***A&P I Fall '05 Club -- Sept Q&A***

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


useful study information/sites:

other ideas (posted in other threads):

  • make your own flashcards!
  • if you are not familiar with (or have forgotten) chem, check out an into to chemistry book
  • utilize your school's study lab, or open lab times, if offered.
  • take pictures during labs!


fun with mnemonics ...........

11 organ systems: send mr. uric -- l

s-skeletal / e-endocrine / n-nervous / d-digestive / m-muscular / r-respitory / u-urinary / r-reproductive / i-integumentary / c-circulatory (or cardovascular) / l-lymphatic


skeletal system:


"scared lovers try positions -- that they cannot handle"

or "stop letting those people -- touch the cadaver's hand"

(proximal row lateral to medial -- distal row lateral to medial)

s-scaphoid / l-lunate / t-triquetrum / p-pisiform / t-trapezuim / t-trapezoid / c-capitate / h-hamate


7 bones of the eye socket: "every zoo finds stinky little monkey poop"

e-ethmoid / z-zygomatic / f-frontal / s-sphenoid / l-lacrimal / m-maxilla / p-palatine


number of vertebrae in each section of vertebral column:

7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertebrae

"breakfast at 7, lunch at 12, dinner at 5"


wbc differentials:

"never let monkeys eat bananas"

n-neutrophils / l-leukocytes / m-monocytes / e-eosinophils / b-basophils

to differentiate btwn granulocytes and agranulocytes its:

"never eat bananas like monkeys"



"pinky on the ulna side"


which side is the radius on?

thumbs up for "rad!!"


fibula is lateral


tarsal bones:

"tall centers never take shots from corners"

t-talus / c-calcaneus / n-navicular / t-third cuneiform / s-second cuneform / f-first cuneiform / c-cuboid


cranial nerves

"oh oh oh, to touch and feel very green vegetables ah!" ... or ... "old opal’s ocular tracts tricksters abducting

four vested giants vaguely acting hypoactive"

i olfactory / ii optic / iii oculomotor / iv trochlear / v trigeminal / vi abducens / vii facial / viii vestibulocochlear / ix glossopharyngeal / x vagus / xi accessory / xii hypoglossal


cranial nerves: sensory, motor or both?

"some say marry money, but my brothers say big breasts matter more" .... or ..... "stop saying my mom bug me because she believes bugging makes me"


epidermis (deep to superficial):

"basil spices granny luci's corn"

stratum: basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, corneum

Specializes in LTC.

Alrighty, I finished all 26 of my note cards on the skull tonight, and I'm acctually rather proud of myself :) What I did was printted out a bunch of pictures of the skull and glued them to note cards. I then put arrows to the part of the skull I was suppose to know and put the name of the bone, suture, etc. on the back.

Incase anyone wants to do this as well here are links to the pictures I used:



If anyone wants me to post the pics I end up using for the rest of the body flashcards let me know! I'll be happy to post them once I find them.

Awesome, Casi. I did this for tissues. I printed out pictures (In color at work! Gotta love laser printers) and pasted them on note cards -- described the tissues on the back.

I will have to do this for the skull as well.

Specializes in ER.
My class is using Hole's Human Anatomy and Physilogy textbook. Is anyone else using this book? OMG, we just started chap.4, cellular metabolism, and I cannot understand any of this chapter. I'm going to have to have my husband read it and tutor me! Did anyone else have problems with this chapter?


My class uses Hole's book too... and my test on CH. 3&4 is tomorrow! Chapter 4 IS very hard... I have an awesome teacher though, and she makes things REALLY simple to understand. She uses diagrams and cute analogies a lot and if you want, I can probably scan in and send you some of the images she draws (my recreations - not as good as hers, but still helpful)!! If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me, and we can have an online study session of sorts. I think I'm understanding the material so far - maybe since we're using the same book (and it sounds like going about the same pace) we can help each other out. Also, have you gone the the website for the book? Hole's Anatomy and Physiology Click on Student Edition, and choose your chapter - there's quizes and crossword puzzles, and labling exercises, and all kinds of neat stuff on there to help you study. I also like their study guide - and they also have the answer key for the study guide, as well as the answer key to all the embedded questions throughout the text. Very helpful in my opinion.

