Drug urine test after 12 hour shift

Nurses Recovery


After the completion of my shift I was escorted by the house supervisor to another floor where a woman, hospital security, and house soup for the next shift waiting for me. I was told on the way there that several reports was made about me "acting more nervous than normal" and "uncontrolled twitching", so I was asked to give a urine sample. The testing company lady asked what medications I took and wrote those on her paper, added a substance to the toilet water and accompanied me in the bathroom for me to give my specimen. I was contacted by my superior stating I was suspended until the results came back. I called HR the 2nd full day after and inquired about the tests and was informed there was not anything under my name at that time. I emailed my superior again and was told HR would be the ones contacting me when the test came back. I also emailed HR just trying to find out what the time frame was for this, and if I needed to be doing something in the meantime, I was finally told by HR the test results can take anywhere from 3-5 days. I was called at almost 5 one afternoon with a message left to call back and nothing else. The next day I received an email and phone call that they wanted to meet with me. I was escorted to another office where my superior and another in a management position told me my test results came back positive. I was told my test showed methadone and benzo. I asked if the test could be reran, take another test, hair follicle test and/or polygraph and was told no. I was given information on TPAPN, a copy of the signed termination papers, and handed over my badge. I told them that I have never taken any of those drugs and told that "that's not what the test shows." I was informed I would be reported to the board and my best bet was to self enroll in TPAP. They stated they was going through my charting as well and my medication charting was "sloppy", which I'm not quiet sure how to take. I have since emailed and requested a copy of the reported drug test results and have not heard anything back yet. The MRO never contacted me during this process (after much googling I'm not 100% on the process) I take benadryl, nexium, sleep aid, tylenol, ibuprofen, and or tylenol. I'm not sure on my course of action at this point. On the way home I bought an at home test from CVS and took that test in front of my husband (I know this will not help my case at all at this point but I needed to know) that test was negative. I plan on getting my own hair follicle test on Tuesday at a DOT facility, I'm sending another email for a request in writing for another test to be ran on my sample I gave. I did sign the hospital consent and the paper from the testing company although I did not initial or sign anything after the sticker was placed on top of the specimen cup. I'm so furious at the whole process of this and feel like a dog chasing it's tail because I don't know what else to do. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm going through this tunnel just trying to locate the light at the end.

Specializes in Unit Nurse.

I have failed 2 rapid drug tests in my life. One came back positive for speed and they called me in to ask if I was taking anything OTC that I didn't list. I told them I had been taking No-Doz and it turned out the No-Doz's caused it. The other time I came back positive for marijuana and my employer said with the specific test kits they used, protonix would often cause that. Both times they were sent off for further analysis at a testing center and ultimately came back clean. While it was very nerve wracking for me during those times, I can't phantom the misery you're going through. I was not placed on suspension or anything, while we waited on the send off results. I would do as others say and get a lawyer in your case, to protect you legally.

Specializes in ICU.

Have you never submitted to a drug screen before? The toilet water is always blue.

There was obviously a reason they were suspicious. You submitted and it was positive. There are always three sides to a story. I guess I'm the only one not buying yours.

If you are truly innocent then you should know to immediately get a lawyer, not come on a website. Do you have ?

We cannot offer legal advice. That is what you are in need of. I would not have called the BON or your state monitoring program. Now, you are on the radar. Good luck and hire an attorney.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
Have you never submitted to a drug screen before? The toilet water is always blue.

There was obviously a reason they were suspicious. You submitted and it was positive. There are always three sides to a story. I guess I'm the only one not buying yours.

If you are truly innocent then you should know to immediately get a lawyer, not come on a website. Do you have malpractice insurance?

We cannot offer legal advice. That is what you are in need of. I would not have called the BON or your state monitoring program. Now, you are on the radar. Good luck and hire an attorney.

I would've come on here if this happened to me. I would be freaked out to an untagilable level & would look to other nurses for advice/consolation since they would be the only ones who understand.

I don't know if you know but there are drugs out there that create a false positive, it doesn't mean that one is a drug user.

I remember when I was pregnant & my OB/GYN prescribed me a certain medication. I was applying for a new job & I had to take a drug test, it popped positive. I obviously hadn't done any drugs but I knew it was the medication my OB/GYN prescribed.

I don't see what's so odd about her story, she's just scared crapless & I don't blame her.

Specializes in HIV.

This is somewhat suspicious, on both the poster's part and the employer. While it IS entirely possible for the employer to be willing to throw someone under the bus like that, some people who do drugs will never admit it and will act entirely shocked when found out. I don't know.

If you are not on the drugs, I hope everything works out for you. Definitely get a lawyer and do all you can to prove yourself negative (assuming you actually haven't done the drugs).

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
This is somewhat suspicious, on both the poster's part and the employer. While it IS entirely possible for the employer to be willing to throw someone under the bus like that, some people who do drugs will never admit it and will act entirely shocked when found out. I don't know.

If you are not on the drugs, I hope everything works out for you. Definitely get a lawyer and do all you can to prove yourself negative (assuming you actually haven't done the drugs).

I had a weekend RN hate me so much she did her best to conspire with the DON to get me fired from a nursing home I worked at. So honestly, this wouldn't surprise me. As sick as that is.

Specializes in ER, ICU/CCU, Open Heart OR Recovery, Etc.

