

Specializes in Oncology/BMT.

I took the NCLEX on Tuesday (June 17th) with 265 questions. I found out today I passed. I'm still inshock. This was my third attempt. I guess third time is the charm!

To the people who have to retake it, NEVER give up. Try your hardest, study, look for safety in every question. That's very important. BELIEVE in yourself!

I can't figure out how to post, only respond?

I took my RN NCLEX today, & I got all 265 questions. I thought I was passing at 75 questions, then I hit the enter button & just knew it would shut off, it didn't. So, really what is the likelyhood chance that I actually passed. So much of prioritizing, select all that apply & Psych questions. I am praying for good news....

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