Anyone Here Have Young Kids?

Nurses Announcements Archive


I really want to become a nurse but am wondering if it is even possible right now in my life. I have three kids ages 5,3, and 7 months. My husband works from 7 am to 8 pm and i dont have much family help.

Is this possible? DOes anyone else have kids and how are things going for you?



I went to school full time when my children were 4 and 3 and I then had one over spring break my final year of nursing school. It was difficult but not impossible. I am glad I did it.

I didn't go back to school until my youngest (at that time) was in first grade. I was almost always home by the time they got home except when I had clinicals. I was 38 years old.

I have a three year old now - and I would again wait until HE was in school full time if I had to make the choice again. Of course knowing what I know now - I'm not sure I'd even go to nursing school. My own personal experience in nursing school was that it was all-encompassing and difficult to juggle kids, husband, home and school.

I decided to work part-time when I had him. I really want to not work at all and stay home with him as I did his older siblings when they were young.

To be honest, I think it would be very difficult. People have done it. I'm sure you'll get lots of great stories and support from those folks.

Good luck.


my little one is now 2 yo. when i started my school she was six months. my hubby is working stay in as a private nurse, so he is only about 4 hours at home esp. she loves when he puts her to sleep. we put her to nursery when she was 15 months for three days, now she is full time. i always try to make up my schedule so i can have time with her on evening. before my mom stayed with her two days so that was my school days also. i just divided my time for school (night time study) and evenings are for her. i also work weekends and she stays with her aunt during that time. if you have strong family suuport, and your hubby is willing to divide his time so you can go to school and study you will find the way to manage it. for me at first it was so terrified that i am not good mom because school is time consuming, but i know that it will pass fats and we will be happier and have better life later. talk to your family esp. husband and hope all will go well for you. god bless, :)

I have a 5 yr old a husband like a 2yr old and have two jobs . Forensic RN and part time ER Nurse. I am on call a lot for the Forensic job and that is hard on my son and his schedule but you work around it. It gets easier. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

Well I am 8 months pregnant, and I think it is totally possible. You just have to brainstorn to figure out how things will be done. My first seuggestion would be to try a distance learning program, but there is really only one that would be condusive for your life, and it is too expensive for a family with 3 kids.

So do you just want to be an LPN?

Do you just want to be an RN?

Do you want a degree that can provide you with rapid advancement?

Or, (this is the route I am taking) do you want to become an LPN first and then go on to become an RN by distance learning or a traditional course?

I am becoming an LPN first because I know that I need to make money as soon as possible. And I also think that having experience as a nurse before I go on to higher levels is a great idea. But I will be an LPN in about a year in a half. This upcoming semester I will go to school for about 8 hours 2 days a weeks. In the summer I will be going to class for 3 hours 2 days a week. In the fall I will be going to school for about 6 or 7 hours a day for 5 days a week. In spring 2006 I will be going to school for about 6 or 7 hours a day for 5 days a week. And in the summer of 2006 I will be going to school 6 or 7 hours a day for 4 days a week.

So as you see, nursing school is kind of like a fulltime job. Going to be an LPN is having a fulltime job, with a schedule that is not flexible for about a year, for an ADN it is 2 years (3 if you count pre-req's), and for a BSN it is 4 years.

If you already work, you I would say quit (if your family can afford it), and if you are becoming an LPN, it just be like getting a new fulltime job (without immediate pay). So verything could possible say the same. But everything depends on your situation.

And just for some encouragement, I remeber a school teacher on who wants to be a millionaire (she won the million), was a single mother in college with no husband and little family support, and she made it. Given she is a teacher and not a nurse but if she can make it through school with two young kids, and no help, you should be able to also!!!...

When I started back to school my children were 3, 6, and 8. It is so possible. I was waiting tables and my hubby worked seven days a week. I don't get much help either. All my family have a lot of other commitments and my in-laws don't think I should be anything but in the kitchen 24/7. I started work study this year and quit waiting tables. That helped. I pretty much make my own schedule. My kids are 5, 8, and 10 now. I finally start my clinicals in the fall, so it has been a long road. I think that dedication, faith, and knowing how much better things will be for me and my family have kept me going. Although, I don't have a lot of help, I do have a lot of support. My family is so great. Ecspecially my hubby. He knows how hard it is and trys to help as much as possible. Hang in there. Good luck!!

Specializes in Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Call Center RN.

My kids are 4 years old. My husband's 16 year old just recently decided to move in with us. However, she does not make the wisest choices, so I am planning on take the little ones to the day care on campus. It is actually very economical. My younger 4 year old is handicapped so she will go to the special school in the afternoons, after lecture and after clinical. If she is late they can just deal. I have not tried this yet. I have only worked on pre-req's up until now.

It can be done!

I started on pre-reqs when my first child was 6 months old and now I am a first year student with a 2.5 year old and a 1 year old. It is hectic and crazy, but it can be done--and done well, I might add! :cheer

Specializes in Adult Med-Surg, Rehab, and Ambulatory Care.

I started nursing school when my son was (counts on fingers) 7 months old and my girls were 9 and 7. I don't have family in the area either, and my husband is military and was deployed a lot during my schooling.

It can be done, you just have to have a "back-up, back-up plan" for your childcare and be able to make time to STUDY WITHOUT DISTRACTIONS.

Good luck with whatever you decide!

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Yes, I have three young children. 3,2, and 1. Two girls and a boy. Getting through nursing school with three young children is a barrel of monkeys, I tell ya! It is doable, and I encourage you to pursue your dreams, but I do want to be honest too. There will be days (like today in my case) when your kids are sick and you will want to stay home and care for them, but deep inside you know that you REALLY need to go to school.:o There will be times when you have a careplan to complete and a big exam to study for and your kids will be all of a sudden very needy (pick me up, play this game with me, please help me with this difficult assignment) and you will be faced with a dilemma because you know that if you bomb this exam your average will plummet (jeopardizing that B average you have to maintain), but those little faces are so cute...:uhoh21: I am not trying to discourage you! I am in nursing school, and I plan to continue by the Grace of God until I can't go any further! However, it is difficult, and my first semester did suffer some (absences-as a matter of fact I am making up hours right now!:imbar ) I am married, and he is some help, but very little as my husband works a lot of rotating hours in sales and I am alone with the kids 85% of the time. My parents pitch in where they can, but I am a young mother and my mom is young so she still works. Dad is home but he has more ailments than a little bit :uhoh3: and is in no position to keep three small children for extended periods of time. I am also doing pre-reqs online for my RN, so I have a lot going on, and it is still working out okay. I do have a lot of people rooting for me though and that is encouraging. I come to Allnurses a lot which is therapeutic also.

IT IS POSSIBLE, and if you make that decision, your children's lives in the future will be better because of it, even if that means sacrificing a little now. JMHO. Keep us updated! God Bless!

Specializes in L&D.

Oh yes! When I started back to school my kids were 3 and 5, they're almost 6 and 7 1/2 now. I have a good home daycare provider which is really helpful to me. My husband is an engineer and then he's also a weekend warrior (but not so much one WEEKEND a month, it's more like one WEEK a month). I don't have any family in my area either. I would suggest taking any classes you can online and go from there. Good luck!! You can do it! :)

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