Get a lawyer and a hair follicle test. I'm so sorry this happened to you.

Specializes in ICU, LTACH, Internal Medicine.
Get a lawyer and a hair follicle test. I'm so sorry this happened to you.

... and, providing you are innocent, do not forget to sue personally every single person who participated in that disgusting show.

Specializes in Urgent Care, Oncology.

Occ Health here.

Bluing tablets are added to prevent the client from scooping water out of the toilet and passing it as their specimen. It in no way alters the test.

If your specimen was sent off you should have been asked to initial the specimen. Someone then should have read a statement stating that the specimen was sealed in your presence and that the seals were signed. Really important - did you sign this statement? You should have been given a copy of it at that time for your record. One goes with the specimen, one goes to the MRO, one goes to the company, one the Occ Med tester (your hospital) is required to keep on site for AT LEAST a year (this may vary per state but here it is one year), and one that should have been given to you. They should never ask what medications you are taking - that's NONE of their business. It's only the MRO who should request your meds when your specimen is sent off. If they collected a split (most specimens sent off are a split) they tested the first bottle and it came back positive. The second bottle was then given to a different tester to be confirmed positive or negative. This is to ensure accuracy.

Something is either up with your story of with theirs - I don't know. Specimens just don't come up positive. I have yet to see a positive specimen of a person who wasn't knowingly guilty.

Specializes in Surgical, Home Infusions, HVU, PCU, Neuro.

About the toilet water, I knew it had something to do with making sure the specimen wasn't altered, I have had a couple drug testing sites do this but not all. The lady from the "collections company" ( I do not remember her name or company affiliation) asked about the medications I take and wrote them on a form, I found out after all of this that she had no right to ask that information. She also went with me into the restroom and watched me give my sample. I signed a paper from our hospital and the paper the lady wrote my medications on, she asked me to sign verifying my med list. The sample itself she taped off on top of the lid, I never signed, dated, timed ect that before or after she placed on the container. I was not given any paperwork from either the hospital nor the collection lady. I have not knowingly or voluntarily taken any medications other that the ones Ive already listed.

To the few that stated this sounds suspicious, fishy, 3 sides to every story, and not believing me: I completely understand. If I was reading this nightmare from someone else I would probably be saying the exact same thing. Unfortunately the only side I have on this is mine, and will probably never hear the other 2. As for me bringing this here... the off chance someone may have had something similiar happen or has heard of anything, ideas, new avenues to look while Im exhausting my brain waiting for Tuesday when I can hopefully meet with legal counsel, fresh eyes and ears if nothing else letting me vent about this bull. Now on here if someone has the off chance that some of these events happens to them they are able to not sit and think of hindsight 20/20.

I was nieve going through this, I dont take pills or do drugs so at the time of giving my urine sample I wasn't worried at all about it. Honestly, if someone is being looked at for suspicion of being on anything 1. why on earth would that person be allowed to complete their scheduled 12 hour shift, taking care of 5 patients? Not once during my shift did anyone say anything to me about "acting nervous" ect, there was not any supervisor that was called and came to the hospital. It wasn't until right before shift change that the house soup came and said anything to me. I came here because I still have a multitude of questions and no answers, not only did I get terminated, I also have a threat to my liscense that I busted my a** to get. Im in an at will state, they could have fired me for my hair not parting the way they like, instead of running my name through this crap, and now the possibility of who knows what if I am unable to clear my name and prove this allegations to be false.

Thank you to each of you that has commented and taken the time with this

I think it is easy to underestimate how dirty people can be. My one scrape with the BON was from a DON that was livid I resigned. She reported me for some made up crap on my LAST DAY of employment. It happens.

Specializes in LTC.

Just another point to ponder: years ago I failed not one, not two, but three pre employment drug screens. Each time I failed the on site and when the sample was sent out I failed still but for some different reason requiring a retest. Each time I talked with the testing agency and begged to repeat, stating is never failed a test before. Finally, after the third test going out, they realized it was a combination of medications I was on, the fact that my A1C was crazy high at the time, and that I have mildly impaired liver function from an illness. This was more than 10 years ago, so I don't remember the substances I supposedly kept failing for, but sometimes, I know because it's happened to me, you fail for medical reasons you may not even be aware of.

Some people can just play dirty. Do you have a union, OP? If you do, I would put them in the loop. Along with your and an attorney.

I am thinking perhaps that your employers were hoping that you would just decline and quit on the spot--as then they could "get" you for abandonment.

Not at all relevant at this point in time, but a good piece of advice that I carry with me to this day--Do not EVER agree to any sort of "testing" that directly affects your livelihood or sign any document without obtaining legal advice.

"I would like in writing from you why it is you are accusing me of taking drugs." "I respectfully decline to go further with this until I consult my union/malpractice insurance/attorney."

If at that point they ask you to leave the premises, and they are severing your employment, again, I would ask for it in writing, or pull out your own pad of paper and write everything down. "So I just want to be clear, you are accusing me of taking drugs, you are requiring me to take a drug test right now, and by declining you are severing my employment with you?"

Then call someone immediately. By a 3-5 day wait, they are able to change whatever documentation they would like to, etc etc.

If this is all false accusations, I would also go onto the parent website of the facility and report a compliance/ethics breach. Even if you were as guilty as sin, the way the whole thing was done and handled is inappropriate.

Best wishes and keep us posted.

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