

I was just informed by a Doctor that a temperature of 100.6 is not a fever in school age children. Children must have a fever over 101.

The parent called me and wants to know if she should send the student to school. The parent told me that the students temp has been up and down, (101 and 100.4) I advised her to keep the student home.

I have always believed that a normal temperature was 97.8 to 100. Has this scale changed?

I have sent kids home totally afebrile if they look crappy have complaints. A kid can be sick without a fever.

Is the doctor really dictating these strict parameters over your nursing judgment?

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

The pediatric "industry standard" is an elevated temperature is not considered a "fever" in kids over 3 months of age until it hits 101. Infants under 3 months of age are considered to have a fever when the temp reaches 100.4.

Our "district" policy uses 100 as the criteria.

Thanks for the two quick responses. I am waiting to hear from our school doctor. As far as I know and have spoken to our nurse leader, anything over 100 is consider febrile. I am interested in our school doctors response .

Specializes in School Nursing, Public Health, Home Care.

Our policy is to send kids home with a temp over 100, no matter what it's called.

We also use 100 or greater in our policy. It doesn't matter if there is a note from the physician - we stick to our policy.

I was just informed by a Doctor that a temperature of 100.6 is not a fever in school age children. Children must have a fever over 101.

He's not the boss of you. ;-) Look at five different sources, you'll get five different answers. Our policy is 100 as well.

Specializes in kids.
He's not the boss of you. ;-)

Yup, that be very true!!! Made my day!

Specializes in School nurse.

Our district policy is 100.

It's anything over 100 here too

Specializes in Community Health/School Nursing.

>100.0 per our policy goes home. We are city district, but our county goes by >100.4.

Oh, I misunderstood. :nurse:

They HAVE to go home for 100, that's our policy. But I have sent them home for less.

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