Published Feb 25, 2005
3 Posts
I worked in a Health Care facility for eight years. Allways had good reviews,
never written up, never called in or was late. Was "Star" employee in December of 2004. I was terminated today for abuse. A patient of mine used a tobacco product and when she would come to the desk asking for the tobacco and we were out she would become angry. I sometimes joked with her trying to calm her down. She would cuss me and walk away, I would say I love you Louise, she would say I love you to *****. A CNA overheard this one night and turned me in. I was investigated and fired. I was also told this would be reported to the state, now Im afraid of losing my license. HELP
CoffeeRTC, BSN, RN
3,734 Posts
Umm, if that was all that happened, I would definatly question them about this...what specifically was the abuse?? Call the state yourself and ask them about this situation.
apaisRN, RN, CRNA
692 Posts
Huh? Why were you fired when it was the patient that cursed at you?
chris_at_lucas_RN, RN
1,895 Posts
Sounds like it might be time to write down all the details in as much detail as possible, and put it away where you can find it. Also, recall who of the staff were there this time and the other times and be certain you can count on them to back you up.
I don't understand when someone who is clearly at least somewhat clueless hops to a nasty conclusion, files a complaint and then wham, out you go.
But I know it happens. So protect yourself. And know that you didn't do anything wrong.
Actually, it sounds like you had a good therapeutic relationship with the lady. (That would be Louise, not the CNA. She would be the ***** ! :chuckle )
Thanks guys I was totally clueless to this. I have allways joked around with this patient. The family is even aware of it. She uses snuff, and we are always out of it at night, (I work 6p-6a ), and when I tell we are out she just goes off. We have even gone to town and try find some in the middle of the night.
I don't mind fnding a new job just afraid for my license.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
You were joking with a patient, she cussed you out, and you get fired? What am I missing here? If this is all there is, then don't worry about your license. Last I heard there wasn't a law about joking with our paitnets/resdients.
Good luck.
CseMgr1, ASN, RN
1,287 Posts
Sounds like Standard Procedure in our profession nowadays:we're guilty until proven innocent. :angryfire
55 Posts
Unfortunately I agree with CSEMGR, they treat us as guilty 1st, until they prove us innocent. I just got back to work today after being off for 3 weeks after having 2 surgeries to get rid of kidney stones. I was called in and "counselled" about missing too many days! I have worked at that faciality for 22 years. The last couple of years I've developed some health problems that have caused me to miss alot of work. They want us to treat the pts with care & compassion but apparently it doesn't apply to the employees. If I miss 3 times in the next 90 days I will be put on part time status :angryfire
2,836 Posts
That's awful! You gave your facility 22 years of dedication and look how they treat you in return. It's so true! Care and compassion is for patients only. When I worked in WV a CNA's house burned to the ground and her animals were killed in the fire. She took 3 days off and was written up for missing those 3 days of work! :angryfire Now they are threatening to put you on part-time if you miss 3 days of work in the next 90 days. No caring or compassion for nursing staff. :angryfire
LPN1974, LPN
879 Posts
And they wonder WHY we're having a nursing shortage. The way they treat their employees, it's a wonder anyone stays.
4,177 Posts
was the firing about the statement 'i love you' ?? i would hope that they did not convince you to must stand up to these not only for your self but for the others who are at risk of the same thing..
i work at a phych facility in which patients become violent when no cigaretts are available...funny it is the nurses who smoke and give them cigarettes who are most likely to be hurt when they say no
hang in there...keep us in touch about developments
1,429 Posts