group one? someone please help me



I about to graduate and all these people are freaking me out about group one. I know its a background/employment check thing. And I have been told that if I have never been terminated from a DFW hospital, then I am okay. Then, why is there this big deal about how all terminations are reported to Group One. SO you have to put ALL of your jobs down in your application. Does that mean that if I walked out on my job at a chilis after two days bc it was two much for me to handle, I am on group one list and I won't be able to be a nurse? I'm sure I wasn't thinking about that when I was 20 years old yah know. Does anyone know about Group one? Am I not going to get a job because I walked out of my restauarant job years ago??????????


Specializes in ICU, ER, HH, NICU, now FNP.

Nooooooo - only hospital /health care agencies report to group one!!!!

Group One is NO BIG DEAL most of the time!!!!! Don't freak out. If you have no criminal record, you have nothing to worry about.

There have been a few folks who have had issues with Group One - but they are not the majority and there are proper channels for addressing these issues and getting them taken care of.

Specializes in Case Management.

Check down below under "similar threads" you will read many past threads about this company and thier practices.

TYo anyone concerned about your GroupOne report. Call them and request a copy. That wat you will know what is on the report before applying or interviewing for positions. This gives you an advantage, in case there is something in the report you have to explain.

Specializes in ICU, CVICU.

Group One is NO BIG DEAL most of the time!!!!! Don't freak out. If you have no criminal record, you have nothing to worry about.

Really? I was beginning to think that I should NEVER work in Dallas!

Really? I was beginning to think that I should NEVER work in Dallas!
Well, it may be that you ought not to work in Dallas, but Group One isn't the reason.... LOL

Seriously, I sweated about this too.

It's not unlike older women talking about their horrible labors with a primip in the room. They don't always realize the effect, but we feel like we're in huge trouble!

I had a job terminated out from under me, no notice, I was PRN and could never get a shift, and I sweated Group One. I had been a nurse extern! I didn't do anything wrong, but I worried.

I think this is part of new-grad-itis. Don't worry, apply to a lot of internships and get into one. Then keep putting one foot in front of the other and before you know it, you'll have a year or two of experience, and you'll laugh about how worried you were today.

Good luck! PM me if you like--I'm in the Dallas area as well.

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.
Nooooooo - only hospital /health care agencies report to group one!!!!

Group One is NO BIG DEAL most of the time!!!!! Don't freak out. If you have no criminal record, you have nothing to worry about.

There have been a few folks who have had issues with Group One - but they are not the majority and there are proper channels for addressing these issues and getting them taken care of.

This is not entirely correct.

While the vast majority of nurses (Texas or otherwise) have not had any problems with GroupOne, it is a big deal to those that have. And I know of several nurses (despite the fact that I never have worked in Texas) that have been dinged on a GroupOne check, despite having no criminal record.

As GroupOne works closely with many forprofit healthcare facilities, many of us avoid those facilities, as they tend to be rather cheap and chintzy to work for. In addition, if you are heavily activist nurse, it is probably in your best interest to avoid those facilities.

There are nurses of my acquaintance, that can tell you that it is quite difficult to get "unlisted" by GroupOne.

The OP should use "search" and review the several previous threads on this topic.

I, for one, stay away from most forprofit interests, and will be highly unlikely to work for a GroupOne interest.

Specializes in ICU, ER, HH, NICU, now FNP.

For MOST NURSES group one is no big deal - I didnt say it was no big deal for thos who had problems with them - however, those few are a very very small minority, and they do have a process to follow to resolve issues. Out all the people (9 that I know personally) I have talked to who had issues with Group One - only ONE has followed the process set out by the fair credit reporting act to resolve the problem and she was successful. The others complain but they don't take the required action.

I stand by by statement - for MOST NURSES group one is no big deal.

Specializes in Tele.

It is a very BIG deal. I never knew of a Group one. I worked for a well known Children's Hosp in the dfw area 2.5 YEARS ago. I accept a job across the street from them and just NOW find out I have a report with them. So, I investigate....................while I was on LOA as a Tele Tech in Nursing school. I had numerous medical problems in my last trimester and put on bedrest due to Acute Renal Failure. My position was filled In mid-Feb of 2004. When I was released to go back to work in March, I took another job. The last I heard from this hospital until now. And I have NO idea where to begin.

The others complain but they don't take the required action.

I stand by by statement - for MOST NURSES group one is no big deal.

They shouldn't have to take any "required action."

Required by who? Who are they to decide who's a fit nurse and who isn't?

Some company starts up in DFW that we as nurses have no part of, and no say in the matter, and we are suddenly supposed to answer to them?

This new company can suddenly make up it's own rules and decide what "required action" we nurses are to take if we ever hope to have bad Group One reports removed from our "records" that they keep about all of us?

Since when are they our boss and have any authority whatsoever on judging competent nursing?

So somebody can decide to start a business that slanders and libels people and literally keeps them jobless in their local area, and we're supposed to answer for, and have to justify, every red mark and finger pointing as they see fit to their criteria?

I don't know about the rest of you, but if I were to have been slandered by them, I certainly don't think that I owe Group One any explanation for anything I've done during my employment at any hospital.

You can speak with my lawyer from here on out as far as I would be concerned.

And we all should be outraged and concerned about these practices.

It's nothing more than a scam for DFW hospitals to try to legally get around being able to bad mouth former employees.

So if "MOST" nurses aren't negatively affected by Group One, we shouldn't be concerned.

I guess that's true as long as we remain in the "MOST" category, and have been lucky enough to have never been subject to vindictive and unethical practices by our employers.

MD's, PT/OT's, pharmacists, and many other health professionals do not have any type of "Group One" entity in existance to dictate where they can work and be a source of threat if they dare to walk out on their jobs under unsafe working conditions.

What does that say about the nursing profession as a whole?

No backbone. Just grin and bear it.

It's our job to simply take whatever others dish out.

Specializes in Tele.

OK, I attempted to initiate the process of clearing my name and the atty. says.........there is no quick fix, $2500 retainer fee, $150 and hour for a job I made $13.00, 30 hours a week, for 5 months.

Specializes in Tele.

I have attempted to resolve my matter and once again, little vs. the big machine. I do not have a $2500 retainer fee or $150 an hour. If he goes over that it will be additional money.:angryfire :angryfire :angryfire

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