***A&P I Fall '05 Club -- Sept Q&A***

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


useful study information/sites:

other ideas (posted in other threads):

  • make your own flashcards!
  • if you are not familiar with (or have forgotten) chem, check out an into to chemistry book
  • utilize your school's study lab, or open lab times, if offered.
  • take pictures during labs!


fun with mnemonics ...........

11 organ systems: send mr. uric -- l

s-skeletal / e-endocrine / n-nervous / d-digestive / m-muscular / r-respitory / u-urinary / r-reproductive / i-integumentary / c-circulatory (or cardovascular) / l-lymphatic


skeletal system:


"scared lovers try positions -- that they cannot handle"

or "stop letting those people -- touch the cadaver's hand"

(proximal row lateral to medial -- distal row lateral to medial)

s-scaphoid / l-lunate / t-triquetrum / p-pisiform / t-trapezuim / t-trapezoid / c-capitate / h-hamate


7 bones of the eye socket: "every zoo finds stinky little monkey poop"

e-ethmoid / z-zygomatic / f-frontal / s-sphenoid / l-lacrimal / m-maxilla / p-palatine


number of vertebrae in each section of vertebral column:

7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertebrae

"breakfast at 7, lunch at 12, dinner at 5"


wbc differentials:

"never let monkeys eat bananas"

n-neutrophils / l-leukocytes / m-monocytes / e-eosinophils / b-basophils

to differentiate btwn granulocytes and agranulocytes its:

"never eat bananas like monkeys"



"pinky on the ulna side"


which side is the radius on?

thumbs up for "rad!!"


fibula is lateral


tarsal bones:

"tall centers never take shots from corners"

t-talus / c-calcaneus / n-navicular / t-third cuneiform / s-second cuneform / f-first cuneiform / c-cuboid


cranial nerves

"oh oh oh, to touch and feel very green vegetables ah!" ... or ... "old opal’s ocular tracts tricksters abducting

four vested giants vaguely acting hypoactive"

i olfactory / ii optic / iii oculomotor / iv trochlear / v trigeminal / vi abducens / vii facial / viii vestibulocochlear / ix glossopharyngeal / x vagus / xi accessory / xii hypoglossal


cranial nerves: sensory, motor or both?

"some say marry money, but my brothers say big breasts matter more" .... or ..... "stop saying my mom bug me because she believes bugging makes me"


epidermis (deep to superficial):

"basil spices granny luci's corn"

stratum: basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, corneum

stpauligirl, that's very rude of people, you sound like you handle it very well though. I always walk into class expecting what you've received -- and I've been "let down" everytime. So far my classmates all seem friendly and eager to learn.

Today is our first test! He said it's 100 multiple choice and a few short answer (cell theory, laws of thermodynamics) and you have to draw a cell meeting criteria he asks for.

Oddly, I'm more confident and excited about this class than I am about English 1301. I took it ten years ago and got a 'C', so I wanted to try for an A (get a better GPA for nursing college admissions). I hope I don't regret that decision!

stpauligirl, that's very rude of people, you sound like you handle it very well though. I always walk into class expecting what you've received -- and I've been "let down" everytime. So far my classmates all seem friendly and eager to learn.

Today is our first test! He said it's 100 multiple choice and a few short answer (cell theory, laws of thermodynamics) and you have to draw a cell meeting criteria he asks for.

Oddly, I'm more confident and excited about this class than I am about English 1301. I took it ten years ago and got a 'C', so I wanted to try for an A (get a better GPA for nursing college admissions). I hope I don't regret that decision!

10 years can make a big difference, think positive, you can do it!!!!

My husband is taking calculus and did horrible 10 years ago...he is doing great this time around. Time changes people, circumstances change also.

Good luck and if you need any help with English, let me know.

Gotta run, gotta get to my A&P class...if he says something stupid again, I'll tell him he needs to "chew things over with a Trix" ( I love that commercial, I bet you have seen it where the guy is about to say something stupid to his woman and shoves a trix into his mouth. :lol2: ) God gave me a healthy dose of humor......that's what makes me survive!


Ole ole ole ole ..... just got back from my first lab. It was fine but I'm still working my way through the lab exercises (for the first three chapters/units). If I had known what to expect I would have done them all ahead of time but I was scared to do anything before finding out so didn't.

As it was, I didn't stay for the whole slot; it was a little noisy in the lab and I couldn't concentrate. I did a little work on the 3D figures and then went and did some work in the library. We didn't do partners today but I sure could have used someone to bounce things off .. it sure seemed like everyone else had a friend that they were chatting wtih and working with ... a few people left right after the instructor spoke for a little bit.

I think I will go back and look at the models again tomorrow. The instructor WAS there but I just feel really stupid if I don't know at least the background of my subject so that's why I left to study a little more. I know, stupid, cowardly, crazy .. how am I ever going to learn anything irl?

