graduate RN without license looking for job


I graduated with my Associate's RN degree and am unable to obtain my license at this time. I am looking to find a job but do not really know my options. Any suggestions or help is much appreciated!

You can get any job that has no RN licence requirement. Customer service, tech, IT, Dj, entertainer etc

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVICU.

Though becoming rarer and rarer, some hospitals will hire you as a Graduate Nurse (GN) until you take your boards, but with many markets being saturated, it's very difficult. Your best bet is to reach out to your local recruiters. Or better yet, take your dang boards ASAP

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Without a license, you likely aren't going to find a position as a nurse. It used to be that graduate nurses with a temporary permit could find jobs; however, that seems to have gone by the wayside and a license is required to be considered for hire. So, you're going to be limited to jobs that do not require a license- unlicensed assistive personnel roles such as unit clerk, patient care assistant, CNA, or the option would be to find a job outside of healthcare. What is the reason you are unable to obtain a license? Is it something that can be remedied?

Specializes in Education, Administration, Magnet.

Depending on the state. In Texas the rules are very specific how many days after obtaining your ATT you can work as a GN.

You can work as anything outside of healthcare while you take care of your business and become eligible to test.

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

Why are you 'unable' to take the NCLEX now? That might give us some insight. Are you simply unable to afford it? Have you taken it previously? When did you graduate?

Specializes in Pedi.
Why are you 'unable' to take the NCLEX now? That might give us some insight. Are you simply unable to afford it? Have you taken it previously? When did you graduate?

My question as well. Can't really answer the OP's question without this information.

Not much you can do.

Maybe look at healthcare companies (not necessarily patient care organizations, but those providing supplies or other support) and see if any jobs would match your skill set. I say this because a college classmate went the tech route with her healthcare background and never actually worked as a nurse.

However, your best bet is to still take the nclex.

Specializes in Psychiatry, Community, Nurse Manager, hospice.

At my old job there was a tech with an ADN but no license. She claimed to not want the responsibility of being a nurse. I think something else was going on, but that has nothing to do with your question.

The problem is that you won't be paid well.

If not getting a license is a long term issue for you, I would suggest going for a BS in something like healthcare administration or health sciences, where you might be able to get a job in research or somewhere else. Go for the major that takes the most nursing school credits.

If you are playing a waiting game, then work as a tech until you get your license.

Specializes in Critical Care.

I have a question and a comment.

Question: Why can't you take the NCLEX now? It is best to take it as soon as possible after graduation in order to have the best chance of passing.

Comment: You are not a registered nurse. You have not taken the boards. You have not passed the NCLEX. You have not been issued a nursing license by any jurisdiction. It is both illegal and unethical for you to refer to yourself as a RN.

Specializes in Pedi.
I have a question and a comment.

Question: Why can't you take the NCLEX now? It is best to take it as soon as possible after graduation in order to have the best chance of passing.

Comment: You are not a registered nurse. You have not taken the boards. You have not passed the NCLEX. You have not been issued a nursing license by any jurisdiction. It is both illegal and unethical for you to refer to yourself as a RN.

I didn't even notice that in the subject. OP, you are not a "graduate RN without a license." If you do not have a license, you are NOT an RN.

You will be hard pressed to find an employer willing to hire you into a related job without being satisfied with your answer to their question about why you have not obtained your license.

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