Got a hospital job finally!!! Hired on the spot

Nurses Job Hunt


Hello everyone I just wanted to give other new grads out there some hope. I graduated December 2013 with my ASN and took the NCLEX February 2014 and passed. I got a job at a home health agency which I love but I really wanted the acute experience. I watched as all my friends got interviews and jobs. I had connections as well but none worked out. I went on 2 interviews before this one and didn't receive any job offers. I even starting thinking about moving to ND, Texas anywhere

I got this interview for the job I have now because I got really depressed and said I'm just going to call all the HR departments. I expected nothing from this. I called HR before, emailed nurse managers and went in person to hospitals rehabs etc without any luck. This time the recruiter informed me of a position and sent my email over to the DON. 2 days later she called me back. Then 1 week later I interviewed and not even 5 minutes after the interview I was offered a position!!!! God is good because they still had people left to interview!

To all the New Grads first don't be afraid to accept a non hospital position. 2.) Realize that even if you don't receive a job offer after an interview you still got a chance to practice your interview skills. 3.) Never give up! If nursing is your passion then keep at it!

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.

Awesome!!! Congrats!!! :up:

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

Wonderful news! Way to hustle!!!

Specializes in Medical/Oncology.

Congrats sugar12! I totally I agree with you about not giving up! I finally got an offer for a hospital job and I'm excited about of my mind. Although I haven't made my decision about actually taking the job, at least I can think about it and make my decision soon. New grads, don't give up and stay strong!

Congratulations again sugar12! I hope you got the unit you have wanted (or at least that you like it).

Sugar 12,

Nice job! This encourages me as I have thought about doing home health to get some experience while looking for new-grad hospital programs. I must say it is humbling. I just graduated with my BSN and it seems no one wants you. But I plan to keep on persevering as that is how I have been successful in obtaining my nursing degree.

Specializes in Ortho-Neuro Rehab, CRRN.

Well done! That is great - Good luck in your new position!!!

Congratulations! It gives me hope for when I graduate at the end of the year :) Good Luck at your new job

Specializes in None yet..

Awesome story! Congratulations on your new job and your true grit. You're going to go far with all that emotional intelligence!

So happy for you :-) Way to take the bull by the horns! I hope you enjoy the job. If you don't, hang in're getting valuable experience that will help you nab other jobs in the future.

Thank you everyone. Glad I offered inspiration. I was offered a med/surg new grad position which is perfect for me right now because I graduated December 2013 and feel as though I forgot some aspects of acute care nursing.This week I had 3 more interview calls for jobs. When it rains it pours I guess.

Sugar 12,

Nice job! This encourages me as I have thought about doing home health to get some experience while looking for new-grad hospital programs. I must say it is humbling. I just graduated with my BSN and it seems no one wants you. But I plan to keep on persevering as that is how I have been successful in obtaining my nursing degree.

During my interview I was able to sell myself based off of my home health experience so I say if u get an offer accept it! I still plan to continue home health per diem. I love it! Lots of paperwork tho but I know that's nursing in general. But basically I told my interviewers all the things I learned: how to communicate and educate patients, how to critically think when you're alone with a pt and something seems off and also u get good at assessments too because you're the MD's main eyes. Most of the times they see the patient once every 3 months.

Congratulations! It gives me hope for when I graduate at the end of the year :) Good Luck at your new job

Great! Thank you! I'm sure you've been told this before but since you're already in clinicals reach out to managers of the floors you like. Get their contact information. Start networking from now! Good luck to you as well.

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