***A&P I Fall '05 Club -- Sept Q&A***

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


useful study information/sites:

other ideas (posted in other threads):

  • make your own flashcards!
  • if you are not familiar with (or have forgotten) chem, check out an into to chemistry book
  • utilize your school's study lab, or open lab times, if offered.
  • take pictures during labs!


fun with mnemonics ...........

11 organ systems: send mr. uric -- l

s-skeletal / e-endocrine / n-nervous / d-digestive / m-muscular / r-respitory / u-urinary / r-reproductive / i-integumentary / c-circulatory (or cardovascular) / l-lymphatic


skeletal system:


"scared lovers try positions -- that they cannot handle"

or "stop letting those people -- touch the cadaver's hand"

(proximal row lateral to medial -- distal row lateral to medial)

s-scaphoid / l-lunate / t-triquetrum / p-pisiform / t-trapezuim / t-trapezoid / c-capitate / h-hamate


7 bones of the eye socket: "every zoo finds stinky little monkey poop"

e-ethmoid / z-zygomatic / f-frontal / s-sphenoid / l-lacrimal / m-maxilla / p-palatine


number of vertebrae in each section of vertebral column:

7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertebrae

"breakfast at 7, lunch at 12, dinner at 5"


wbc differentials:

"never let monkeys eat bananas"

n-neutrophils / l-leukocytes / m-monocytes / e-eosinophils / b-basophils

to differentiate btwn granulocytes and agranulocytes its:

"never eat bananas like monkeys"



"pinky on the ulna side"


which side is the radius on?

thumbs up for "rad!!"


fibula is lateral


tarsal bones:

"tall centers never take shots from corners"

t-talus / c-calcaneus / n-navicular / t-third cuneiform / s-second cuneform / f-first cuneiform / c-cuboid


cranial nerves

"oh oh oh, to touch and feel very green vegetables ah!" ... or ... "old opal’s ocular tracts tricksters abducting

four vested giants vaguely acting hypoactive"

i olfactory / ii optic / iii oculomotor / iv trochlear / v trigeminal / vi abducens / vii facial / viii vestibulocochlear / ix glossopharyngeal / x vagus / xi accessory / xii hypoglossal


cranial nerves: sensory, motor or both?

"some say marry money, but my brothers say big breasts matter more" .... or ..... "stop saying my mom bug me because she believes bugging makes me"


epidermis (deep to superficial):

"basil spices granny luci's corn"

stratum: basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, corneum

Hello, I'm new and I'll be starting A&P 1 next week. Looks like this thread could be helpful.
Welcome! It's awesome to be able to help one another along!! Hope you find a lot of useful things!
Though I have to share a nifty Mnemonic my teacher taught us today for learning the carples and their positions. It lists them proximal row lateral-medial then the distal row lateral-medial
LOL! That's great!! Thanks, Casi!

Also, Fugitive, thanks for the great sites!! They look pretty good and I'm going to go look at them all now. Awesome!

Kayel... the FIRST thing out of our instructors mouth was that 50% of us would fail. He said he's not proud of it, but it is what it is. He said some schools only have a 15% passing rate for A & P! I was like, DOOOOOOM!

I also agree with you about labs... I can't concentrate in them. I think it's the atmosphere. I study so much better at my kitchen table. :)

Argh .. well, it's true that a lot do fail or drop out or get lower marks .. I would say partly because don't have (or don't make) the time that it needs and fall behind and then get swept into the undertow. lol On the way out today, my friend stopped to look at the A&P final marks from last term .. YIKES. However, amidst the low and average were some pretty high ones so I remain steadfastly encouraged!!

I have also never watched Survivor!
GASP! (just kidding)

I went for the end of the first lab again today with another woman in my class. We made sure we knew the microscope backwards and forwards and took the torso models apart again and just had a great old time. Today it was US making the noise. However, it was really helpful, having done the lab manual exercises and then doing all the hands-on stuff. My friend was very helpful as I tend to just brush over things and she made sure that we did everything and saw everything and knew everything! It was awesome. Actually, most of the people left right away as there was a group study lab being run at the same time (on chemistry) today so we really weren't disturbing anyone (much lol). We would have benefitted from the chem work also but we can always go next week and ask questions if there is anything we don't understand. I'm not too worried about it, though!

