What is it about nursing students....

Nursing Students General Students


that makes them so godawful stupid?

I swear, it must be a requirement to exchange your brain for a spot in the program. I just spent a very long morning in orientation (hello? I'm a SENIOR student) where students (seniors like me) asked all kinds of stupid questions that we already know the answers to.

And why do I have to come in for orientation so the instructor can read us the syllabus? Are we all suddenly illiterate? And a seminar on time management? I could scream!

Its just totally ridiculous. They could do all this the first day of class and save a bunch of time and a 100 mile drive for me (50 miles to the central campus each way).

"What do you think is the best way to study?"

"Should we read the material before or after the lecture?"

"Will we have a tutor again?"

On and on and on....

I left after lunch.

Sorry, needed to vent.

...plus I paid some major tolls, and the computers were down when we went to register en mass, so it was almost a complete waste of my time. Oh well.

OK, I'm kind of over it now... looking forward to another year of jumping through hoops and learning stupid pet tricks for the instructors.

Wow I have a bad attitude today. How obnoxious was that?

Seriously this semester is when we're supposed to come into our own, they swear at the end we'll feel like 'real nurses'. I hope so. Right now I don't feel anywhere near that. And we're going straight into clinical... that's awesome. Before they always did a couple weeks of frontloading. I'm hoping to start off with the two 'other' rotations... hospice and psych. The rest is med/surg and tele.

Oh and the psych instructor is a big ol' lesbian. I think she wants me.

We had a couple of people like that in our classes. They wouldn't make a move unless the instructor was right there, holding their hand.... I'm serious! 2 of them failed out and 1 passed, but I am wondering what it would be like to be her patient....(may God help them!)

These people would literally stand outside of a patients room, wringing their hands and wondering what to do.....

GO IN AND DO AN ASSESSMENT! That's what everyone else was doing, for heavens sake!

It's a pitiful sight to see.....so I know and understand where your coming from Rebecca.....

Ok so the funniest thing that happened today... this girl was sitting at my table and last year she (no kidding) failed EVERY SINGLE LAB (of course they let her redo them 2 and 3 times so she could eventually pass).

They told us that this year if we passed all of our labs on the first try we wouldn't have proficiency at the end of the semester (its like a grab bag of skills, you pick one, and if you do it right you pass lab for the semester). Although we do have proficiency at the start of this semester (three of last year's skills as a 'refresher').

So she clapped and smiled and said, "Oh, that's really great."

Yep. Like THAT's gonna happen.


MsPurp...You're funny...but frankly...you're scaring the hell out of me!!! I'm finishing up my pre-req's now and I'm can't wait for the weeding process to start!!! Now you're making me wonder if that'll ever happen! :eek: I feel for you though! I can't even imagine how irksome that must be considering how far along in the program you are! I'm just taking a CNA course now and I'm shocked at the people in there! I'm not the most outgoing individual in the world but sheesh! One girl actually tried talking through her hand when she introduced herself to the class...then asked the teacher to skip her because she's really shy! Now WHY I ask WHY would you go into nursing if you terrified to even talk to people? What happens when you actually have to touch them? And guess what...the teacher skipped right passed her and said "that's ok honey...we'll just have to work on that." I dunno...I just don't get it! I feel for you though!


We should all be very afraid.

I, myself, am particularly afraid that I'll have one of my peers as my labor nurse one day.

Inferior students will get weeded out. Maby they are just scared. I am a new grad. I got through school with good marks, worked and did not have to struggle as much as some. However, there are those that graduated that did not pass the boards due to nerves that in my opnion (and others) will eventually be great nurses. Furthermore, there are complete F*$^#%@ idiots that faked their way through school and by some happen chance passed. I am talking about some that cheated their way through, and one would ask me a question during clinicals the repeat what I had said to the instructor as if she had a single orgional idea. It happens. Stupid people inhabit this planet, we just have to take a deep breath and go on, and sometimes even guide them.

What the bad thing is: It get's alot worse in real life with out the security of instructors, some that acheived in school will fail, some that were not-so-good will excell. It's all about finding a groove. Overconfidence is not a attitude to get used to, it will inevitably work against you.

:rotfl: :rotfl:

I think you'll be all right...

This thread is too hilarious :rotfl: I'm just getting the sciences and pharm out of the way this year before starting the nursing program in May, but I know just from taking the NLN preadmission exam that there's going to be some real doozies (if they pass the exam, that is)! One girl couldn't figure out for the life of her how to fill in the little dots for her name. The proctor had to come over and basically walk her through the process :rolleyes: Unfortunately, our school takes all on a first-come basis as long as you meet the requirements...it's a real shame that someone who could be a really great nurse might be bumped out of the program by this girl...

Originally posted by troublennc

Overconfidence is not a attitude to get used to, it will inevitably work against you.

Could you clarify this statement, please? I'm just wondering how it relates to the rest of the thread.

I think the idiots..trancend majors, countries, and cultures.. in my program i swear some of these people dont come with brains..they want teachers to tell them questions on the exams, we actually had a group of students who had a petition after an exam because they thought it was too hard and didnt believe that they had been adequately prepaired...HELLO its an exam, you prepare yourself..and everything that was on it was covered in the book or in lectures.. so all they had to do was read the book...it irks me too. Clinical they are all tools too, granted im new too, but i know when i need help and to get help and what i can do on my own...they are all afraid to have any type of initiatve, they only do what is written on paper and given to them...they ask the same questions over and over and are like iw ant to work where im respected by everyone and no one is mean and the patients dont yell and the doctors dont get mad..ya-da ya-da, hello tools youre going to get yelled at..youre going to get patients from hell some doctors wont respect you and there will always be people who dont like you.. its life... deal with it...

and they preach critical tihnking...but want the papers to have no original thought.. ah well i cant complain my marks rock....

ok now i feel better hahaha :D

best wishes to all

they want teachers to tell them questions on the exams,

This happened in my class too! My other favorite is when someone asks, "whats on the test?' and the instructor answers "everything that you have learned so far!":roll

OR, "will you be testing from the book or strictly from the notes"??

There is always one in every class that is a total pain and tends to waste class time on stupid stuff. It was so bad last semester that the professor would only answer questions at the break!

My other favorite classmate is the one that came to clinical without her care plan. Her reasoning?? Her dog was sick and had to go to the vet for eye drops. (we had a week to get it started!)

One of my classmates is so rude that the L&D nurse at clinical threw her out! This pregnant woman was pushing and it was her first baby. Her mother and grandmother were in the birthing room and my classmate actually asked the grandmother to move out of the way because she couldn't see!

Out she went! (gotta love those L&D nurses!)

So yes, students can be quite dumb from time to time....my study buddy has agreed to smack me if I start to show signs of this disorder.

GOOD LUCK to you...this too will pass.......if it doesn't, demonstrate pillow therapy 101 to these annoying classmates.


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