FREE TUITION - FREE BSN - University of Arizona

U.S.A. Arizona


the university of arizona will give you free tuition providing you with a free accelerated bsn degree, for everyone who is interested in obtaining a bsn program and who has a bachelor degree in another health field!


see the following links:

university of arizona -

the 14-month accelerated partnership program

the accelerated partnership bsn program for college graduates is designed for students who have already completed a non-nursing baccalaureate who wish to pursue a career in nursing. this is a 14 month entry level professional nursing program that leads to a bachelor of science in nursing and eligibility to take the national rn licensure examination. the program is sponsored by tucson healthcare agency partners who pay a predetermined amount to cover all teaching costs associated with the program.

the partnership program is tuition free made possible through the university of arizona college of nursing's partnership with tucson healthcare agencies: carondelet healthcare network, tucson medical center, northwest medical center and university medical center. all students will enter into an employment commitment with their sponsor agreeing to work as an rn for three years following graduation. if the student fails to meet the commitment then the student will reimburse his/her sponsor in accordance with terms established in an agreement between the students and healthcare sponsor.


yuma daily sun article --


ana article --


have a wonderful life! :wink2:


I understand that the College of Nursing is quite busy right now, as I've had a few friends applying for 2009 and I'm quite familiar with the timeline.

What irks me, however, is that I first spoke with a nursing advisor last semester who lead me to believe that I could apply for the ABSN 2009 since I'm graduating in May. Hence, I applied, only to find out in January that the advisor was wrong and I can't even submit my application until I have my bachelor's degree conferred on my transcript.

I accepted their "Sorry for the inconvenience" and took their "if we can be of any additional assistance, let us know" to heart.

So I e-mailed back asking one more question. Just one! I asked a simple question about whether or not I should take a certain class in the summer.

I did not get an answer back, but instead a general e-mail with fact sheets and basic info that I already knew! (I don't think anyone even read my question.) And at the end of it, this: " I will be glad to speak to you further in mid-March when our admissions cycle is complete." I just find it very frustrating that no one at the CON has the time to answer one little question, especially since I am so close to them. (I am a public health student in the College of Public Health and the nursing building is quite literally next door! I feel so close, but so far!)

Sorry for the venting. :) I get a little carried away when I feel like I receive poor "customer service," from whoever it may be.

And good luck to everyone who got to apply this year! I'm a little jealous of you and wish that they would let those graduating in May apply as well.


So if you're next door at Public Health, don't feel bad about visiting the CON office to make an appointment there. Always best to get the skinny straight from the horse's (and not the cow's) mouth. In my experience, the front line administration will do their best just to get rid of you, which is why you don't want to talk to them.

Thanks, G-Fan. :)

I have the general info and fact sheets, sent in response to my question! Hopefully since we are in mid-March now, I can get an answer.

The weekend flew by!


More letters coming tomorrow...


Specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.

This article discusses the U of A's accelerated BSN program and current market conditions:

It also discusses the job outlook for new grads:

"One hospital had 400 applications for 30 spots. A year ago new grads could pretty much call the shots. They'll have to work a little harder now," she said. "I'm hoping a year from now we'll see something a little different."
For those of you who find out you have not been accepted into the U of A's accelerated BSN program, please don't take it personally. They have too many applicants and not enough seats.

I got in!!!


Go check your mail people- I'm in Hawaii and had my letter waiting for me this morning.


Well I went to the mailbox.. I am on the WAITLIST. I called to see where I was and they said there is no such thing. If a spot becomes available they review those on the waitlist and one can be called up as close to a few days before class starts!! Ahh this is torture especially when thinking that if I am on the wait list I would have probably got in if they were taking 96 students!! ahh still praying for a miracle....

I got in!!!


Go check your mail people- I'm in Hawaii and had my letter waiting for me this morning.


congrats I knew you would!!!!

Congrats chinook! Congrats dmskoka as well! You guys rock! :-)

Congrats chinook! Congrats dmskoka as well! You guys rock! :-)

thanks !! I wish that it was better news but I am hanging in there!!!! praying praying praying:heartbeat

Thanks everyone! I'm so excited.

Anyone else hear?

Not me. Thanks for the note of reassurance multicollin.... I do have a problem with taking things personally. I'll just chalk it up to my lack of experience working in any hospital. I have been dreaming of living in Tucson and doing this for years. Luckily, after the interview I ran home and applied to another school. So I am waiting on 2 more letters. This whole process sucks, I just want to know. Good job everyone that gets in!! Tough year.

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