2022 Elections


“Today we really proved that socialism wins,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez-endorsed Kirsten Gonzalez crowed after winning an open race to represent a district covering parts of Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan."


Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.



Republican candidates who have baselessly denied the validity of the 2020 election won their primaries in two swing states, increasing the number of states where they are a step away from power. 

The results mean that the candidates are poised to take control of elections in their states, including future presidential elections, if they win in November's midterms.

Election-denying candidates won in Arizona and Michigan on Tuesday, adding the prior wins in Pennsylvania and Nevada. 

I might be worried about socialism if the GOP wasn't pushing us toward fascism. 

Specializes in Med-Surg.

"It feels to me to be more like a shallow red puddle that we're walking through, rather than a tsunami of sorts," says Republican strategist John Thomas.

The key to the change in expectations is a shift in the issues motivating the electorate. Earlier this year, the debate between the parties centered on inflation, the economy, crime, immigration and President Joe Biden's stalled legislative agenda in Congress -- all issues that motivated the Republican base and alienated many swing voters from Democrats. But a series of dramatic events over the past few months have elevated an entirely different set of issues: gun violence, threats to democracy, climate change and, above all, abortion rights.


So best to bring out the big guns of fear of socialism and the border which is the lead story "exclusive" on Fox News.



1 hour ago, Tweety said:

Are those issues we shouldn't pay attention to?

Here is some quotes from the candidate mentioned in your article above:

"I know we’re saving the speeches for a little later, but today we really proved that socialism wins!" Gonzalez said as her supporters cheered.

"We are not going anywhere, and we will not stop until we see a socialist slate across this city!" she continued."

More about her and some other socialist candidates: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/aoc-backed-new-york-democrat-celebrates-primary-victory-declaring-socialism-wins

We even have a seld-described communist on the Denver city council.

On immigration, the WH is either lying to us,, or totally clueless:

"White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insisted on Monday that migrants are not just “walking” across the border — an event captured near daily by press photographers."



Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
26 minutes ago, Beerman said:

Are those issues we shouldn't pay attention to?

Here is some quotes from the candidate mentioned in your article above:

"I know we’re saving the speeches for a little later, but today we really proved that socialism wins!" Gonzalez said as her supporters cheered.

"We are not going anywhere, and we will not stop until we see a socialist slate across this city!" she continued."

More about her and some other socialist candidates: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/aoc-backed-new-york-democrat-celebrates-primary-victory-declaring-socialism-wins

We even have a seld-described communist on the Denver city council.

On immigration, the WH is either lying to us,, or totally clueless:

"White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insisted on Monday that migrants are not just “walking” across the border — an event captured near daily by press photographers."



I think that it's interesting that recently conservatives were very upset that Biden referenced fascism when speaking about Trump's party.  They felt that reference and word usage was too extreme and that he should walk it back.  

What an interesting contrast. 

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Election-denying candidates won in Arizona and Michigan on Tuesday, adding the prior wins in Pennsylvania and Nevada. 

Honestly, this bothers me more than a Democratic Socialist in New York of the AOC variety saying "socialism wins".   I do wish she hadn't said that because it's a dirty word to Republicans and will be used against her in fear mongering.  But it is what it is.  

But to have candidates win elections on the narrative that Democracy in America is corrupt and Biden the illegitimate President is very disturbing to me.  Baffling actually.  


Specializes in Med-Surg.
8 hours ago, Beerman said:

Are those issues we shouldn't pay attention to?

The border yes, that is an issue we should pay attention to.

A Democrat Socialist in an election in New York winning a surprise election, perhaps is newsworthy, and I appreciate you posting it, but not a huge issue of national concern.

Specializes in Public Health, TB.

Sarah Palin defeated in special election in Alaska



CNN — 

Democrat Mary Peltola won the special election to fill Alaska’s House seat for the remainder of 2022, according to unofficial results released by the Alaska Division of Elections, thwarting former Gov. Sarah Palin’s bid at a political comeback – at least for a few months.


Specializes in Med-Surg.
23 hours ago, nursej22 said:

Sarah Palin defeated in special election in Alaska

This made my day even if it's to fill a temporary spot.  I really don't like her for many reasons. 

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Philadelphia Inquirer Opinion 10/2/2022

Racist ‘Willie Horton’-style fearmongering on crime may win midterms for GOP


Turn on your TV set — especially here in my home state of Pennsylvania, where a once seemingly dead-in-the-water Mehmet Oz has revitalized his Republican Senate campaign against Democrat John Fetterman — and suddenly the 2022 midterms are all crime, all the time.

Senator race has tightened in PA with Dr Oz running ad like this... my son is FED UP with political ads interrupting his  you tube followed posters.  Just like Fox is leading with crime and immigration.

I have a secret for Dr Oz and Governor Candidate Mastriano:  there is NO yard signs for you in heavy Republican areas of Delaware County, unlike every previous election --not even along heavily traveled county roads and entrance to interstate.   Understand their funding is low, but not having support of local Republican party is telling, ?? due to poor candidate quality not supporting them nor advertising to attract attention of increased number of unaffiliated voters.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Five Thirty Eight Election Forecast 2022  10/5/22

Senate: Democrats slightly favored to win Senate  ( including my PA)

House: Republicans slightly favored to win House

Governorship map viewable.  

Georgia race tightening after latest Herschell Walker relevation that mother of one of his children is person who had abortion.....

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.
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