Duke University's online FNP program, Fall 2014

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello fellow nurses!

I was wondering if anyone applied for Duke University's online FNP program, Fall 2014. For those that are currently attending, how long did it take to hear back from admissions?

Also, would you mind sharing info on the program? For example, numbers of hours put in weekly for part-time attendance. I realize this may vary on the particular student, but an idea will be helpful.

Thank you kindly!


p.s. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Sorry Silva, nothing new. But I forgot to share this response from an admissions officer after asking about the change on the SISS:

"Since the deadline has passed for accepted students to respond to their offers, the system has probably cleared the decision links. At this point, the program faculty will begin determining whether or not there is a need to pull students from the wait list. I unfortunately, cannot give details about the process as it is confidential. However, students can potentially be pulled from the wait list up until mid-July. If you happen to be pulled, you be notified."

That's quite a while from now. I assume you'd already be committed to Rush by then?

I wouldn't be too upset if I were you. Rush is an absolutely amazing school and I've heard more good things about it than I have about Duke (I haven't heard much of anything about Duke, really). It's also very prestigious for healthcare professions - I had a friend turn down Yale School of Medicine for Rush's medical school.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

Rush is an excellent program. They also have an excellent DNP program.

Specializes in Critical Care.

just wondering are you going to Duke NP program 2014? and living in Oregon? saw some of your post, my name is also Julie :) I will be attending 2014 Fall, Adult Primary Care Program.


I am still attending and living in Oregon. Yay, we will certainly meet!!!!


Specializes in Skilled Nursing, Medical-Surgical Tele.

Did not even see your updates future and esme, sorry for the late response but thank you for your vote of confidence with Rush. Yes, at this point I have committed with Rush U for their FNP, BSN-to-DNP program, Fall 2014. Small part of me is still sad about Duke because I was looking forward to attending for my terminal nursing degrees since I finished my BSN in May 2013; it's all I could really think about during the summer and fall and it was such a dream. But, I am blessed and thankful to be able to go to Rush U. I grew up in Chicago and went to high school three blocks away. First hospital I volunteered for, so I am really excited.

Best of luck to all of you and it was fun going through the process despite the outcome. The journey was memorable and I am thankful for all of it.



You'll do great, Tom, and stay in contact! It may not be the same school but we are still going through at the same time. I wish you the best at Rush

Contacted the Admissions Office yesterday and she said that today the admissions committee will begin to meet to review wait-listed applications. She couldn't say when people would be notified that are accepted off the wait-list.

You have seriously made my day!!!!!

I wish they'd say if they were going to pull any from the list... I can't get straight answers

Question for you laflaca...

I was recently accepted into Dukes ABSN program for fall 2014, but my ultimate goal is to get my FNP. With that program being so costly and all, is it worth it to bite the bullet and pay it? Also, are you aware of the chances of new DUSON grads getting accepted into their early decision FNP??

Thank you!

Any waitlisters been pulled yet?

Hey sarly...

I can tell you that, to my knowledge, three people from my ABSN cohort (just graduated Dec 2013) applied for the early decision FNP track (two of us as MSN, one as BSN-DNP) and all three of us got in. I can also tell you that a lot of people come in with a plan to go straight through to an NP program, but change their mind after the BSN - partly because you get a job and realize how little you know, even if you were a straight-A student. I think it's most common to work for 1-5 years and then start grad school part time.

I myself have some ambivalent feelings about how to proceed. It sure would help if they'd make the new curriculum official, so that my adviser can help me and I can actually make a plan for the next six months.....grrrrrrr. But that's another issue :)

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