Published Feb 7, 2015
3 Posts
I am currently in my last semester of nursing school and I now have to complete a forensic evaluation with a polygraph examination. I have an arrest charge on my record and pled guilty to possession but completed my probation successfully and this incident occurred over 10 years ago. And to be honest it was seriously a case of being involved with the wrong crowd. Since then I have not gotten in any legal trouble and I have actually graduated with my bachelors degree in business before coming back to school and starting my nursing career. Now I am so confused if I should get an attorney or just take the test. Everything I have read online says to get an attorney because the list of providers the board gives you are biased. I'm not sure what to do anymore and I just want to finish my last semester and graduate. I know I will probably have some stipulations on my license and I can accept that but I just want to get an idea if what to expect on the test or if I should even go through with it. I hate to pay all this money and then not be able to take my Nclex. Please any advice would be greatly appreciated.
nowim clean
296 Posts
Who is making you take this test the school or the BON?
Either way it sounds like something you're going to have to do. If you're clean there should be no issues there, but be aware lawyer or not the bon has final say, yes they can deny you nclex, yes they can make you enter rehab, drug screen for 1-5 years, and place stips on your license, the question is do you want this bad enough? The lawyer make argue terms with the bon but they are limited as the bon can and will always use patient safety as their reason. If you have been going to AA/NA for this time letters from group members will help but again most issues are cookie cutter set. good luck
Ruas61, BSN, RN
1,368 Posts
Forensic Evaluation w/ Polygraph test? What exactly is this? I have never heard of this. Who is doing this? This sounds seriously crazy.
299 Posts
In my state to remain a board approved provider you have to fall in line with what the board likes.
That said I usually do not tout the benefits of hiring an attorney for the board, but I definitely would in this case at least get a consultation, and the attorney might be able to see if the questions they are asking are even legal.
The BON is requiring me to take the tests. And I have never had to take any drug rehab classes or anything of that nature because I never used. I was dating a guy that sold drugs, and I know that he was selling but I never used drugs. Even though we were in a relationship we never really talked about it and I never really asked questions. Well then one day we get pulled over and he had some in the car and it was enough that they charged both of us. He even wrote a letter to the judge saying I had nothing to do with the drugs in the car but they still charged me. I have nothing to hide from the BON and I'm willing to take the tests and tell my side of the story, but I just want to get a fair shot. I've looked into the possibility of getting a lawyer but I just don't know. I want this so bad and I don't want this past mistake to ruin my nursing career. I was young, dumb and thought I was in love with this idiot, but I just want to be given a fair shot and tell my side of the story.
57 Posts
Which state is this?
VivaLasViejas, ASN, RN
22 Articles; 9,996 Posts
In two words: lawyer up. We cannot give legal advice here, and you will need someone qualified to represent you. Best of luck.
sissiesmama, ASN, RN
1,897 Posts
This - DEF talk to a lawyer! Even a consultation with one that deals with nursing/BON issues. You will need someone in your corner, and u can bet that won't be the boards. Good luck!
Anne, RNC
81 Posts
Find yourself an attorney experienced in dealing with professional Boards, medical/nursing Boards if possible. It's a specialized area, and it sounds like the Board is dead serious about this matter. Were you convicted of a felony? If so, that may explain the Board's decisions to require these things. But no matter what, get yourself a lawyer! Even Legal Aid if you can't afford a lawyer--you need professional legal advice. Good luck!
Big Blondie, ASN, BSN, MSN, APRN
494 Posts
Never heard of such in Texas. Good luck!
7 Posts
mp108 -- Okay, I think some others are correct about the situation, and that you should speak with an attorney about this. Yes, it will cost some money, but what's the value of your license after all the hard work you've put into the program?
Best of luck!!