Ever disappointed on Christmas?


Were you ever disappointed on Christmas? at work, home, childhood?


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Specializes in Med Surg.

I guess I don't really care about receiving gifts very much anymore. Esp at Christmas. I feel more disappointed at times like this, when, as a student I do not have enough money to get the things for other people that I'd enjoy seeing them receive.

I actually LOVE Christmas, but I find it more difficult when I'm completely broke. It just feels awkward. It looks like I'm in for at least another year of that unfortunately, while I finish school.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Oncology, Epic CT.
I guess I don't really care about receiving gifts very much anymore. Esp at Christmas. I feel more disappointed at times like this, when, as a student I do not have enough money to get the things for other people that I'd enjoy seeing them receive.

I actually LOVE Christmas, but I find it more difficult when I'm completely broke. It just feels awkward. It looks like I'm in for at least another year of that unfortunately, while I finish school.

I know how you feel. I too, am a broke college student and it feels odd not being able to give to the people I love. I am just giving cards away. I know Christmas is not all about gift giving, but it does give you that warm, fuzzy feeling when you give something to someone and they glow and smile with joy.

How about, rather than being concerned about receiving something for Christmas (or whatever holiday), doing something for somebody else? "It is better to give than to receive" is more than just some old, outdated, and corny statement - it is definitely worth a try (or two, or three...).

Donate some time to a local charity, help somebody whose home was destroyed by fire (or other disaster), clear snow from the elderly neighbors' driveways, etc... the list goes on.

I still wonder, when on Christmas Day, law enforcement responds to "domestic" calls related to an angry family member who did not get what he or she wanted for Christmas. What's up with that? Don't even get me started on some of the more major stuff I have heard, witnessed, and/or been involved with at Christmas...

Specializes in Trauma, ER, ICU, CCU, PACU, GI, Cardiology, OR.

Sounds familiar~

Geez...short of being given power tools or a blow up doll, Id be happy with whatever I got! Why do we feel so darned entitled now?! Christmas is about family, not about the 'pretty things' you get from people....SMH...

I think the point is the lack of thought put into presents by people who are supposed to know and love us. I don't care about how expensive the gift is -- my sis and I have a homemade present To each other policy -- but if you've put no thought into it, or got something for "me" just so you can use it, yeah, I'm bound to feel disappointed.

Geez...short of being given power tools or a blow up doll, Id be happy with whatever I got! Why do we feel so darned entitled now?! Christmas is about family, not about the 'pretty things' you get from people....SMH...

It's not about being entitled.

When someone gives you a gift, they should give you what YOU would want, not what THEY would want.

That's what's sad.

Specializes in med surg.

This is the first year without my parents, my dad passed away last january and mom has been gone 15 years. Even though we are all grown now we miss them, however, I think about the poor parents in Newtown and hope that they some how find comfort knowing that the nation mourns with them.

Twice--both times I was broker than broke. The first time, I asked specifically for gift cards to clothing stores because my 'business casual' work clothes were getting worn out. At the time I was surviving on ramen noodles and instant oatmeal, and gave everyone cookie mix in a jar because I could get 8 presents out of 1 bag each sugar, flour, and chocolate chips. My parents gave me glassware--martini glasses and champagne flutes. Don't get me wrong, I love the glasses, but I really needed new slacks and there was no way I'd be spending money on alcohol. The second time was after I got married. I was unemployed for nearly a year and we'd blown through our savings keeping rent and utilities paid. Nobody got presents from us that year except my nephews--I painted a picture for one of them and drew a picture for the other, each playing with their favorite animal, and put them in dollar-store frames. They were too little to understand broke-ness. I still feel ashamed and embarrassed thinking about both of those times; the first because I was so disappointed with the gifts I got, and the second because everyone still got presents for us and I felt like a freeloader. It really is a blessing to be able to give to others, but I didn't realize that until I couldn't do it.

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