Published Aug 20, 2021
19 Posts
I failed Community health due to some issues I had. It has been the ******** feeling I have been going through for 2 months. I tried to appeal to the committee and also to the president, but no luck. I was suppose to graduate next week and it just ***** sucks... I am out of the program due to this is my 3rd time failing out. Nursing school has a rule where you cannot fail 2courses then you fail out. Due to testing anxiety I failed out but got readmitted. This time around I was maxed out of my financial aide student loan and I was just so caught up in working to make bills and tuition, I was burnt out. I had two courses left to receive my BSN,
I have all my clinical hours completed besides community and capstone.
I am trying to challenge the nursing board to get my CNA and LPN. Not sure if I need my CNA license before my LPN to take, but any advice would be great. Thank you in advance. I am located in Arizona and planning to move back to California.
PollywogNP, ADN, BSN, MSN, LPN, NP
237 Posts
You might have to complete/graduate from an LPN program. Have you looked at requirements in Arizona?
Mr.Lollercoastr, CNA, LPN
34 Posts
I was in almost the same position as you were. I was one course and one semester away from graduating this year, until I was dismissed from clinicals for some b****** reason. Pick yourself up and apply again or get your LPN and then do a bridge program, which are usually shorter.
18 hours ago, PollywogNP said: You might have to complete/graduate from an LPN program. Have you looked at requirements in Arizona?
Hi, I have looked into it, but it doesn't have the option 3 that California has where I can just sit for the LPN, I have spoken to some of my colleagues from work that shared with me how I can sit for the LPN certification if I have all the requirements or even take a 2month course to get the LPN certification.
Hannahbanana, BSN, MSN
1,249 Posts
Don’t listen to colleagues about this — or us, for that matter. Get your authoritative information from nobody but the BON. This may mean that nsg is not a realistic career pathway for you now.
Yes indeed, it sucks to flunk out last semester. However, in every program I ever taught in (AA/AS, BS) we had a somebody or two or three who had been hanging on by their fingernails after several very close calls in previous semesters and just couldn’t get across the finish line (sorry about the mixed metaphor). I leave it to you to ruminate on why that is. In my experience it was that they just didn’t have what it took to overcome whatever barriers were before them, be they intellectual, academic, behavioral, situational, or a combination.
It’s probably no consolation at all to know that you might learn to overcome those same barriers and limitations later, but you couldn’t do it this time. You will encounter those exact same barriers in RN work, and you’d better be able to overcome them or you will have a hard time keeping a job. Nursing school teaches that, too.
Good luck.
windsurfer8, BSN, RN
1,381 Posts
I would also look a the big picture. If you can't test due to anxiety then what will you do during a code? Or when a doctor is chewing you out? Or a family is extremely agitated? Passing tests is a requirement to become a nurse. I don't know what you are going to "challenge"? Same as med school...there are requirements and standards that must be met. They can't change standards because someone has anxiety. You may need to find a career that doesn't cause you anxiety.
2,995 Posts
On 8/20/2021 at 12:19 PM, itsjustnt said: Nursing school has a rule where you cannot fail 2courses then you fail out. Due to testing anxiety I failed out but got readmitted. This time around I was maxed out of my financial aide student loan and I was just so caught up in working to make bills and tuition, I was burnt out.
Nursing school has a rule where you cannot fail 2courses then you fail out. Due to testing anxiety I failed out but got readmitted. This time around I was maxed out of my financial aide student loan and I was just so caught up in working to make bills and tuition, I was burnt out.
There is actually a reason nursing schools dismiss a student when they fail 2 courses. Financial Aide is limited for the third time a student attempts a course. And the student ends up working to pay "bills and tuition".
On 8/20/2021 at 12:19 PM, itsjustnt said: Due to testing anxiety I failed out
Due to testing anxiety I failed out
It is great you identified another of your challenges. Now when you seek out a new program you will ask about student services to help students with decoding test questions and decreasing test anxiety. I have seen great things happen when a student prioritizes their needs to improve with test taking and seeks out a student success expert. Really!
Look for the student services that are available. Just trying to take a CNA or LPN test without understanding your needs will give you the same result as before.
Something else to consider is looking at your local community college for a course like college study skills (1 credit) that will let you meet with a study skills specialist as part of your enrollment. Showing your efforts would be an asset to your further application to a nursing program
Best wishes
28 Posts
Is this new nursing policy- if you failed out from nursing school you cannot apply to any other school?
I failed psychiatric nursing second semester and I passed. I failed in my last semester-last final- a day before graduation. And school told me to appeal, dean denied, then they told me to do greviance and denied. Can someone tell me what is good way that I can go back to nursing RN program? Please tell me, because my academic advisor does not tell me anything.
Thank you
1 hour ago, Mimi321 said: I failed in my last semester-last final- a day before graduation.
I failed in my last semester-last final- a day before graduation.
Was there only one test for the semester, or was your total of all your tests including the final, below passing? I ask this because you may need to reframe and clarify why you did not graduate when talking to other schools in the future.
2 hours ago, Mimi321 said: Can someone tell me what is good way that I can go back to nursing RN program? Please tell me, because my academic advisor does not tell me anything.
Can someone tell me what is good way that I can go back to nursing RN program? Please tell me, because my academic advisor does not tell me anything.
I can understand your frustration about your academic advisor's lack of assistance, but frankly, they are only responsible for guiding you at their institution.
To get back to an RN program may be difficult but not impossible. Have you called any other schools/colleges around you? You may have to restart at the beginning because most nursing courses do not transfer to other programs (except may be fundamentals). What about looking at an LPN program? Are there any around you? Check with your local community college.
I wish you good luck and as I said in my previous post...
On 9/2/2021 at 12:04 PM, londonflo said: Something else to consider is looking at your local community college for a course like college study skills (1 credit) that will let you meet with a study skills specialist as part of your enrollment. Showing your efforts would be an asset to your further application to a nursing program
Last semester we had research, critical care, community and capstone&project. I passed all the classes, I was passing critical care until I took the final. Before final we had capstone 180 questions at 9am, critical care final at 2pm. And before that final we had community final @4pm. Everything cause a lot of stress.
I live in NY, and all the City university even in community college don’t accept any application from a failed out nursing student. I can start from LPN this is my last hope.
2 hours ago, Mimi321 said: I was passing critical care until I took the final.
I was passing critical care until I took the final.
Thank you for correcting me. This is an important part of your argument.
2 hours ago, Mimi321 said: . Before final we had capstone 180 questions at 9am, critical care final at 2pm. And before that final we had community final @4pm. Everything cause a lot of stress.
. Before final we had capstone 180 questions at 9am, critical care final at 2pm. And before that final we had community final @4pm. Everything cause a lot of stress.
What an absolutely horrible final exam schedule! I am sorry your final exams were structured this way. I do wish you all the best and hope you can get into some nursing program.
24 minutes ago, londonflo said: What an absolutely horrible final exam schedule
What an absolutely horrible final exam schedule
Honestly 4/11 students failed. 3 people failed out of program. I am always aware of the test, but it was unfortunate that my grade for critical care dropped down from 81 to 74. Our passing score is 78. After pinning its heart broken feeling, and everything just upside down. I can’t apply to BSN, or Associate. It's been a week can't recover from this pain