who's getting ready to graduate????


:yeah: This time last year I hadn't even applied for LPN school, and was just starting to consider this path (LPN to RN) and now we're just 3mo from graduation!!!! I feel like I know absolutely nothing, but surely after all the exams, modules, clinicals, etc... I've picked up something, right!?! :rolleyes:

So what are your plans now? Do you have any idea what kind of nursing you want to do? I just got my letter of acceptance for RN school, so the summer will be filled with classes to transition into the RN program, but I do plan to work as an LPN (hopefully in peds) for the next year, and then I'd really love to move to NICU.

So, are you starting to get excited yet? I'm on spring break so I actually have a minute to reflect :p I can't believe we're going to be nurses soon!!!!

Specializes in PN Student.

Our last day is April 23rd

Graduation is April 30th

We only have 2 tests left then just clinicals till the end

I am goin to work and go for my RN

Specializes in LTC.

Grad day is July 25 09, its still so far away so I can't quite see the light yet. After I get my LPN I plan to work as a nurse while finishing up for my RN. Hoping to start RN school in fall of 2010.

Graduate in May!

My plans?? BREATHE!!!!

Specializes in Geriatrics.

Graduating May 29, 2009 :grad: Woo Hoo !!! Plan to PARTY , SLEEP :yawn: and :pntrghi: GET A JOB !! Probably in Nursing Home or Assisted Living Dementia Unit. Not sure about the RN program yet ~ still tossing it around. Thanks for asking and Congratulations Everyone !! :yeah:

breathing and sleeping sound awesome!!!

only 4 days of school left. graduate april 3rd. well maybe. took 1st exit exam and bombed it. stayed up all night, stressed and studying, failed 2nd exit by 4 points. will take 3rd and final exit exam after the last day of school. if i do not pass it then i will be out of pn program for 2 years even though i will have passed all my classes. i am scared. i do not know what i will do if i do not pass it this time.:crying2:

Specializes in Hospice.

I had my last day of clinicals yesterday. I take my exit HESI test next Tuesday then I have two days of NCLEX review next Thursday and Friday. If I do well on my HESI on Tuesday then Friday is my last day of school. My pinning ceremony is April 16 and graduation is April 17. I would think I would be more excited than I really am but it actually just doesn't feel real yet. I am scared to death to actually be a nurse so quickly. I start the RN program at my school in August. Whew!

today was the last clinical day. day went smooth with no unexpected things to do. i always get nervous the first time i do a skill on a real person. i am ok with starting ivs. i dont have a problem with removing them either. so when your instructor says follow me, you know that you are going to do something unexpected. all i had to do was remove a foley cath which was really no big deal but i had not had the chance to do one before except for in the skills lab. i did fine with no problems. i just kept thinking about when i put my first foley in a patient. we were in ob getting patient ready for a c-section. i could not see where i was going and i looked at my instructor like are you sure we are in the right spot. it went in real easy, we got urine and we were good to go. 3 days left! 1 final and 1 exit exam to go! good luck with the hesi!

Specializes in Rehabilitation; LTC; Med-Surg.
:yeah: This time last year I hadn't even applied for LPN school, and was just starting to consider this path (LPN to RN) and now we're just 3mo from graduation!!!! I feel like I know absolutely nothing, but surely after all the exams, modules, clinicals, etc... I've picked up something, right!?! :rolleyes:

So what are your plans now? Do you have any idea what kind of nursing you want to do? I just got my letter of acceptance for RN school, so the summer will be filled with classes to transition into the RN program, but I do plan to work as an LPN (hopefully in peds) for the next year, and then I'd really love to move to NICU.

So, are you starting to get excited yet? I'm on spring break so I actually have a minute to reflect :p I can't believe we're going to be nurses soon!!!!

Oh yes ^_^ I feel ya! All this hard work and three months left?! WHERE HAS TIME GONE? LOL, sometimes when I think about all the people I won't see EVERYDAY anymore, I start to cry. :-( :-)

Specializes in Hospice.
sometimes when I think about all the people I won't see EVERYDAY anymore, I start to cry. :-( :-)

Me too - tears of joy! Ha!

My last qtr (OB, Peds & Leadership) begins April 1st and I graduate June 15th!

I plan to works as an LPN for 2 or 3 years and then go back to obtain my RN.

Eventually, I see myself in wound care.

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