Hi people, am I the only nurse that disagrees with " If you didn't chart it, it didn't happen?" Because from what I have witnessed on floors, is that if you are busy DOING things for your pt's, the truth is you DON'T always have time to chart it. I have seen nurses sitting at stations all evening charting they are doing things, however, their patients have not even seen their nurse! CUZ she is to busy charting she is doing things, that she obviously is not attending to. ISN"T that falsification? Lying, dishonest? What lawyer made that up? And what foolish nurses agreed that this is a correct way to document?
When nurses are TOO SCARED to forget documentation, resulting in ignoring their patients, things need to change! I have seen urinals full, ( nurse is at her computer charting) pt's lying in waste waiting to be cleaned ( nurse still at computer charting?) Pt's bell not being answered ( nurse busy charting). When will this change so nurses can be free to TAKE CARE and pay attention to the patients??? My nn is a joke as i always chart at the end of a shift, and I DO EVERYTHING I can , while that pt is in my care, to make their stay as comfprtable as it can be. Someone needs to realize this and change it. I will start! With computers the problem is even worse because it takes SO long to log in, you hate to log off and on. resulting in staying at the computer to finish.
Several nights there were actually 3 nurses at the desk ALL evening charting!! We had 5 on the Cardiac ( mind you) floor. Their pt's did not even know who their nurse was!!! They said t me, "gee I thought you were my nurse". When I was actually their LUCKY roommates nurse. So I did things for their pt's , because I felt so bad for them that they had no nurse to tend to them. But you bet your life they were DOCUMENTING all this work they were doing. What a sin, are we not better than that?