Excelsior College Designated Center Of Excellence In Nursing Education


So proud to be an Excelsior grad~


Excelsior College Designated Center Of Excellence In Nursing Education 10/3/2005

Albany, NY - The Excelsior College School of Nursing was designated a 2005-2008 National League for Nursing (NLN) Center of Excellence in Nursing Education in the category of Creating Environments that Enhance Student Learning and Professional Development during the NLN Education Summit 2005 held in Baltimore, Md. Sept. 29 - Oct. 1.

This prestigious recognition was first awarded by the NLN in 2004 with only three schools receiving the award. This year, four more schools, including Excelsior College, received the designation. In order to apply for the designation, a school must be NLNAC accredited. There are approximately 1,700 NLNAC accredited nursing programs in the U.S.

Dr. Bridget Nettleton, dean of Excelsior's School of Nursing, accepted the award on behalf of the College at the summit. The designation as a Center of Excellence is awarded based on excellence in all of Excelsior College's nursing programs: associate, baccalaureate and master's degrees.

As stated on the National League for Nursing Web site, "Recognition by the National League for Nursing as a Center of Excellence is designed to distinguish those schools that demonstrate sustained, evidence-based and substantive innovation in the selected area, that conduct ongoing research to document the effectiveness of such innovation, that set high standards for themselves, and that are committed to continuous quality improvement. Such recognition indicates a commitment by the school as a whole to pursue and sustain excellence in student learning and professional development, ongoing faculty development, or nursing education research."

"This is an incredible affirmation of the outstanding quality of every aspect of Excelsior College and our School of Nursing," said Dr. Nettleton. "It acknowledges our premier external degree nursing programs and our extraordinary students, alumni, faculty, staff, advisors and administrators. We are extremely pleased to have received this honor of distinction."

Excelsior College has awarded more than 33,000 nursing degrees and has approximately 18,000 students enrolled currently in its nursing degree programs.

Specializes in Tele, Home Health, MICU, CTICU, LTC.

I agree with you Chris. Another proud EC grad here!!!!

Specializes in Hemodialysis, Home Health.

Woohoooooooooooo !!! Count me in ! :balloons: :) :balloons:

This is wonderful news !!! :yelclap: :yeahthat: :w00t:

As a very soon to be EC grad, I'm happy to see this.

Specializes in LTC, Hospice, Case Management.

Yeah . From another proud grad!

Specializes in OB, M/S, HH, Medical Imaging RN.

Another happy EC grad here only it was Regents College when I graduated. Does anyone know what the percentage is of LPN who start the program to those of us who actually finish? I've heard so many say they have started but gave up. It really did take an incredible amount of self discpline. We should be very proud

Specializes in O.R Trauma Nurse.

:balloons: once more another excelsior grad here:rotfl:

Yeah . From another proud grad!

Ditto! :yelclap:

Specializes in ER.

EC Grad here too (4/03)!

I guess it's just one more thing to be proud of!


Another happy EC grad here only it was Regents College when I graduated. Does anyone know what the percentage is of LPN who start the program to those of us who actually finish? I've heard so many say they have started but gave up. It really did take an incredible amount of self discpline. We should be very proud

I never gave up.

I did, however, take a lot of long breaks/extended vacations/leaves of absences from the program before I finally got my act together to finish it.

I wonder how many of us took more than two years from start to finish for the ADN.

:chuckle I am so happy to find this about EC and how you graduated from this online college -- RN program. I just received an information package from EC yesterday, 10/23/05.

July 05, graduated from an Practical Nursing program here in Lucedale, my home town and am so eager to get on with getting my RN degree.

Please would you mind sharing any all information you have as once being a student of EC? How is the clinical exam part? I understand it is a pass/fail situation. How did you prepare for it -- the clinical exam part? What about the exams you took from the first one to the last? Did you have all the material -- books you needed to successfully succeed on each exam you took? Also the total cost? What about support, could you anytime 24/7 [so to speak] speak to a real live person if you had any troubles or doubts or fears?

Please, if you can, please share your valuable information with me.

I have been doing a lot of research to which online college I can go through to earn my RN degree. And so far everyone that I have read about online, I have learned that they go through EC for the clinical exam part and so not only does the students pay to go through another college for the lessons and the books, the material, but they also pay to go through EC.

Again, any and all valuable information you could share with me concerning the RN program through EC, would be so much appreciative.

Thank you again,

Teresa Webb, LPN

Do you have to be an Lvn or a Cna to go to Excelsior is this college an online college or do you go to classes. I want to know more about this school. Can you take your prequistics there. Please tell me more. Congrads

It's been a hard road for me to try to finish:stone

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