Grand Canyon RN-BSN

Nursing Students Online Learning


Is there any updated information? I have been in heavy contact with them and am looking at taking their RN-BSN program. I work with a GCU grad and she has nothing but positive things to say, but I want more opinions. ?

Any pro's and cons? Thankfully the only class I'm missing is stats and that is offered in the actual BSN program. I'm a bit nervous as my algebra skills are way old. If anyone took this class, do you have any advice?

Once you submit a complaint, ask for anyone or anything different, you feel like a you know what.

They do give you lots of credits for what you have done, however, if there are any stumbling blocks

you are made to feel like a "special case".. as in... an oddity.

Specializes in Certified Med/Surg tele, and other stuff.

I do have to interject here and say I really don't think anyone would be marked as trouble for complaining. Believe me, Pandora and I complained on occasion before AND after, and both contested an assignment with ZERO repercussions. When I said it wouldn't be worth saying anything I was meaning toward the WORK involved to turn a grade from an A- to A+ , when it's a 4.0 anyway.

Pink, you seem to be constantly wavering in your gcu decision. You have got to be happy in your school choice or you will be having an ulcer mid way through.

Specializes in Certified Med/Surg tele, and other stuff.
We have sports teams????? Go LOPES! :up:

Yes we do. Baseball, basketball, football etc. Gcu has a ground campus that is a university. The basketball team played a local Christian college last year near my home. Sadly, I worked so could not go. I could have supported my team!

Specializes in Certified Med/Surg tele, and other stuff.

Anyone else getting a "this thread is closed" notice?

Specializes in ICU/ Surgery/ Nursing Education.

No. Is there a limit on thread size or number of postings?

Specializes in Certified Med/Surg tele, and other stuff.


Staying ahead is KEY. it's easy to fall behind with work. Some people do well with working under pressure. I don't, lol.

Working ahead saved me in many ways. If I had things completed early, all I had to do was answer my dq. I finished those on Wed, and submitted papers on Thur/Fri. This gave me time off from work for a few days to play with family.

It also saved me when I became ill with severe food poisoning for two weeks. I had one paper ready to be turned in when I became ill and the next one started. Having been ahead it took some pressure off.

CLC: everyone has a different opinion on that one. Either Pandora and I took the lead and nagged and whined people to do their part..correctly.

We also did the editing, not trusting our grade to others.

Yeah it created more work for us. Once people turned their stuff in, you never heard from them again. They are out playing and you are stuck in front of the computer. It was a choice w made though, because we didn't trust some of them to edit correctly.

Formatting: the copy and paste doesn't work with LC. Pain in the butt.

Specializes in Certified Med/Surg tele, and other stuff.
No. Is there a limit on thread size or number of postings?

My stuff is posting though. I'm doing this from my phone and the AN app. Multi tasking at Jiffy Lube, lol

I do have to interject here and say I really don't think anyone would be marked as trouble for complaining. Believe me, Pandora and I complained on occasion before AND after, and both contested an assignment with ZERO repercussions. When I said it wouldn't be worth saying anything I was meaning toward the WORK involved to turn a grade from an A- to A+ , when it's a 4.0 anyway.

Pink, you seem to be constantly wavering in your gcu decision. You have got to be happy in your school choice or you will be having an ulcer mid way through.

That's the thing. If was a difference between pass and fail it would be an easy decision. I just have my plate full with 2 jobs and school and don't see the work being worth the minimal results (if it was approved). I do not regret going with GCU for my degree. I know others in similar programs who have had instructors that are hard to deal with. Unfortunately it is the same in every academic program. Some instructors do it to teach and others simply want the paycheck with minimal interaction.

Specializes in UR/CM, Managed Care.


Overall I believe that staying ahead of the game is key to balancing GCU with other obligations. I think staying a week ahead is important. I will finish my first paper this Monday to be submitted next Sunday. The next weeks DQ will be written on Sunday to post Monday.

100% correct, staying ahead of the game is KEY. Not always possible with work and life in general, but yes, always strive for that. I need to revamp my attitude and get back to that, as lately I have become burned out and find myself writing my DQs at 2330 on Wed & Fri nights… BTW, I agree with although you plan on writing your papers in advance, saving them for the weekend to actually turn in. The times I ever did turn something in early (say Wed or Thurs), invariably someone would ask a question to the instructor later in the week that I thought, “Doh!” and it was too late to adjust my assignment `cause I’d already turned it in. Not sure I’d wait `til Sunday (you never know if TII or LC will be busted or down on Sundays, it’s a high-traffic day for students), shoot for Fri/Sat maybe.

The group projects will be a bear. I am finding that everyone doesn’t respond in a timely manner. Many do but there are a few that do not. I stepped up to be the leader in the CLC assignment which I hope wasn’t a mistake.

Ahhh, the CLCs. Thorn in my side, for sure. Yes, you will learn things about people you wish you never knew (selfish, undependable, defensive, lethargic, rude). Sorry, but that’s been my experience. Only one class out of the 8 so far have I had a CLC where all members were energetic and invested in the project and their teammates. All the others were me poking, prodding, tempted to post things like, “Helloooooo?? Anybody???” The interesting thing about CLCs is that nowhere nowhere nowhere does it say that there should be a “leader”. There’s no spot for it on the CLC Agreement, it’s not in the assignment description, nowhere. But yet, somehow people always want to point to someone to be responsible and lead the group, which translates to “Whatever you decide is fine with me, I’m not invested in this, I just wanna do my little piece and be done with you people. Hope we get a good grade but if we don’t, oh well, don’t really care”.

The reading isn’t a major problem. The chapters in the books are 10 to 20 pages long and the supplemental articles are fairly short. Like I said before, staying ahead of the game is important.

Good news to look forward to: There is no text/e-book for Stats or Spirituality. Yay!

The text editor on the portal sucks. If you cut and paste from Word it is always formatted weird. Suggestions?

This happens to me when I’m using IE. When in Chrome, it doesn’t happen.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to deal with group projects?

See above, LOL. I guess it depends on your end-game – are you a “passer” or a “striver”? Do you want a 4.0 or is that not really important to you? Those that want to do their personal best and treat each assignment as a challenge with something valuable to learn tend to choose to “lead” the CLCs. Those that don’t, turn in the minimum and move on to the next class. Decide now if you want them to turn out great – if so, just accept the fact that you will be doing the majority of the work and that you will be taken advantage of. Be sure to be active in the color forum, be clear and direct, because if/when you find yourself in a situation with your group, the first thing the Instructor will ask is “what does your CLC agreement say?” and “did you address this is the forum?” I’m sorry I’m sour, I hope you have a different experience!

Oh, and once the CLC grade is returned, resist the temptation to send out texts to your teammates that say, "You're Welcome".

okay, maybe I need therapy smiliegroan.gif

I now have 3 advisors.. since they would not let me switch.. I have the boss and the bosses boss.

Believe me, I feel targeted.

I am expecting too much. There is no other school that would give you the service we are giving you, etc.. I get that.

All I want at this point is ONE advisor, a NEW one and a FRESH start.

Getting ready to start research and then ethics after that. If anyone had an amazing Ethics instructor I'd love a PM as to who they are.

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