Published Oct 28, 2005
522 Posts
My 17 year old son had 3 wisdom teeth extracted today under general anesthesia. His prior history is only significant for an emergency lap appy and he got IVP Dilauded every 4 by a nurse buddy who happened to be on duty for him (Thank you Jennifer from Hoag!) however today he came home with a scrip for DarvoN100 and I am bumping that up with advil OTC.
He continues to complain of unrelenting pain and I am wondering if I should contact the oral surgeon tomorrow for something stronger? I hate to hear him complain of pain but welcome your advice...... Is he playing me?
Just a note..his vs are BP 130/70, 88, 18 and he reports a 7/10 on pain. He does not smoke or drink and is pretty athletic. Should I contact the oral surgeon tomorrow or just ride this out. I feel awful. The teeth where impacted and they had to chip them ou of the bone. Also, they gave him decadron thru the IV and want him to continue with a medrol pack but I am hesitant to continue him on steroids and he has very little swelling. He has a good appetite and is totally with it and aware, just c/o lot's of pain and states the Darvo N 100 isn't doing much for him. Any advice....
288 Posts
It sounds like he had a lot of manipulation in is mouth.
Darvocett works well for some but not others.
If he were my son I would call the surgeon tomorrow. Discuss the prednisone as well.
Sure hope he feels better!
Nurse Ratched, RN
2,149 Posts
The oral surgeon should actually have someone on call after hours. Have you tried to call the office to see if there is an answering service tonight?
10 Articles; 19,010 Posts
20yo had 4 wisdom teeth removed under office general anesthesia also given decadron x 4 days---extremely helpful in decreasing swelling along with Ice pack to area. Had RX for percocet which helped along with IB.
How much IB was he given? Give max dose for wt. Call to answering service is in order here for advice. First 24-48 roughest.
955 Posts
He might very possibly have "dry sockets" where the clot has not formed or been washed out of the socket leaving painful nerves exposed. When I had my wisdom teeth out 3 years ago, I had dry sockets and had to go in every day to have them packed with this awful tasting packing *ick* but they were horribly painful until having them packed.
madwife2002, BSN, RN
26 Articles; 4,777 Posts
He might very possibly have "dry sockets" where the clot has not formed or been washed out of the socket leaving painful nerves exposed. When I had my wisdom teeth out 3 years ago, I had dry sockets and had to go in every day to have them packed with this awful tasting packing *ick* but they were horribly painful until having them packed.Lori
As I was reading this thread the same thought occurred to me re ? 'dry socket" I had a tooth removed last year and I got a dry socket never in my life did I feel such horrible pain but once packing had been put in the pain subsided. The stuff tast awful but well worth it.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,703 Posts
DN100 is not a strong pain killer. I would call the oral surgeon and believe your kid for now.
How is his pain response to this similar to other times. In the past has he been stoic, or has he been whimpy?
Good luck.
Gompers, BSN, RN
2,691 Posts
He may very well have dry sockets...supposed to be horrible!
Give the steroids if they were ordered! The swelling wasn't bad the first day after I had my four wisdom teeth out - it was 24-48 hours later that the swelling reached it's peak! I wasn't ordered ANY steroids, so I had to deal with the swelling. I ended up with ice packs pressed to each cheek, held in place with an ace bandage that wrapped around my head - it was that bad.
I was given Vicoden and I took it every six hours ATC the first day and a half. After that, OTC pain meds ever six hours worked fine.
Hope he feels better today!
UM Review RN, ASN, RN
1 Article; 5,163 Posts
The stuff tast awful but well worth it.
I believe that the foul-tasting stuff is from the packing being impregnated with oil of cloves.
I think. Pretty penetrating stuff, as I recall.
I believe that the foul-tasting stuff is from the packing being impregnated with oil of cloves.I think. Pretty penetrating stuff, as I recall.
Yes think you are right smelt like s*** too lol
canoehead, BSN, RN
6,901 Posts
If it was my mouth I'd want more than Darvocet.