Does anyone have homework already???

Nursing Students General Students


I don't have orientation until the 11th of August but I was told by a student ahead of me to start reading because we will be given a lot of reading assignments at orientation and will have a test on the material the first week of school. I immediately pulled out my Fundamentals book and started reading so I could have a head start. Is this normal? Does anyone else have homework already as well???

Specializes in LTC, Hospice.

Yep. My classes start Aug 16, but I received reading assignments in two of my classes back in June that are to be done before classes start.

Yep...before school was out for the summer my teacher for the fall e-mailed us to tell us what book we needed, gave us 2 chapters to read, and a list of maternity meds to get familiar with. She also informed us there will be a quiz on the first day of class!!

Whew! I dont have any so far, but that may or may not change. Our school didnt even release our book list yet, so I doubt we'll be getting any early homework.

Hopefully we dont though, because Im already loaded with enough from the summer classes Im currently taking

Specializes in student; help!.
Yep. My classes start Aug 16, but I received reading assignments in two of my classes back in June that are to be done before classes start.

Me, too. Assessment stuff, though, nothing huge. But you better believe I've already read it. :lol2:

Specializes in None.

I just ordered my books tonight. As soon as they come in, I'm going to start reading!

Yep, we need to learn skills on our own (reading, videos, quizzes online) and be prepared to perform them in lab Aug. 23 - Sept. 3. We received an email that said not to expect demonstrations, as we should already know the skills. Seriously?:eek:

Specializes in LDRP.

We have been assigned 15 chapters to read from 5 different textbooks by the time our program starts on August 23. But I'm so excited to start that I don't even mind! :D

Welcome to Nursing School, right?

My classes don't start until after Labor Day and I have a 10 page autobiography due within the first week, and it is expected that I will have read the assigned 12 chapters for the first day of class which will start from 8a to 4p. :rolleyes: Only 8 more months until graduation...Thank goodness! We'll get through it!

So far no homework and doubt that we will have any reading assignments before class (we start on the 16th registration is on the 12th-but who knows). But I am curious what type of programs you guys are in? maybe there's a correlation between program length and early assignments lol. I'm about to start a 5 semester ADN program.

So far no homework and doubt that we will have any reading assignments before class (we start on the 16th registration is on the 12th-but who knows). But I am curious what type of programs you guys are in? maybe there's a correlation between program length and early assignments lol.

I'm in a BSN program.

Specializes in none.

I have to read 6 chapters for the first lecture and more for the labs and clinicals and I start September 1st!

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