What do your coworkers do to annoy you?

Nurses General Nursing


Last night when I got report from the RN who was leaving, he told me the doc had ordered a stat med for one of my patients. After report, I checked the chart, and found the order timed for a half hour before the start of my shift. I bit my tongue, gave the med, and when I discarded the syringe, found the sharps container overflowing. This was just too much, so I caught the other nurse just as he was leaving, and gave him an earful about the sharps container. He responded that the aides are supposed to replace the containers. This was the final straw. Not only had he not given a stat med ordered on his shift, he had put me at risk for a needle stick, then used the "It's not my job" excuse. I let him have it with both barrels. After he left, I checked on my other patient, a GI bleed who was having frequent bloody stools. She wanted to be helped off the bed pan, but I had to make her wait while I went for gloves, because the box in the room was empty. :( :(

I was venting to some of the others on my shift, and we came up with a list of co workers' annoying habits.

Not emptying an overflowing garbage can.

Leaving packaging from meds all over the counter in the med room.

Starting the GoLytely prep an hour before the end of their shift.

Leaving the bags from discontinued IV meds hanging at the bedside.

Leaving a patient in a dirty gown after he has spilled food on himself.

Not giving pain meds on time.

Leaving a patient's room a mess.

Not making sure there are adequate supplies in the room so you don't have to run for everything you need.

Not doing mouth care.

Always coming 5 or 10 minutes late and delaying report while they pour coffee and "get organized."

Giggling and whispering in report.

Not answering call bells for any patient but their own.

I'm sure I could come up with many more if I thought about it some more.

Specializes in Everything except surgery.

I agree Debbie, I do stuff that probably annoys others too! I don't like the trash not being emptied, I don't like having to walk up to a med cart and find trash on top of it. I don't like unwashed dishes left in the sink in the nurses lounge, I don't like it when people never want to count narcs, or a million other things that bother me. But I would rather be treated well, and have enough folks to work with then, then worry about little things such as my little likes and dislikes..:) So I usually never say a word when I walk up and find any of my dislikes staring me in the face. I just deal with it, or in a kidding way...tell the person who did it...to take care of it...:cool:. I usually get an I'm sorry, or someone starts kidding back. But either way...it's :cool: with me..:)

I'm still a student, but most of these things translate to all jobs!

A new woman at work was recently hired pt, but now has had her schedule changed to 11-3 daily because it is easier for her son's schedule. There are more details, but let's just say it has just made things more difficult than easy. While training this woman and another woman, I get "oh, yeah I know" responses to everything. Actually you don't ladies, or you'd be the owner of the company. ggrrr. Both of them are about 25+ years older, so I understand it may be weird that I'm training them, but the 3 yrs I've been working here should count for something, and they don't really get a choice of who trains them anyway.

I'm actually looking forward to becoming a newbie nurse, looking up to senior nurses, because it just seems more natural than being in charge of people older than my mom. :imbar

Also over the past few weeks-a temp keeps parking in my spot no matter how many notices she gets, or she parks in someone else's spot who in turn parks in mine, LOL, I wouldn't care as much except it's 90 degrees outside so by the time I make it in from BFE I look like I should be running though a tape finishline.

But not too much longer before I leave this paradise to join the bottom rung of nursing!!! Wooohooo :D

(I'm glad my coworkers will not be commenting on me though!!!)


I work in psych and, I swear, this one clown I get stuck working with is on the wrong side of the desk, so to speak. He shows up about one minute before report starts. He HAS to sit in a certain chair, facing a certain direction or he "..can't concentrate." When report is over, and the rest of the staff goes to the nurses' station, this guy stays in the report room, aka the staff lounge, until the end of the previous shift. When he finally gets to the desk, he spreads out newspapers so he can have a sterile surface on which to work (if I'm lying, I'm dying).:rolleyes: He writes notes to himself, which in and of itself is no big deal, but he plasters them all over the place. He also covers both computer monitors with newspapers, puts on gloves to give P.O. meds and washes off fresh fruit, e.g., bananas and oranges, with CalStat. The guy is weird. On top of that, he, by his own admission, hates to do patient care.:(


