For those who want to know what nursing school is like...


OK, so I've only been in nursing school for a few weeks, but I know what it's like trying to scour for information or wonder if you're the only one who feels like _____ (insert random emotion here).

So, for those who might be wondering what nursing school is are my humble observations.

1) From what I can gather, even if you're madly in love with your chosen profession, it's pretty natural to think, "OH MY DEAR GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE?!" during orientation and the first few days of class. After that, it dwindles to maybe once a week.

2) Even though I researched and prepared and asked people about the work load and shopped for organizational supplies...yeah, it's still about 3x the work load I thought it would be. Yes, I came home the first few days, froze, assumed the fetal position, and couldn't figure out what to do first. (See #1 for my thought process at this time). And yes, after I got myself organized, my sanity returned.

3) I don't care who you are, you WILL feel stupid at some point during nursing school. There are some that try to cover it up with bravado, or pretending to know it all, but yes, you will feel stupid. This is normal, and believe it or not, this is expected. You are a student for a reason. Ask questions.

4) It is in your best interest to choose your friends wisely. Don't hang around folks that drag you down, or soon you too may be moaning, "Like, how unfair is my clinical instructor? She, like, wanted me to be accurate on a blood pressure! The nerve!!" Surround yourself with positivity and productivity.

5) Nursing school isn't just hard on you. Remember the family and friends that support you...and thank them often (even the littlest ones; kids appreciate honesty too).

6) Don't get too hung up on who-wrote-how-many-pages or how-so-and-so-studies-for-tests. Find out what works for you, and find out quickly. Whether it's flashcards or taping lectures or re-typing what works for you.

7) During orientation, one of my professors said to us regarding nursing school: "You will not watch TV! You will not stay up late unless you have your nose in a book! You will not party and expect to do well in class!" And...she's been right so far. Nursing school is pretty much all I do, because I want to do well...

8) That said, I do take the occasional Facebook break. Or read to my stepson before he goes to bed. All things in have to stay sane to get through nursing school, after all!

9) Whether you had a great day (learned a lot, aced a test, impressed your instructor) or a crappy day (bombed a quiz, got corrected publicly, or felt like you were all thumbs with a patient)...this too shall pass.

10) Even though it's hard...and a LOT of work...and some days you question what you have gotten yourself into...if you are in nursing school for the right reasons, you will be reminded - almost every day - why you are there and that you made the right choice.

GOOD LUCK to all current and future nursing students! J

thank you so much for saying what you have just said right now. i just started nursing school for about 2 weeks and everyday i come home thinking "*** am i doing, this is so crazy! why did i want to do this in the first place?!?!?" the things they put on you is very stressful, i havent gotten a good night sleep yet... i am currently finding the best way for me to study.

everything you said up there is 100% true, reading that helped me realized a lot of things. thank you very much! I know it will be a rough journey from here on out, but im ready to face the toughest challenges my instructors are throwing at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i will complete this program and graduate next year!!!!!!!!!

good luck to everyone!!!

Thanks for the kind words, nneo...

I just wanted to post a little something describing the gist of nursing school, because I was scared witless before I started. I hope I helped or at least brought a smile to some faces :p

Specializes in Postpartum/Nursery about to enter NICU I.

I really enjoyed your post. You are spot on about it all. I am in my final semester and there are still days I feel stupid. And about picking your friends wisely I have made some of the best friends I have ever had in nursing school. We have supported each other through it all and when you have that support you can go a long way. Again thanks for a great post.

I know what you mean. I am in my third week on mon and I can for sure relate to the feeling stupid thing. I felt very comfortable in my lectures, both my instructors are funny, understandable and are very fair but once I hit the Foundations Lab... cue the intimidation!!!!

The first day, when doing vitals, I put the BP cuff upside down and wrongside up even though I just told the instructor I was a first responder and did this before. I went into open lab (VERY IMPORTANT) and I needed another instructor to completely walk me through a whole baseline assesment. The guy acting as a patient was acting very bellittling because I was rusty on my anatomy and critizised my many questions. I felt like telling him to just stop it because the way I learn is through asking questions sometime repeatidly. Anyways, I am glad I didn't because he turned out to be cool and is a good study partner and after that awkward experience I feel SOOOO much more confident in what I am doing.

With my studying, I set goals for the evening and take frequent breaks (15 min per hour and I stop if I start getting stressed). I am luckly enough to not have kids or even a girlfriend and I am staying with my mom who has let me have her whole furnished basement as my "study dungeoun" as I call it. So I feel like God has really blessed me so I can get through this program.

Good post!


:yeah:this is so true and there is much more to come especially @ clinical sites. i hope everyone knows what i m talking about- the drama, the emotions, the smells :D , the clarity of doctor's notes..etc etc

i m in 2nd semester and still i m unable to define nursing school. still all the things that you have mentioned repeat every week. :up: but i m in this for the care and love to the patients and thats all i give..:redbeathe :nurse::redbeathe

Specializes in Corrections, Education, Med/Surg, AGNP-HIV.

Another word of good advice; as well as meeting new (good/positive) friends, try organizing several students to form a study group (three or four is a good number) If there are more break them up into those numbers. Then when it comes to testing break up sections (like diseases/processes/etc.) and have each person in each group make up study guides. It is much easier to conquer one item vs. twenty. Then share them with each other, you each get all of the study guides and work with them in your study group. Breaking up the work and spreading the wealth will help you from feeling overwhelmed.

If you have highly competative people in your class (the one's that want to be on top) they may not want to participate. But get as many as you can to help out and form study groups,it will get you far and allow you to focus on studying.

One thing to remember Nursing School is not a competition. No nurse will care that you got A's or were the best in class. You are all there to be one thing: Good Nurses! working together and collaborating will get you far in school and in your nursing career.

:heartbeati love your post! sums it up in a nutshell for me!! my 11yr old son ( 1 out of 4 boys!) came up to me today and said, "mom, if i studied this much, my head would blow up." :) yep, almost there buddy....!!!

well we're 3 weeks into it and all stick alive and kicking!!!

good luck to all of you and have a wonderful week!!!

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