For those who want to know what nursing school is like...


OK, so I've only been in nursing school for a few weeks, but I know what it's like trying to scour for information or wonder if you're the only one who feels like _____ (insert random emotion here).

So, for those who might be wondering what nursing school is are my humble observations.

1) From what I can gather, even if you're madly in love with your chosen profession, it's pretty natural to think, "OH MY DEAR GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE?!" during orientation and the first few days of class. After that, it dwindles to maybe once a week.

2) Even though I researched and prepared and asked people about the work load and shopped for organizational supplies...yeah, it's still about 3x the work load I thought it would be. Yes, I came home the first few days, froze, assumed the fetal position, and couldn't figure out what to do first. (See #1 for my thought process at this time). And yes, after I got myself organized, my sanity returned.

3) I don't care who you are, you WILL feel stupid at some point during nursing school. There are some that try to cover it up with bravado, or pretending to know it all, but yes, you will feel stupid. This is normal, and believe it or not, this is expected. You are a student for a reason. Ask questions.

4) It is in your best interest to choose your friends wisely. Don't hang around folks that drag you down, or soon you too may be moaning, "Like, how unfair is my clinical instructor? She, like, wanted me to be accurate on a blood pressure! The nerve!!" Surround yourself with positivity and productivity.

5) Nursing school isn't just hard on you. Remember the family and friends that support you...and thank them often (even the littlest ones; kids appreciate honesty too).

6) Don't get too hung up on who-wrote-how-many-pages or how-so-and-so-studies-for-tests. Find out what works for you, and find out quickly. Whether it's flashcards or taping lectures or re-typing what works for you.

7) During orientation, one of my professors said to us regarding nursing school: "You will not watch TV! You will not stay up late unless you have your nose in a book! You will not party and expect to do well in class!" And...she's been right so far. Nursing school is pretty much all I do, because I want to do well...

8) That said, I do take the occasional Facebook break. Or read to my stepson before he goes to bed. All things in have to stay sane to get through nursing school, after all!

9) Whether you had a great day (learned a lot, aced a test, impressed your instructor) or a crappy day (bombed a quiz, got corrected publicly, or felt like you were all thumbs with a patient)...this too shall pass.

10) Even though it's hard...and a LOT of work...and some days you question what you have gotten yourself into...if you are in nursing school for the right reasons, you will be reminded - almost every day - why you are there and that you made the right choice.

GOOD LUCK to all current and future nursing students! J

haha...I love this, it's so true! I've only been in NS a few weeks and I already know what ALL of this feels like! I can just imagine what's coming for us in the next few years...a rollercoaster of all of the above mentioned!

It's true... no matter how many times anyone tells you how much work and reading and assignements are involved in NS, you won't have ANY idea until you get there! It's already more then I thought, also.

Make sure you make time for yourself and for your family/friends/spouse/kids/whatever... It won't only be hard on you but hard on them as well - I know my hubby is already feeling it.

Good luck to everyone! :heartbeat

Thank you! You just reminded me why I'm still here!

Have a great day!

Specializes in Dementia,. Alzheimer's.

Thanks for the heads up. I will remeber this next semester, when Iam in nursing school .

7) During orientation, one of my professors said to us regarding nursing school: "You will not watch TV! You will not stay up late unless you have your nose in a book! You will not party and expect to do well in class!" And...she's been right so far. Nursing school is pretty much all I do, because I want to do well...

8) That said, I do take the occasional Facebook break. Or read to my stepson before he goes to bed. All things in have to stay sane to get through nursing school, after all!

Hear, hear! My aunt (RN, BSN who pinned me) gave me a hard time because, "I always see you on Facebook! When do you ever study?!?" but that was one of my 'staying sane' mechanisms. I'd turn on my laptop, log in to Facebook and, then crack the books. If I had a hard time with a particular chapter or concept, I'd put the book down and spend 5 minutes reading new posts on one site or the other. It helped me clear my mind and look at the material with fresh(er) eyes. Sometimes I'd walk around the block or spend 10 minutes weeding a flowerbed--anything to let my 'nursing brain' rest for a little while.

You're so right regarding EVERYTHING!!! I'm in my 3rd week and it's been crazy, I feel like all I'm doing is reading. Luckily I expected it though....but still crazy, lol. Good luck everyone!

Specializes in Neuro.

I agree with almost everything and I am in my 5th semester (so my... 63rd week?). I still find time to go out and party a bit about once every two weeks. And I still watch my shows during my down time.

But I really agree with the statement about the kind of people you befriend. Pick the happy or relaxed ones. Avoid the negative or stressed out ones.

Good luck.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Acute Rehab.

What an insightful post! With an attitude like yours, there is no doubt in my mind that you will be successful! I hope you enjoy this time, because even with the many ridiculous things that can come up while in nursing school (and many do!), it is still a great experience for those wanting to learn and can be very manageable, if you take it seriously. I wish you the best of luck.:heartbeat


Your list is spot on. I think that #4, choosing your friends wisely is the most important one. I had to tweak who I was sitting beside during the first few days of class. Good luck to all of the class of 2011!


And one thing I remember from nursing school is that everyone cried at least once. It's a long haul and it gets to everybody at some point. Most people will crash and have to pick themselves up, or drop the program or fail.

Just try to pick yourself up and get back when it happens.

My crash period was once, when I had studied hard for a psyche test, the teacher handed out the exam and I didn't recognize any of the 50 questions. I couldn't even focus on the words, I was so mad.

When I finished, I handed in the test and walked out into the hallway and cried. My expectations had been too high to fail.

Well, everyone in the class failed and the teacher had to "give us some points." It all worked out.

But that one night, I seriously broke down.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

I must be the odd man out. I haven't opened any of my books for more then 20 minutes tops since starting school 3 weeks ago. :stone

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