ETOH/heroin/cocaine=GOOD times!! :)


So besides the fact that most are absolutely charming... Drug addicts annoy me to no end. When you're just minding your business, trying to enjoy your day, a druggie will always find a way to add a negative note. Despite Ativan and Clonidine sometimes methodone and morphine and orange juice and hot breakfast and a warm bed and a friendly hello and a whole staff of people (almost) genuinely concerned for their well-being, some are dead set on being negative rude and hostile. Here's an example from the other day.

Druggie: "how do you sleep at night inflicting so much pain on people every day (heparin shot)

Nurse: "oh I sleep quite well, actually"

Druggie: "yeah I know you secretly like to cause pain... You crazy, you just mean!"

Nurse: "aren't we all a little crazy, mr. dupayash- not to get too philosophical, with it being 7:30 am and all."

Druggie: "well I don't need that **** anyway"

Nurse: "why cause you're going to leave AMA?"

Druggie: "yes"

Nurse: "okay I'll get your paper- and give me my **** heart monitor back, you won't be able to sell that on the street"

Druggie: You aint nothin but a nurse. Get my doctor in here, I need to talk to him.

As the druggie coughs and spits sputum into his basin and throws his heart monitor on top, I am wondering (as I'm disinfecting the contaminated monitor) what the hell I am doing with this creep. Oh later the druggie came back, accused me of stealing his money, and got so out of control we had to call security. So what is your craziest/most annoying drug addict?

I think it is so interesting that so many people in this thread seem to believe all drug addicts are diamonds in the rough. It seems like some prior posters believe drug addicts are just gems of people who were wronged by someone and therefore get carte blanch to hit, kick, spit at, curse at, and generally mistreat anyone in their lives including people who are just trying to maintain their basic life. Fascinating. And really indicative of life experience I feel. I know I think most people are generally good but I have learned quickly in nursing that there are some people that are mean. For no reason. Some people just get their jollies by riling people up and manipulation and no matter how many nurses try to show them the way by blowing sunshine up their butts, they will continue to be mean. And unfortunately its been my experience that a disproportionate amount of drug addicts have this unfortunate personality trait.

I treat all my patients with respect and as much dignity as they will allow me to. However, if they get nasty and want to talk to me in a derrogatory way, I can give it right back to them. As they say, I graduated from THAT school too. I deserve respect and if they won't give it (and face it, most drug addicts don't) then I will continue to treat them well and with respect without hesitating to let them know I won't be accepting any of that B.S. from them.

While I think the OPs post is probably an exaggeration of what she really said, I've said only slightly tamer things to drug addict patients when the need came up. Example "You ******* are all trying to kill me" "no I'm trying to save you're life and I'm not a *****, you're the one thrashing around and spitting."

Specializes in Operating Room Nursing.

Quoted from ChristyRN2009

I think it is so interesting that so many people in this thread seem to believe all drug addicts are diamonds in the rough. It seems like some prior posters believe drug addicts are just gems of people who were wronged by someone and therefore get carte blanch to hit, kick, spit at, curse at, and generally mistreat anyone in their lives including people who are just trying to maintain their basic life.

It's interesting you perceived people's posts this way. I think the majority of us who confronted the OP were more concerned about their attitude. I haven't seen anyone here justify abuse towards nurses either.

Fascinating. And really indicative of life experience I feel. I know I think most people are generally good but I have learned quickly in nursing that there are some people that are mean. For no reason. Some people just get their jollies by riling people up and manipulation and no matter how many nurses try to show them the way by blowing sunshine up their butts, they will continue to be mean. And unfortunately its been my experience that a disproportionate amount of drug addicts have this unfortunate personality trait.

I agree with what your saying about people being manipulative and mean. But there are many people who use drugs who don't fit the 'junkie' stereotype, some people in positions of power as well.

I treat all my patients with respect and as much dignity as they will allow me to. However, if they get nasty and want to talk to me in a derrogatory way, I can give it right back to them. As they say, I graduated from THAT school too. I deserve respect and if they won't give it (and face it, most drug addicts don't) then I will continue to treat them well and with respect without hesitating to let them know I won't be accepting any of that B.S. from them.

While I think the OPs post is probably an exaggeration of what she really said, I've said only slightly tamer things to drug addict patients when the need came up. Example "You ******* are all trying to kill me" "no I'm trying to save you're life and I'm not a *****, you're the one thrashing around and spitting."

I don't think what you said in this example was particularly bad. At least you didn't accuse them of wanting stealing equipment for drugs.

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.

Scrubby - I have to agree with you. I'm glad I wasn't the only one.