Although I'm sure I annoy people, I try my best to keep it at a minimum and at least be annoying about things of some kind of value - like pt care type stuff etc......

the one thing that gets me has already been touched on...... and its a two part pet peeve

#1 the whole strolling in late HABITUALLY drives me nutty, If I can schlep *spelling?* it on the bus from far away these ppl who live down the street should make it on time, and I dont know why it is that nurses get away with being late all the time, to me a job is a job, with hours ...you show up on time or youre disciplined,and part B to my two part annoyance is the whole narcotic count dealie.....

it pisses me off to no end when for example I show up relatively early for each shift , bout 20 mins or so and I have zero problem counting, its part of our job, however the excuses I hear ppl throw out there for not counting are ridiculous!!!!!

I think every/any RN should be made to count, yet in our place there are about 10 of us who count routinely, so okay the worst part of this is that when for example I am on nights, I come in early, I count and the dayshifters go on their merry little way, in the morning, when I'm dragging around, and wanting to get the heck home, they take their sweetAzz time , stroll in at 0740, make coffee, yatter yatter etc. Dont expect me to count , and early no less when you are not willing to reciprocate *spelling again? hey its been a long day*

okay end of rantage, thank you drive through!

LOL mamabear...that's some serious OCD, hehe

Reading back over my post I think I sound like a bytch, lol, sorry guys it's been a long day

:imbar :chuckle

Specializes in Everything except surgery.

Yeah definitely OCD...as some of his traits remind me of mine. Washing off fresh fruit is a very good thing! Even posting up notes is something I do...to remind my old brain something....but speading newspaper over everything...seems a little overboard to even me! But if I have a pt., who I know has bad handwashing habits...I will also put on gloves for po meds...and wash my hands immediately afterwards. But I don't get the part about hating pt. care...:confused:!!!???

Some of them just have to show up to work! No seriously I think the thing that bothers me the most is when you are working next to a nurse that can't do anything for herself/himself and you end up cleaning up all their messes and take care of all their patients plus your own.

Specializes in Geri, psych, TCU, neuro--AKA LTC.

Brownms46: at the college I'm attending CNA registry is a prerequisite for the LPN program.

I guess their trying to encourage nurses to work as CNAs before licensure to assure that they can do basic patient cares.

Approximately 15/20 students in my program work as CNAs, and boy can you tell the ones that don't!

This particular nurse doesn't believe that she should have to do much other than her med pass, treatments, and VS. She wouldn't know how to take a person to the bathroom if they were peeing on her shoes!

I guess my point is, "If a CNA is allowed to do a task, an LPN should be just as capable (or more so)." Especially when it's something like taking out a waste basket liner!

Sounds like the folks who posted here are the considerate ones, but I work with a few real careless & selfish repeat offenders. Of course, I know we are all human & nursing is a 24 hr job, but some people are flat out lazy & careless! :(

Some examples of things that drive me nuts: not thinking ahead to the next shift & leaving isolation carts empty (no gowns, no gloves), using the last line on the progress note and not bothering to stamp up a new one for the next person, trashcans overflowing, food & drink half eaten at the nurses station (I am not your MOM!), not reading the Kardex and giving lame excuses for why labs, EKGs, pre-op preps weren't done ("duh, I don't know").

There's no excuse for not reading the Kardex! We do written report & I also hate lame reports that tell me nothing (please don't repeat pt dx & md name, then say "no changes" I can get it off the kardex...what happened on your shift???), and crummy nurses who don't even look at pt's vital signs...can't tell you how many times I come on to see Bp 64/40 graphed last shift or spo2 of 84% and no nursing action taken.Also hate it when significant change in tele occurred last shift (hours ago) & RN did nothing about it (yes I QA it , but for some reason these clowns still work there).

