Failed NCLEX for the 2nd time


Hello everyone! Last week I took NCLEX-RN for the 2nd time and failed it again. I have had just the time to take 203 questions before I ran out of time and the coomputer shut off. Interestingly enough, unlike the first time, on my second attempt at it I got 30+ SATA questions that were just grueling. On top of that the topics seemed to have been focused around DM, insulins, lots of questions about implanted intravenous devices, who to see first and drugs I had no idea existed.

I did Kaplan Review for the first test and found it good in terms of strategy (Decision Tree, etc.) but lacking in terms of content review (endless boring videos). I also did ATI but it was nowhere near the style of questions that NCLEX had hit me with.

Then I had gone through about 7 weeks of NCSBN learning extension and the modules that they had were all good for content review but were severly lacking in SATA questions and rationale.

I think what really wiped me out the second time was the SATA questions and some content. Of all 3 Prep companies, Kaplan, ATI or NCSBN, none has offered comprehensive preparation for SATA.

Having spent over two thousand dollars on these online resources I am very reluctant to give them more business as they don't deliver what I need - SATA strategy and practice.

I am about to try NCLEX for the third time and am very worried as in FLA, the state I am in, an applicant cannot take test more than three times before they are sent back to school for remedials, which means more time and lots of money to pay.

Any advice on what to do next and how to overcome the SATA challenges? Thank you!

I have no clue wat u guys r talking about or worried about, NCLEX is a very superficial exam u would have to try real hard to fail it. Just take it easy just answer them as u did in school, stop looking for all these fancy books and special SATA programs, in my opinion doing that is just going to mess u up, u guys already know wat u need to know from school just do practice questions for a week or so. Just use common sense rather than worrying abt the format and all that, i honestly believe NCLEX was too easy.

I have no clue wat u guys r talking about or worried about, NCLEX is a very superficial exam u would have to try real hard to fail it. Just take it easy just answer them as u did in school, stop looking for all these fancy books and special SATA programs, in my opinion doing that is just going to mess u up, u guys already know wat u need to know from school just do practice questions for a week or so. Just use common sense rather than worrying abt the format and all that, i honestly believe NCLEX was too easy.

While I am not a fan of text-speak, I did read your (somewhat strange--to-read) post(s) telling people how easy the NCLEX exams are, how they have to "try real hard to fail", how they need to use common sense.

I am glad that you found the exam very simple, and passed your exam. But it is VERY hurtful to people who HAVE FAILED and are trying to learn what they did wrong to see this posted over and over. I said this to you on another thread, but you have posted this gem since.

The NCLEX exam may or may NOT be like what they did in school. A good nursing program will have prepared them sufficiently, and they should have seen test questions like this already. But not all nursing programs are good, and as long as a student is capable of learning the material that shouldn't be held against them. However, they probably WILL struggle with the format, the type of questions asked, and the format OF those questions.

You want to help? Stop telling people that study guides ("fancy books") and such is "just going to mess u up". For many, these guides and review programs are the difference between understanding what they need to do and PASSING....or not recognizing what the test is asking and FAILING.

Frankly, I'm more impressed by a student who can write out coherent sentences in English and ask for help than one who uses slang, misspellings and poor basic grammar to tell people how stupid they must be for failing a simple exam.

Can you understand this?

Well said RNsRWe!

RnsRWe, I didn't even bother acknowledging his posts, I just reported him last night before bed, cause he's an obvious troll account. He joined yesterday, and has 2 or 3 posts, all of which are just insulting people, and saying that the NCLEX-RN was "too easy" or "very easy", with nothing constructive towards the topics.

RnsRWe, I didn't even bother acknowledging his posts, I just reported him last night before bed, cause he's an obvious troll account. He joined yesterday, and has 2 or 3 posts, all of which are just insulting people, and saying that the NCLEX-RN was "too easy" or "very easy", with nothing constructive towards the topics.

I only wish I could write this off as a troll, but over the years I have been a member I have seen all kinds of people post for all kinds of reasons. Some, definitely are Troll Beasts and clearly only seek to get a rise. They usually do this with such inflammatory posts that would cause the average, normal person to say WTH??? and post something knee-jerk in response.

This person I see as someone who doesn't have a single clue about how he is coming off. Troll possibly, but more likely just someone who has no feel for internet etiquette and lacks some sensitivities most of us would consider basic decorum.

I have been called rude, a bully, a name it, LOL, it's been put out there. People will see what they want to see, and often disregard WHAT and WHY it is being said in favor of "I don't like that she honestly/openly said it". I'm ok with that, I let the people who are happy with what I've said stand as enough reason to continue ;)

But for this kind of thing? I respond to let other people, who are feeling fragile in the wake of the NCLEX Monster, know that it's NOT THEM who should feel ashamed for what they're experiencing, but the person who attempts TO shame them who should feel embarrassed.

/soapbox speech! :)

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

AN strives to be a supportive environment. It is better sometimes that if one has nothing positive or supportive to say then its better to just move on.

I used Sanders, NCLEX 10,000 and NCSBN. Lots of friends have used Exam Cram and Prentice Hall. I found this study guide on this site just to have in my phone so I could study when I was busy. Hope it can help you out.

Rupesh, no one asked for your rude nasty comments. Just cause YOU found it soo easy to pass, doesnt mean that the test is easy for everyone. And how could you insult people with such rude comments? you dont know what people go thru or how each persons exams are. Just cause YOU found it easy and passed it at once, doesnt automatically make you a great nurse...

Specializes in cardiac ICU.

Just wanted to post a BIG "Thank You" to all those that commented on my post! Your feedback is invaluable to me. I always enjoy learning from others, even the critical ones.

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" ~ Proverb.


Specializes in cardiac ICU.

Thank you for the link to the guide!

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