Facilities not on the Customer service bandwagon


Specializes in PCCN.

Hello- Are there any nurses who work at facilities that are not using pagers, phones,trackers, hourly rounding trackers? I am curious to hear from them. The fact that big bother is watching is a big stressor.

Specializes in Medical Surgical Orthopedic.

If there are, they'll be changing their ways soon. Hospitals will be getting paid based on customer service (in part), so it's become a huge issue everywhere.

I don't use phones, pagers, or hourly tracker devices. Only to page the dock, that's about it.

Specializes in Medical/surgical, ICU.

The new job I started a few weeks ago isn't using any of the above...

The old job had us carry cell phones, but that was more so docs could get a hold of us easier....

Specializes in ICU.

I work in the UK and we don't have any of that...yet :yeah:

Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.

Neither of the large Magnet hospitals were I work use any of those.

Specializes in Cardiac, PCU, Surg/Onc, LTC, Peds.

The hospital I'm at is Magnet and we don't use anything like that. I did work prn for a different facility that used trackers and I thought it was assinine. You couldn't even hide in the bathroom without everyone knowing where you were at.

We don't use any of those except when charging. But look at it this way, Customer service, good customer service is NOT a bad thing in itself.

When I go to a store or anywhere and I am spending my hard-earned money on your product or service, believe me when I say good customer service is a requirement or I'm gone.

So likewise, when patients come into the hospital, they should expect a good service. Not saying go overboard but a good service is in order.

Don't be so tunnel-visioned that you fail to see the big picture. The big picture being that hospitals now have to do what it takes to stand out from the crowd. People don't remember what you do, but they remember how you made them feel.

Get with the program- customer service when done right is important.

Specializes in PCCN.

Hey- don'tget me wrong - I never said customer service was a bad thing- I go out of my way to help my patients get their needs met. my point is why do I have to have some tracker or pager to tell me to do this? Why is it that if there is no tech and we are short that I am being tracked as how long it takes for me to answer a pt's light that isnt even my patient???This all gets documented. The shirts see" hmm, so and so took 10 mins to answer the light. " The DON"T see that maybe I was holding a popped groin artery, or was pushing metoprolol, or some other med that I should be standing right there to see how the pt responds.That is my problem with this. Otherwise I do provide trhe best care I can.

Specializes in PCCN.

My whole point is that customer service is interfering with my ability to perform my job in a safe way. Which is more important? me getting soda for a family of 10, or me getting that heart rate down from 170 to maybe 90???

Get with the program- customer service when done right is important.

the bolded? that.

of course admin is going to do everything it takes to appease an unsatisfied customer.

and we all know who that expectation is delegated to.

it's not realistic, it's disrespectful to us, and it detracts from what is truly important...

which is the pt's health.

IF tptb were that intent on placating pts while assuring quality care, they'd hire happy helper teams to wait on a pt's secondary needs.

that type of plan would guarantee a roi.

but to continue to do it the current way (nurse's burden), it's resulting in escalating resentment, stress, and more risk for errors.

who wins this way?

professional nurses execute civility and respect as a part of their job description.

catering to their superficial needs, is not.


Specializes in Med/surg, OB, L&D, psych, ED, etc.

I am so tired of being bossed around and bullied. If one more person glares at me, I feel like I will scream.

Last night, my patient had a rectal tube. He kept getting up to urinate and the stool would leak. The stool would go down his leg and onto the floor, etc. We cleaned him up several times during the shift. This was most unpleasant, but I do it willingly. Then his wife comes in between cleanups and demands, "who is going to clean up this MESS???" I am so angry with her tone and glare that I feel like saying, "why don't YOU???"

I guess I think that no money in the world can compensate enough for the willingness to clean up someone elses poop ... So I'm expecting a thank you because I am willing to do it without complaint, but NO, I am underperforming in the customer service arena because her husband **** on the floor AGAIN and she thinks she can treat me like a dog.

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