We have a quiz tomorrow on cells, parts of a cell and their functions, which would not be too bad. But, it is also on tissues, different types and functions. Ugh. I cannot seem to remember this stuff...simple squamous epitheilium...darn you! Why is it not sinking in!!!

My class uses Hole's book too... and my test on CH. 3&4 is tomorrow! Chapter 4 IS very hard... I have an awesome teacher though, and she makes things REALLY simple to understand. She uses diagrams and cute analogies a lot and if you want, I can probably scan in and send you some of the images she draws (my recreations - not as good as hers, but still helpful)!! If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me, and we can have an online study session of sorts. I think I'm understanding the material so far - maybe since we're using the same book (and it sounds like going about the same pace) we can help each other out. Also, have you gone the the website for the book? Hole's Anatomy and Physiology Click on Student Edition, and choose your chapter - there's quizes and crossword puzzles, and labling exercises, and all kinds of neat stuff on there to help you study. I also like their study guide - and they also have the answer key for the study guide, as well as the answer key to all the embedded questions throughout the text. Very helpful in my opinion.

Thanks Janelle,

Than sounds great! If you could send me the pics that would be great. Because my instructor doesn't explain things well at all! He's very hard to understand.

I tried to go to the website for the book, but it won't let me on. Probably because I bought the book used.

Yeah, this chapter is going to whip my butt! So, if you understand it better, then I will probably be PMing you.

Thanks again

I have Marieb Human Anatomy and Phsyiology, and you have to pay for access to their student site if you bought your book used. What a rip off! I still paid over a hundred dollars for it used!

Well we had our first quiz yesterday in lecture.

All of the students I spoke to were freaked about it before hand.

She finally posted the scores, and the class average was 68.5, my score was 77 out of possible 100. I thought I blew it big time, but I guess I did better than I thought. I'm just glad its over!

It was on body positions, and biochemistry.


Specializes in ER.
Well we had our first quiz yesterday in lecture.

All of the students I spoke to were freaked about it before hand.

She finally posted the scores, and the class average was 68.5, my score was 77 out of possible 100. I thought I blew it big time, but I guess I did better than I thought. I'm just glad its over!

It was on body positions, and biochemistry.


That's what our first test was on too. A 77 is not a bad grade, especially for A&P! Did you have a lab practical too? I find the lab practicals to be harder than the lecture tests because it's not multiple choice! Everything has to come straight from whatever place you filed the information into your brain!

That's what our first test was on too. A 77 is not a bad grade, especially for A&P! Did you have a lab practical too? I find the lab practicals to be harder than the lecture tests because it's not multiple choice! Everything has to come straight from whatever place you filed the information into your brain!

Not yet on the lab. We are doing lab's 4 & 5 tomorrow but we have not received a schedule yet on what happens when as far as lab exams etc..


Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Ok so I took the quiz/test on the skull today. I got all right except for one, I thought the tape was pointing to the Vomer, but it was pointing to the perpendicular plate of the Ethmoid :rolleyes:. Oh well, she didn't ask every single structure, but I'm pretty confident I'll be ready for it on the practical. On today's quiz we also had the skin model, Kodachromes on all 4 tissue groups, and the anatomy of a long bone whew! Tomorrow is exam 1 in lecture. Gotta go study :chuckle

hi all,

We are using the Martini text and we just got started on Tissues. Lots of new materials and I'm really finding it difficult to connect all these stuffs together. I would be glad if anyone could suggest a study strategy for histology. Thanks

Specializes in Operating Room.

Congrats Nursecadet, I knew you could do it!! :)

Newonboard: I have one quiz on tissues at www.nursingjourney.com, and some tissue pics on the lab pics page. ...not sure if they will help or not, but you are welcome to use them. :)

Other than that, do a search for different types of tissues online. The more you see, the more you will be able to recognize the tissues. Your instructor will probably pull out a different slide or two, so it is always good to have seen different slides.

Draw what you see in the microscope. Take pics through the microscope lens. Whatever....

Try to associate what you are seeing with something that will help you remember what it is.

For example, to me Hyaline Cartilage looked like little rosebuds.

Pic from a slide in my class:


By drawing in pencil, and not coloring, you can visualize the structure of the tissue as your instructor may show a purple stained slide in lab, but have a pink stained slide on the lab test. Viewing lots of different pics online will also help with this.

Good luck!!! :)

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