What is it about nursing students....

Nursing Students General Students


that makes them so godawful stupid?

I swear, it must be a requirement to exchange your brain for a spot in the program. I just spent a very long morning in orientation (hello? I'm a SENIOR student) where students (seniors like me) asked all kinds of stupid questions that we already know the answers to.

And why do I have to come in for orientation so the instructor can read us the syllabus? Are we all suddenly illiterate? And a seminar on time management? I could scream!

Its just totally ridiculous. They could do all this the first day of class and save a bunch of time and a 100 mile drive for me (50 miles to the central campus each way).

"What do you think is the best way to study?"

"Should we read the material before or after the lecture?"

"Will we have a tutor again?"

On and on and on....

I left after lunch.

Sorry, needed to vent.

In fact, I'm so bloody irked I think I'm going to go clean something.

And y'all know how much I enjoy housework.

Colleen, I totally agree with you regarding the mgmt class... Mine was a whole semester and called "college orientation" and was 1 credit. I mean all the information was in the front of the book. Tips on how to study you can get anywhere and from anyone. I blocked that one out of memory as well.

Ms purp, isn't nursing all about critical thinking and so fourth ?(right now I'm only taking pre-req's) how are they gonna think in an emergency if they can't even think in orientation? I can't wait till next fall so I can have my orientation... : )

Originally posted by nursing 101

Colleen, I totally agree with you regarding the mgmt class... Mine was a whole semester and called "college orientation" and was 1 credit. I mean all the information was in the front of the book. Tips on how to study you can get anywhere and from anyone. I blocked that one out of memory as well.

Ms purp, isn't nursing all about critical thinking and so fourth ?(right now I'm only taking pre-req's) how are they gonna think in an emergency if they can't even think in orientation? I can't wait till next fall so I can have my orientation... : )

This is my point. They won't think in an emergency and THEIR PATIENTS WILL ALL DIE.

"Ha! My goal is to get on at the Children's Hospital in the city and be far far away from these idiots (all taking jobs at the local hospital, no doubt).

:roll :rotfl:

"You are too much... Ms Purp"

Originally posted by MsPurp

Its frightening how little they know but more than that... how little they think, or how little they WANT to know. I mean, I don't know everything. I feel like I have everything to learn still... but at least I have a basic awareness that there are things I need to know in order to provide safe nursing care and be responsible for the patients in my care.

These people? Forget about it. I wonder how many people they'll kill. There's one girl in particular... I shudder at the thought.

I already know at least one of the people you are referring to... LOL... and I only met her twice! How she got this far I have no idea. Then there is the little foursome -- these four girls are so tight I doubt they will ever branch out. While I was pumping the 3rd semester students for tips on the program, they were in their corner giggling. Please do NOT let me be in clinicals with these people! I need all the help I can get!

I am friendly with many people in my nursing program. I am very tight with only one. We ride to clinicals together, barter to get in the same lab group together, study together. We are conscientious students who also happen to be able to think for ourselves and find information on our own.

What is it with these people who have to be spoonfed everything?


If it's any consolation, there are idiots in every major. No matter what class you are taking, there is always at least one person raising his/her hand with some ridiculously stupid question that is a complete waste of everyone's time.

I had a chemistry professor once, young guy, pretty green to teaching but he was great. There were a few people in class who were struggling because their math skills were apparently rather weak. The professor finally got tired of all the questions about simple math and told these guys that since algebra was a pre-req for his class, he didn't have time to waste tutoring people in basic math and he needed to move on so as not to hold up the rest of the class. I was so glad because it was unfair to the rest of us!

And another thing..........

There's always hope that some of your fellow students will flunk out before long. You know not EVERYONE who starts the program will finish it. Vsummer1, perhaps the giggling foursome will be the dropouts of your class!

Not that I'm wishing bad things upon people but not everybody belongs in the nursing profession.

My point isn't that there are people who are more academically challenged than others, my point is that the program is centered around creating these types of people.

My point is that competition exists for a reason, and instead of constantly helping them to the finish line, they need to let them fall behind or out of the race altogether. Its just not safe to their future patients to continue to reward complacency and substandard academic and clinical performance.

Of course there are always stupid people, everywhere. Watch COPS if you don't believe me.

I totally agree with ya. We had a girl in my Nursing Concepts class this summer who just got on my last nerve with her comments and questions. Questions like " Why are we learning IV calculations? What do we do if a patient smells(holds her shirt up over her nose)...can we do this?" I'm being serious here. Not only were her questions and comments ...ummm to put it nicely, ignorant, but she was late to class EVERYDAY. It should be interesting this fall with class starting at 0700 and clinicals beginning at 0600. Makes a person wonder how these people got into nursing school in the first place. Good luck to everyone in the Fall.


Originally posted by Weinzel

What do we do if a patient smells(holds her shirt up over her nose)...can we do this?"

:rotfl: :lol2: :chuckle :roll :lol2: :rotfl:

Oh, that's a good one!


Oh yes, COPS would definitely reinforce that point!

You said you were a senior student? Why was there an orientation for returning students anyway?

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