Anyway, I was glad I went again and really made sure I knew what everything meant, etc. However, I HAVE to do the lab manual before lab class, I decided!

I am really tired lol is all I can think but anyway A&P...Well we had our first lab quiz which will not be like any of our other lab quizzes he made this up because he needed and extra so he can drop the two lowest. Well he told us monday about the quiz and I had to take it on Tuesday. I studied but when I recieved the test I felt like running away crying...but I resisted the urge and just answered the two I knew for sure and the rest was matching so I guessed I am pretty sure I bombed the quiz. I assume we'll find out Tuesday which by the way we have our 2nd lab quiz we will have to name the parts of the cell nucleolus,lysosome e.t.c also we have to talk about the stages of mitosis our lab quizzes are oral. We start Histology(Tissues) This week and we don't have our first Exam for a few weeks. I am a little behind on my reading but I will get back on top of it this weekend(Forgot my book). Seems like there is not enough time in a day. I feel confident about the cell parts because me and this girl were quizzing eachother and I will study this weekend again in the book however the model of the cell is slightly different than the picture in the book. I really want to do well in this class they are suppose to have tutoring set up pretty soon so I will also try to take advantage of that if possible. I dunno if it is just my class but there are not many friendly types of people in mine or in my lab either it is hard to make friends so I try to search out people who are taking it just perhaps in a different class oh well I just really must do well and to me anything less than an A is a dissapointment because so far in my year of college I have only gotten less than that twice and I don't want to experience that again. Gosh this is so long I am sorry for rambling you guys thanks for reading! :rotfl:

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Still working on the skull. I have the anterior, posterior, superior,and lateral view down. It's the inferior view that's kicking my butt! Still working hard though. Here's a link for the skeletal system.


Specializes in Operating Room.

Anatomy & Physiology I is not hard. There are more difficult chapters than others, but over all, it is an extremely easy course. Most of it is just memorizing.

In most cases, I would think if one is not making a passing grade, that person probably is not dedicating enough time to it.

For labs, take pics, use my pics....whatever, but print them out! Mark names of bones, etc, study, study, study!!!

Point at your bones, or use your child. (My lil' loved helping me!) I also bought a small skeleton from Ebay, but for most of you it may be too late for that.

Just be sure to use your open lab times, tutoring service offered by the school, science resource room that may have photos, models, slides, etc for your use to study with, and study away from home with PHOTOS!!!

I can't stress enough how much taking photos helped me. Then I made the powerpoint quizzes that I have online, and studied from those. You CAN make a good grade! I passed with 101%, and did not have to take the final!

How determined are you? How much are you willing to give up in order to make a better grade? (Is your TV on right now? hmmmm? :nono: Are you reading this, instead of studying? :rotfl: Ok, I'm bad about that too, I'm here, aren't I? :chuckle )

Good luck to you all!!!!!!! :)

Thanks for all the links...my first test is next week, yikes!

My class is using Hole's Human Anatomy and Physilogy textbook. Is anyone else using this book? OMG, we just started chap.4, cellular metabolism, and I cannot understand any of this chapter. I'm going to have to have my husband read it and tutor me! Did anyone else have problems with this chapter?


Specializes in Operating Room.
My class is using Hole's Human Anatomy and Physilogy textbook. Is anyone else using this book? OMG, we just started chap.4, cellular metabolism, and I cannot understand any of this chapter. I'm going to have to have my husband read it and tutor me! Did anyone else have problems with this chapter?


Cellular metabolism is one of the harder chapters. (I remember covering it in A&P 2, but not sure if we did in A&P 1. ????) However, get as much as you can over it now, you'll see it again in Microbiology. (and in more detail!)

In MicroSUX!, I made a Word table and put all the information I needed on it. Then, studied from that.

Good luck *Daisy* on your exam!

...& good luck to all of you! :)

My class is using Hole's Human Anatomy and Physilogy textbook. Is anyone else using this book? OMG, we just started chap.4, cellular metabolism, and I cannot understand any of this chapter. I'm going to have to have my husband read it and tutor me! Did anyone else have problems with this chapter?


Try to find a Organic/Biochemistry resource. I took Organic/Biochemistry and if you have any questions and don't understand something maybe I can be of help. :)

Thanks, I will do that.

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