Anne, RNC

Specializes in ICU, telemetry, LTAC.
Pffft, UNDERSTAND her enough to agree with her calling him a "creep" and a "druggie?" To me you are AGREEING with the terms she is using to vent her frustration. I can understand being upset and mad because they can be a pain, but calling him a "creep" and "druggie" is shocking to read coming from a nurse, obviously she is in the WROOONG profession. She could of vented her frustrations without belittling the poor guy, which is exactly what the OP did, as if she is way above him or something. And I can't help but to state my opinion.

BTW, I have been disrespected and treated like pure crap by a drug addict(s), but would never stoop so low by calling them degrading names especially if they were my patient(obviously we are all different and I have a hard time accepting that sometimes, but I'm working on it!)...even when I didn't KNOW it was a disease because I was so young, so I DO understand thank you very much. From an addict I've been stolen from, called names, you name it!

I agree with whatever namecalling the OP wants to engage in, in order to vent. It is healthy to vent, it helps to reestablish the fact that one has actually got the patience and fortitude to go back to work the next shift. In my experience, the vent happens less online and more in the med room, and people who say "I would never do" something are spouting wishful nonsense in an attempt to make themselves feel better. I don't have time for nonsense, just say what you feel and it actually makes you feel better. I can put on the fake smile, do the things requested of me, allow the threats, abusive language and pure hostility to come forth from the mouths of my patients if, and only if, I am allowed a safe place to have that healthy, emotional, nasty response. I am professional with my patients because I vent. It is really, truly, an acting job some days.

It seems to me that you have a real need to spout this "I would never do" type of thing, no matter what life experience you have had, etc. I commend you for the intent but I truly, do not believe you would never say anything unprofessional. I think you are insecure and have a need to feel good about yourself. Would you please just have a cookie and let the nurses vent?

Specializes in LTC.

I think you are insecure and have a need to feel good about yourself. Would you please just have a cookie and let the nurses vent?

You have a lot of nerve calling me insecure considering the fact that you never met me. YOU SEEM to be the one who is insecure by having to stoop so low to say that about me so YOU can feel better about yourself! I just don't think a nurse calling one of her patients a "druggie" is appropriate, what's wrong with me stating my opinion? You stated YOURS?

"Zofran ..... I have plenty experience in this realm because I have walked the walk and talked the talk. So please stop your Oh shes a student there for KNOWS NOTHING !

My brother was an addict and I grew with it and its a disease and should be treated as if the patient was terminally ill because this disease does kill many. Show a little compassion and maybe they will treat you with respect that you WANT so badly because you think you deserve it . You deserve NOTHING from patients you are the caregiver they are the patient / receiver .

So referring to someone who is "druggie" is disrespectful and unprofessional !!!!"

I am not saying that students know NOTHING...but....RNs who have been working for a while will have a different perspective. Having a brother that was an addict does not mean you have experience dealing with addicts in a clinical environment. It's a whole different ball game. Sure, it may give you some empathy but it will not prepare you for the abuse you will take from these kind of patients at work. It will not prepare you to juggle an unreasonable addicts demands and take care of 4-5 other patients for example.

Also, who said I don't show compassion for these people? I treat all my patients kindly and with respect. You will soon come to realize that even though you are kind and compassionate some pts will STILL treat you like crap.

I also disagree with your statement that I deserve NOTHING from patients. I do DESERVE respect. We all do. I am a human being and a professional. I treat the pt with respect and I expect it in return.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Guys, the back and forth......tit for not going to keep this thread viable.

Nurses come together to vent about certain aspects of their patient care. Some of the patients with which we come in contact have little to zero resemblance to our family and friends who may have the same dx.

Therefore, nurses come to to vent, receive support; support that can be taken back to their real lives as nurses thus enabling/empowering them to handle some extra added stress and in turn, provide even better patient care.

So, please, let's not make comments personal, inflammatory, attacking so we can de-stress and use the comments/advice here to take back with us as we advocate for our patients.


Specializes in Telemetry.

SirI beat me to the punch. This discussion board has gone from a debate to a blog-like war. Let's be nice!

My grandmother truly valued and lived by the statement "kill them with kindness". If they're rude, mean, etc (and I'm talking about the addicts or world's least tolerable patient) let's not 'give it right back to them' but rather "kill them with kindness". Let's face it! If you let your emotions get the best of you, the patient knows they got to you. You kill them with kindness, and you're going above and beyond those that mistreated you.

Obviously some of the words we use are going to offend some and not others. Let us learn from this discussion board and move on. To add to what SirI stated, this website is not only for support but a place for us to learn to be better nurses and patient advocates. It's tough, but that's what we live for!

As Florence Nightingale said, "You ask me why I do not write something.... I think one's feelings waste themselves in words. They ought all to be distilled into actions and into actions which bring results. "

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