I ran into another person today who said how horrible A&P is, having taken it last year. I know it's hard but I wish things could sound a little more positive (and encouraging) .. really, I do. Anyway, the lab instructor said that this was supposedly one of the top five difficult courses at university. I believe that in terms of having to know a lot of strange, new things in a very short time but surely as things get more complex (in further years' study) ..............

LOL anyway, I'm just babbling here .. trying to decompress and vent a little! Guess I'd better get back at the books!

BTW, does anyone watch Survivor?? I'm taking a study break to watch the premiere tonight!!! Yipeee!!! It's one of those shows I love to hate! lol

BTW, does anyone watch Survivor?? I'm taking a study break to watch the premiere tonight!!! Yipeee!!! It's one of those shows I love to hate! lol

Can you believe that I NEVER watched a single episode? :uhoh21:

Enjoy the show, relax, take a break :coollook:

Can you believe that I NEVER watched a single episode? :uhoh21:

Enjoy the show, relax, take a break :coollook:

LOL, yes, I can believe it! I held out for a good many years .. finally, dh and a friend made me watch it. LOL Have a good evening!

Hi all! I had my first test (lecture) and lab test this week.. I was so mad at myself because on the practical test I was rushing through, happy to be answering one I *knew* (levels of organization: chemical, cellular, etc) and I didn't *read* the question and I answered it in Ascending order (how we were taught) and my friends later told me the ? was for Descending order. I hate trick questions!

I'm thinking I probably got a B on that test, a low A on the lab test. The lab test was ALL multiple choice but for some metric conversions at the end.

Two women in class today totally misunderstood or ignored the teacher when he said we'd go up to the microscopes in 2 groups, odds and evens based on your lab station #.. after everyone was DONE doing the microscope parts, they spoke up that they hadn't yet done the microscope part of the test.. he said too bad, the mics were put away.. so they just flunked that part I guess.

The teacher handed out our bone list today, we have two weeks to learn 200 bones! I was so relieved to have the 2 A&P tests out of the way this week so I could spend the weekend studying for my first Psych test. Ha! I'll be learning 100 bones!

I just came here hoping to find some good A&P websites and happened on this awesome post, it is so good being able to read all your experiences!!

Just took my 1st test and clinical today. I was rather surprized that it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I think I missed 1 or 2 questions, but all in all it wasn't that bad.

Thanks stpaulgirl! I will definately give you a shout. I am writing a narrative essay and half is due Monday. I just hope my brain can CHURN something out. Science is so much more fun.

I had my first test today. Out of 76 multiple choice, I missed four... two of those are bugging me. However, I will remember hypertonic and hypotonic forever now! There was six essay questions as well, I'm 90% positive I did fine on those. Man, I studied my butt off!!! I was so bad at school when... not 'in' it, but at it... I can't believe how much I am enjoying it this time.

Kayel... the FIRST thing out of our instructors mouth was that 50% of us would fail. He said he's not proud of it, but it is what it is. He said some schools only have a 15% passing rate for A & P! I was like, DOOOOOOM!

I also agree with you about labs... I can't concentrate in them. I think it's the atmosphere. I study so much better at my kitchen table. :) I have also never watched Survivor! Netflix delivered some Six Feet Under DVDs today though... I will probably fall asleep to one. :)

Good luck CopperTop, your teacher sounds pretty strict.

Here is a link to pictures of most of the models that I used in my A&P class.


These are links to pictures of the cat dissection.

Best ->http://www.bio.psu.edu/people/faculty/strauss/anatomy/biology29.htm


Video -> http://www.biology.ualberta.ca/courses.hp/zoo.225/Exam/test.htm

During lab I would look at all the models and write down everything that I could. For the cat I made sure I fully participated in the dissection and I wrote down all the info that I could.

Outside of class I printed out the pictures (in color) and studied.

For the physiology portion... go to every lecture, take good notes, do a tape recording if you have to, and read the text. Hahaha!

I was lucky because my prof recorded his lectures and put them online.

Good luck!

Specializes in LTC.

Fugitive-- Thanks for the links! I'll definately be putting them to use!

We startted on the skeletal system yesterday and it's very very intimidating! I just keep telling myself "I can do this, just take it one step at a time!"

Though I have to share a nifty Mnemonic my teacher taught us today for learning the carples and their positions. It lists them proximal row lateral-medial then the distal row lateral-medial:

Scared Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle

Scared: Scaphoid

Lovers: Lunate

Try: Triquetrum

Positions: Pisiform

That: Trapezuim

They: Trapezoid

Can't: Capitate

Handle: Hamate

Specializes in Pediatric/Adolescent, Med-Surg.

Hello, I'm new and I'll be starting A&P 1 next week. Looks like this thread could be helpful.

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