Do You Use A Jackhammer?


:sour: There are some pills that you just cannot open!

Does anyone remember and miss the days when every single pill did not come in its own individual little package?

And there was no need to struggle with wrappers because there weren't any!!

I fought with one today for a full minute before it gave way.

Not to mention there was a whole lot less trash when we did not have to unwrap, break through, dynamite every pill out of its own wrapper.

I am going to let the manufacturers of the ones I find the worst know how they could make nurses' lives a whole lot easier.

Yes, I do have scissors and a pen. Maybe switch to karate chops?

I kept a long thumbnail to pierce that packaging. After all, we are in a hurry.

Manufacturers do not give a rat's patooty. They are at the mercy of big pharma .. like us all.

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

As my late father-in-law used to say, "Don't force it honey, get a bigger hammer!"

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.
As my late father-in-law used to say, "Don't force it honey, get a bigger hammer!"

I use an exceptionally fine-point pen (seriously, they don't sell them in stores, I have to order them online) for charting. The point is so sharp it's also good for opening even the toughest med wrappers. And given how bad it hurts when I accidentally stab my finger with it, it'd probably be good for self-defense too.

I'll be following this thread for an update on how the karate chops work.

I use an exceptionally fine-point pen (seriously, they don't sell them in stores, I have to order them online) for charting. The point is so sharp it's also good for opening even the toughest med wrappers. And given how bad it hurts when I accidentally stab my finger with it, it'd probably be good for self-defense too.

Oh, God, yes, I have stabbed myself more than once. Then it really gets fun, working in pain for the rest of that shift and the next one or 2. :no:

Specializes in Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,.

And why do some pills come in an easy to tear package while others are sealed in completely, requiring my bandage scissors to open?!

What would JHACO say?

Whoops, I think I know. Don't answer this!

Specializes in Outpatient Psychiatry.

For at least 12 years I have carried a Kershaw Leek everywhere I go (except flights you jerk TSA goons). Prior to this it was a different knife.

I used it to open blister packs every RN shift. Using my fingers made the sore, and I felt I had developed neuropathy.

I use the corners of one package to open the other ones.

I have no major problems that have the little tab that you pull back to open (but half the time it just tears), but one of the worst is baby aspirin in the individual packs. I just use the corner of one to poke the others open, then one of the others to do that one and push them into the cup.

For at least 12 years I have carried a Kershaw Leek everywhere I go (except flights you jerk TSA goons). Prior to this it was a different knife.

I used it to open blister packs every RN shift. Using my fingers made the sore, and I felt I had developed neuropathy.

What is a Kershaw Leek?

Specializes in Post-surgical, Respiratory.

Will your facility allow you to carry a utility blade? My trusty Leatherman MUT resolves any deed I cannot complete with my own hands.

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

forget the Leatherman, trauma sheers work everytime :nailbiting:

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