New! Chat room testing

Nurses General Nursing


post updated 9-13-02

we have concluded our testing, thanks for everyones feedback. after testing the new chat, we decided to stick with the previous chat program we have been using.

for some reason we have not figured out, a few people are having problems using the chat. the java chat works best with the microsoft internet explorer browser (ie). if you are having problems accessing the chat, please try ie you can download ie at:

you can find the chat room here:

hint: the evening hours are the best time to catch someone in the chat room. daytime hours are not as active.

enjoy! and thanks again for all your feedback!

It did load for me. I was able to type but not able to enter it. None of the buttons on the top worked for me.

Still no luck, nothing. it loads, but says my username is invalid.

does this chat go through cajnet as well?? or is it completely different.

IRC port 6667

bad username.

what did i do?

and how do I get a good username

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.
Originally posted by brian

We are testing some new chat room software and would like some feedback on functionality.

You can find the new chat room at:


We have cable modem. I just tried the above chat link. When I did, my screen froze and would not allow me to go beyond the initial chat page. Had to reboot my computer. :o

The first time I tried to get in my puter froze up for a minute. I was just about to restart when it kicked in.

It's fickle-looking as it loads. The words keep changing rapidly at the bottom like it's trying to load something.

But I hung in there for a minute, and it worked. I have cable too.


I have cable, a 1.6Ghz Athlon processor, and 256 megs of RAM. I rarely have problems with speed on my computer, but this whole chat thing bites the big one. On the first try, it took 30 seconds to load. That's a loooong time. Once it was loaded I couldn't figure out if I actually in a chat room or if I needed to enter one. Couldn't figure out how to change rooms. Tried to reload the chatroom and it locked up the window and very nearly locked my whole computer. Not very user friendly.

I like the chat room...........I wish everyone had a time we could meet and chat with each other.

for those that would like to try mirc which is a free downloadable chat client for pc users only (no mac or webtv) you can get it from my sister site at

Look for the downloadable mirc midway on the page the is 2MG in size. Once you download it and connect to the net you will join a room called #coastguard, all you have to type is /join #allnurses

we can show u how to rid the room called coastguard easily.

While Brian is testing his chat client, we at cajnet are proud to be part of allnurses and hope that those that wish to come will.

You can also access it from and click the java and access allnurses from there!


I think I might have a solution. I looked at the source code for the new java applet. It points to, but if that was changed to it should run through caj's server, while still keeping the new-java look.

For those of you not able to connect through the JAVA, there is a way into the new area.

the server is

room is #allnurses.

works the same, and if you are mircing, you can be in both at once.

but, I really do think that redirection of the applet would work, and I would be willing to help!

Just let me know :)



Different network Brandy. Worldirc doesn't include which is another network. WorldIrc does have a few US cities on its map:




| |-Bocaraton.FL.US.WorldIRC.Org

| |-McLean.VA.US.WorldIRC.Org

| |-Puntofijo.FA.VE.WorldIRC.Org

| `-Powell.OH.US.WorldIRC.Org



I'm fine w/ cajnet using mirc. There's ircle for Mac folks and Pirch as an alternate to mirc for pc people. Of course I'm just not a real fan of java yet.

It says it takes one minute to download, I waited over 10 minutes and it didn't come up so I never got in. My computer is fairly new so it shouldn't be slow:eek: Maybe I'm doing something wrong. :cool:

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Brandy and PRN, you have LOST me completely.

Have been going thru cajnet for past year with no problems and even get to laugh with Caj every now and then!

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