Give an example of a difficult decision you've made

Nurses Professionalism


What is a difficult decision you've made and how did you arrive to a solution?

Specializes in nursing education.
Is that Rush the band from the '70s or Rush Limbaugh?

Rush from the 70's. I should have been more clear!

Specializes in PICU.

For me it was the decision to go to nursing school. I had finished a Master's degree and was finding my way in that field. due to volunteer experiences and some previous places of employment I wanted to pursue nursing. It was difficult because it meant a big shift in lifestyle, all my friends were moving up in the field and I was back to the beginning. I really had to weight the pros and cons. Toughest part was the starting from square 1. Now I am so glad that I made the decision because it was the right one. Many tears and sweat later I am at a comparable level with my non nursing friends

I think the responses would be interesting, actually, but I think OP worded the question in such a way, it really does sound like homework, so everyone got set off by it.

OP is already a nurse.

Note: Thanks a lot, lazy students, for making everyone so paranoid and jaded on this board :sniff:

Specializes in Transitional Nursing.

OK. I'll bite.

I had to make the decision to stay in the South and be able to survive paycheck to paycheck, rather than go home to Massachusetts, where my family and heart is.

I would love to move back someday, but I decided to stay here because owning my own home and living "The American Dream" are much more attainable here. The cost of living is less, as are the wages. That pretty much comes out in the wash, but what makes a big difference is the cost of a home is a fraction of what it is back home. Not to mention, to comfortably live in New England you really need a garage, snow blower and generator, which only adds to the cost.

So, we're staying here for the time being.

Rush from the 70's. I should have been more clear!

Ahem. Rush from 1980. Freewill.

"You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill

I will choose a path that's clear

I will choose freewill"

My hardest decision(s): Responding to someone in the way I want to vs. how I should for both of us to be, ultimately, happy. It's a conscious effort; people really irritate me sometimes! :3 Especially myself xD (Jk, I love me)

Could be an interesting question, but it's worded oddly and has no explanation. Even a "thought it would make an interesting discussion" and "here's an example of a hard decision I made" would have made it a lot less suspect.

Anyway subbing for the popcorn and potentially interesting discussion. I probably won't add since I'm not a nurse yet.

Specializes in LTC Rehab Med/Surg.

Do I want to be the unit doormat for the sake of keeping a job, or do I want to fight for what I want like the other nurses I work with?

I haven't decided yet.

Getting divorced. I KNEW it was the right decision for me but I also felt selfish that something so right for me would cause so much anguish to my kids and make life long changes for them. I still struggle with it even though I was not in a good marriage. I still hear the sound of my 7 year old daughter sobbing and wailing that we HAD to be together, we just HAD to. It brings tears to my eyes now, over 3 years later.

To the people who answered: thank you. I like hearing your input. Life is full of difficult decisions.

And to the people who are upset with the question (which I have no idea why): not everybody wants to read a 10 paragraph long post. I just kept it short and to the point. You're welcome!

Specializes in Emergency.
To the people who answered: thank you. I like hearing your input. Life is full of difficult decisions.

So, put some skin in the game. What's a difficult decision YOU'VE had to make?

Give an example of a difficult decision you've made

OP, I gather from your second post in this thread that you didn't get the response you were hoping for.

I think that the topic itself is well worth discussing and in my opinion could have been an interesting thread. Tough decisions almost always involve an ethical, moral or emotional component or they wouldn't be considered difficult in the first place. So in essence, you're asking quite a personal question.

I think that people are reluctant to answer this when you've offered no background/motivation for the question you ask or contributed with a tough decision of your own. Even though this is the internet and realtively anonymous, with questions like these it's really not that different from real life. If I approached a number of random strangers in real life and just blurted out a personal question without introducing myself and explaining why I want to know, I'd likely get many weird looks but few genuine answers.

When I saw your short and very to the point question, my initial thought was why should I take the time to write a lengthy reply when the person asking won't even tell me why they want to know. Now it seems like I'm doing that anyway, so the "joke's on me" I guess :lol2:

I'm still curious, why do you want to hear about our difficult decisions ;)

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