So besides the fact that most are absolutely charming... Drug addicts annoy me to no end. When you're just minding your business, trying to enjoy your day, a druggie will always find a way to add a negative note. Despite Ativan and Clonidine sometimes methodone and morphine and orange juice and hot breakfast and a warm bed and a friendly hello and a whole staff of people (almost) genuinely concerned for their well-being, some are dead set on being negative rude and hostile. Here's an example from the other day.
Druggie: "how do you sleep at night inflicting so much pain on people every day (heparin shot)
Nurse: "oh I sleep quite well, actually"
Druggie: "yeah I know you secretly like to cause pain... You crazy, you just mean!"
Nurse: "aren't we all a little crazy, mr. dupayash- not to get too philosophical, with it being 7:30 am and all."
Druggie: "well I don't need that **** anyway"
Nurse: "why cause you're going to leave AMA?"
Druggie: "yes"
Nurse: "okay I'll get your paper- and give me my **** heart monitor back, you won't be able to sell that on the street"
Druggie: You aint nothin but a nurse. Get my doctor in here, I need to talk to him.
As the druggie coughs and spits sputum into his basin and throws his heart monitor on top, I am wondering (as I'm disinfecting the contaminated monitor) what the hell I am doing with this creep. Oh later the druggie came back, accused me of stealing his money, and got so out of control we had to call security. So what is your craziest/most annoying drug addict?