Let's hear it for all the thoughtful, sharp nurses who do take the time to do a good job. I work with some of them, too. And I do like to tell them how great I think they are. We trust eachother, because we care enough to be a team. Thanks to all those who care enough to think ahead to the future!;)

Specializes in Everything except surgery.
Originally posted by mlolsonny

Brownms46: at the college I'm attending CNA registry is a prerequisite for the LPN program.

I guess their trying to encourage nurses to work as CNAs before licensure to assure that they can do basic patient cares.

Approximately 15/20 students in my program work as CNAs, and boy can you tell the ones that don't!

I'm still :confused:...because I thought the LPN program taught basic nursing skills:confused:??? The program I attended started at the basics, and progressed upward. The only thing I had to pass was an entrance exam..and an interview:confused:?? This makes no sense to me. Yes we had experienced CNAs in our class, and sure there was some difference, in that they knew how to take VS, etc, etc...where as I had trouble even reading the thermomter in the beginnning! :chuckle!! But as the class continued...you couldn't tell one from the other! I came into nursing with my only contact with pts ...being the time I volunteers as a candy stripe at 16!! I guess I still don't get the point of having basic skills taught twice! And seeing that there are at least five who aren't CNAs...makes me think this isn't a criteria for the program there either..:cool:

One thing I must add, is that if a nurse sees a pt. needs help...and no CNA is available...by all means she should lock up her med cart, and help. But if there is a CNA available..than yes...I would delegate the task to that CNA. I wouldn't however leave the pt...who needs help to go find a CNA! If I'm there I will handle it..until the CNA is available! LPNs have a window of time to give out meds, and from what I have heard, and read...many have way too many pts...to try and do their job, and the CNAs also. Delegation... and teamwork is the only way to go....to ensure adequate care, and time for all to complete their designated tasks... JMHO.:)

Specializes in Geri, psych, TCU, neuro--AKA LTC.

We don't learn it twice. That's why it's a pre-req. CPR for the Health-Care Provider is also pre-req, as is HHA. I guess they don't want to waste LPN program spots on students who can't pass all the pre-reqs.

They're even considering an accelerated program for CNAs with more than one year of experience.

In our first semester we spent very little time on the basics, VS, transfers, occupied beds, pericares, etc. It was assumed that we knew all those skills and we were tested out of them (competency testing for the state).

This particular nurse could teach classes on delegation. Because I'm also a medication aide, this nurse sends meds with me for me to administer to residents; She dishes them and signs them off as given, even though she didn't give them. It would be absolutely beneath her to lend a hand, even in a situation that clearly warrants help.

She never praises, but is the first to point out any little thing we may have missed, "One of you dropped a sock down the hall there", pointing to the sock. Never mind that she just walked past it!

Sorry, she's the one nurse I'm learning the most from. The things not to do if I want cooperation from the CNAs. Even on my med passes, I have time to lend a hand. Of course, I'm not sitting down to chit-chat with every resident either.

I understand that nurses have too many residents to pass meds to, but good time-management is essential. I was showering a resident at 7 PM the other night when this nurse brought her insulin that was due at 4:30. IMHO, this nurse is dangerous, and I'm glad she's not in critical care.

Sorry this is so long, but I feel strongly about safety, and it is being beaten into my head in school also. She doesn't personify safety to me. Or courtesy for that matter.

there's one nurse where i work who i swear is the winnie the pooh cartoon character "eeyore".

i say, "hi ____...how are you?" she responds about how she's been mistreated all her life, abused and beaten by boyfriends, and that she should be more aggressive and on and on. she recently was slightly rude (passive-aggressive?) to one of our ancillary department staff and was taken to the union about it. now this is the new "incident" in her "pitiful" world. this happened over three months ago and is still always bought up someway, somehow in the simplest of contact with her.

her stance is always "woe is me". while others either ignore her or give her free therapy, i despise being dumped on all the time. its one thing to occasionally mention how jacked up life can be. but every shift the same ole bubble buster...it's not really healthy for me. i can empathize with her plight in the hardship boat, but how do you say.... knock it off.....????

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