Doctor/Nurse relationships


Specializes in cardiac/education.

I am very dissapointed by how nurses are treated by doctors. I recently started a new job where I get a first hand look at this (I am only a student) and it is very depressing. They are talked down to and just seem like glorified order takers. I am suprised the doctors don't expect them to go pick up their take out lunch for pete's sake.:deadhorse

Are there nice docs out there or am I just seeing the cranky, power trippy ones?? YIKES!!!:stone

There are a lot of nice docs out there. I work with plenty:)

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Most of the docs I work with come in, see their patients, spend time with the chart and go away. They aren't arrogant or mean in anyway. I just wish they would ask me about their patient, rather than just read the chart.

I am very dissapointed by how nurses are treated by doctors. I recently started a new job where I get a first hand look at this (I am only a student) and it is very depressing. They are talked down to and just seem like glorified order takers. I am suprised the doctors don't expect them to go pick up their take out lunch for pete's sake.:deadhorse

Are there nice docs out there or am I just seeing the cranky, power trippy ones?? YIKES!!!:stone

At my place of employment, it's about 50/50: jerks and so-so MD's. There is one who is very courteous. He is always polite to the nurses, patients, and their families. Very nice guy.

There are always going to be good docs and bad docs. That said, most respond best to nurses who are to the point, concise with their assessments and yes some actually take advise from a nurse. The mistake many nurses make, IMHO, is when giving a report to a doc either in person or on the phone, they do not have the information handy to reliably report a condition, or they ramble so much that the whole issue is confusing. Some docs, once you get to know their style, are really pretty cool people, not just docs.

Specializes in ICUs, Tele, etc..
I am very dissapointed by how nurses are treated by doctors. I recently started a new job where I get a first hand look at this (I am only a student) and it is very depressing. They are talked down to and just seem like glorified order takers. I am suprised the doctors don't expect them to go pick up their take out lunch for pete's sake.:deadhorse

Are there nice docs out there or am I just seeing the cranky, power trippy ones?? YIKES!!!:stone

Not everyone's like that, only a few...But there are a lot more bit**ier nurse that any given nurse will encounter than a doc.

Not everyone's like that, only a few...But there are a lot more bit**ier nurse that any given nurse will encounter than a doc.

Oh I SO AGREE with that!!!:D

Where I worked it was "departemental". :uhoh3: The cardiologists were jerks, as were the infectous disease and most of the surgeons.

I worked in ER and the ER docs were fabulous!!!!!!:)

Specializes in ICU, telemetry, LTAC.

Relationships are a two way street.

I have the relationship that I want to have with any particular person based on the way I carry myself, speak to that person, etc. They can have whatever relationship they want to with me. In other words, I can be professional even if the other person is not.

I work with some wonderful docs, both my emergency med docs and the local private docs.

Specializes in OB, M/S, HH, Medical Imaging RN.

We have 150+ doctors on staff. I can only think of 10-15 that are a**holes. Only a handful talk down to nurses. Most of the 10-15 are just plain arrogant. Our infectious disease doctors and surgeon minus one are awesomely nice. Our hospitalists always ask our opinions. 95% of our doctors come to us rather than first reading the chart.

We have one Doc that writes Please after all of his orders. When it was commented on he said, would you prefer if I write do it now bi**h lol. Most of the docs I work with are wonderful. But everyone can have a bad day nurses included.

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