Published Mar 17, 2010
4 Posts
I am in my third semester at nursing school in a BSN program. My clinical instructor failed me at the end of semester with no notice and without writing me up. At this nursing school, a student is written up twice before being failed. The clinical instructor fills out a Unsatisfactory Form and gives reason for the write-up. I was never written up or given notice that I would fail clinical.
I had heard that this clinical instructor was tough on nursing students, but she seemed excessively tough. She was "impossible to please," and I believe it was a form of bullying. No matter how thorough my write-ups were (they were lengthy and exhaustive compared to some students) my work was not good enough, and she would take me into her office and admonish me and berate me for things that I would not have known as a nursing student still in the learning stages.
It does not feel like this clinical instructor has done her job as a clinical instructor. I feel shortchanged. Clinical instructors are supposed to guide students, not belittle them and be punitive towards them to an excessive degree if the student is still learning. I have only been a nursing student for a few months and have had great clinical instructors so far. This one does not seem to take the time to work with me.
Is there someone else I can show all of my work that I have done in this clinical before I am failed?
7 Posts
Have you spoken with the Dean/Director of the Nursing Department at your school?? Sorry to hear about what you are going through! :uhoh21:
9 Posts
I was also thinking you should go to your dean.
Good Luck!
15 Posts
This is a conflict situation and handle it as such. Ask your instructor about it first. Accordingly with what he says you can plan your next action. Going to the highest authority sounds strong however may make things harder for you to resolve. In the end it is the instructors job to pass you or fail you. Try to work it out with your instructor first. If you feel that there is a fault play somewhere then move on to a higher level as you think your right is being violated.
169 Posts
Sorry to hear about that...I was wondering if you read a post a few days ago on here about a male nursing student who was let go from his nursing program because he 'didn't think like a nurse"?!!! ( entitled: Need some help/recommendations following removal from nursing school - in the General Nursing Discussion forum ) He fought back and is now back in the program!! You need to fight back too, this is your future we're talking about here and the instructors work for you, not the other way around; you're an intregal part of why they have a job to get up for each and every day!! Go see your dean, explain exactly what happened and convey that proper protocal was not followed. Good luck and I hope all goes well for you.
Best Wishes,
542 Posts
I am so surprised that an instructor can fail you without giving you notice/you having no indication that you were failing....I would suggest talking to the instructor first and seeing why he/she felt the need to fail you. I would then suggest talking to the dean...
By the way......If the Dean is not willing to listen (which they won't sometimes, this has happened to me) I suggest going higher, perhaps the VP or President of the institution. I had a similar incident happen to me when I was in nursing school. Long story short I fought for myself and my rights as a student and...well.... that dean as well as the instructor are no longer with the institution and I am now an RN so DON'T GIVE UP!!!!
2 Posts
Hi! I am so sorry about your experience, and yes, you can always take your failing grade above that clinical instructors head. Take your papers, and everything you have ever turned in to the administrator and ask for an appeal. It is a very long, detailed process but they have to put your case in for review. This happened to one of my friends in nursing school, and the decision was reversed! Sometimes instructors have to fail someone in order to seem as if they are doing their job, sad news if you are that student. But, I would definately take it to the dean if you have to!! Especially since she did not write you up or provide written evidence that you were unsafe. Good Luck!
casi, ASN, RN
2,063 Posts
It sounds like her taking you aside into her office and telling you what she saw you doing wrong was her informal way of giving you warnings.
What were her exact reasons for failing you? Did she give you examples?
289 Posts
Most schools have a grievance procedure - check your handbook for the chain to follow, and get on it quickly. Most require something like: speak with the individual involved (teacher), then go to their supervisor, and then go to a dean if no satisfactory limit is reached. Be professional, but get your point across that failing you without write up or warning isn't acceptable and show all the work you've done, ask for specific examples of what you didn't do correctly, and if they name something that you weren't taught, ask to be shown where this was taught in class and why the teacher didn't go through a procedure rather than just berating you for it.
All the best of luck to you, it's not a fun situation.
mesa1979, BSN, RN
120 Posts
I understand! I went through a similiar situation, I went to the Dean and hired an attorney. I knew I was in the right and the clinical instructor was a big bully! I graduated and with a 3.2 gpa......Fight back! Hope all works out.
186 Posts
quickly go to the dean..and move higher up....dont waste your hard earned money..
i definately feel bad for u...but all schools have boards that review this can she fail u if she gae u no warning....that doesnt make sense...and it could work better in your favour....have them look at yur clinical "papers"..and stuff...dont give up on this dream.... fight for your future....this is a test and i believ u will win this stuff!!!!!!!!!!